Teren was just reminiscing and didn't notice Iesa's cold stare, at first. But when he did, he felt a shiver. He doesn't know exactly why, but he defended himself.

"It was a long time ago. I even forgot her name now. I don't even know what happened to her. And we didn't do anything, that's why she tied me back then. Anyway, she's just forceful and I didn't like it."

"Okay..." Iesa squinted her eyes. But the last sentences made her relieved.

Teren tried to change the conversation which alleviated Iesa's heavy mood. Soon, she was laughing and suddenly felt sleepy.

They forgot that she began cooking when it was already midnight. She was scared of looking at the wall clock but eventually, she did. She gasped and said.

"It's already three past midnight."

"Seriously?" Teren's eyes widened and looked at the wall clock too, "We should sleep now or we'll be late for tomorrow. Let me help you wash the dishes."

Iesa looked at Teren and commented.

"I don't know if you're actually diligent or acting like one."

"What do you mean?"

"You're always sleeping in class?" Iesa laughed.

"Ugh... I want to study and tried to be diligent but once I'm there, school is just too boring at first." Teren said while bringing the dishes to the sink.

"At first?" Iesa turned around and followed him with her eyes.

"Yeah, but then we became friends." Teren nonchalantly answered.

Hearing this, Iesa didn't know if she should feel joy or not. Shaking her head, she went to help him which should be the other way around.

Only when they finished washing did they stop laughing and talking. Iesa felt sleepy but looking at Teren, she thought that she's the only one.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ 'Maybe because he always sleeps in class. As for me, I need to get some more sleep. Which is impossible now... but it's not like it's bad not to sleep a whole night once, right?'

"Are you still wide awake?" Iesa suddenly asked which Teren answered.

"Yeah, why?"

"Umm, since this is the first time you're going to sleep over, we shouldn't waste it, right? Want to watch a movie?" she suggested with enthusiasm.

How could Teren say no?

Thus, two hours later, Iesa sat up from leaning onto Teren too much, with a pillow in between of course, then stretched. She yawned as well, her eyelids were drooping, it was obvious she was getting drowsy.

"I think you're forcing yourself to stay awake right now. Two hours of sleep is better than nothing. I'll just wake you up so that you don't oversleep." Teren suggested.

"Hmm..." Iesa limply turned off the television and asked him, "How... about you?"

"I'm better than fine." Teren said.

Iesa smiled and nodded before dropping onto him. This time, there was no pillow. She slightly hugged him as if he's one.

Teren smiled wryly.

'I guess she's too sleepy now. Iesa, you're really testing me here.'

When he thought that she fell asleep already, she spoke.

"Teren... I can hear people's thoughts."

"Really?" Teren smiled, thinking she was just sleep talking but soon, his eyes widened, "Wait, you can hear people's thoughts?"

Iesa lightly smiled and nodded while further burying herself on his thighs.

"You're... a psychic?"

"Hmm..." Iesa nodded again. This time, she felt so relaxed that she went to sleep almost immediately after that nod.

"..." Teren only stared at her. His face darkened while his hand went to her face, combing the strands of hair away.

"So it is you."

He spoke in a very low voice. The disappointment and regret could be heard. Soon, killing intent flashed into his eyes. His hand slowly wrapped around her neck.

"So vulnerable..."

"I can finish this right now... right here..."

He whispered as he stayed in that position for a while. Minutes passed by before he removed his hand.

A mysterious smile was placed on his face.

"Hah... what am I saying? I can't even move since I'm afraid that I will wake her up."

A lifeless expression replaced his mysterious smile as he leaned back and looked at the ceiling.

"Why is it got to be her? Did they plan this? If it is, what a great plan, fuck." he massaged his face in frustration.

"No, keep calm, Teren. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just snap her neck and just feel sad about it later. You're a psychopath, right? You don't have any emotions. You even made an effort to find a specific Spirit especially to resist psychic abilities."


He went forth with killing intent then leaned back, looking at the ceiling again. This happened a few more times before he finally decided, his hand reached for her again.

Teren tapped her cheek.

"Hey, wake up. We only have one hour to prepare for school. Hey, Iesa."

He shrugged her shoulders a little, trying to wake her up.

After a few attempts, Iesa frowned and hugged his body tighter like a child who's stubborn to wake up.

Teren felt like crying.

'I can't believe I thought of killing you last night. You're too precious...'

He eventually regretted it.

"Hey, Iesa... wake up."

After one more attempt, Iesa leaned back and narrowly opened her eyes. She looked at Teren's belly and thought why her "pillow" is hard and talking. Is it a dream? She thought.

"Finally awake."

But when Teren spoke again, she rolled her squinted eyes to him and she finally realized what she had done. This woke her up completely as she stiffly sat up.

"Um!" unable to say anything, she just ran to the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a bath!"

"Ah... okay..." Teren scratched his head.

Under the shower, Iesa gritted her teeth and waved her arms to release the painful embarrassment she was feeling.

'I was too sleepy!' after a moment of trying to calm herself, her mind began to wander, 'I wonder if he tried to do something to me?'

She touched her soft chest and buttocks. Soon, her head peeked out to see that Teren was contemplating something on the couch.

When he noticed her, she asked.

"Did you..." her head then retreated, further hiding behind the door and only showing her eyes, "tried doing something to me last night?"

She then saw Teren's guilty face.

"S-sorry..." he looked down.

'Did I leave a mark on her neck? I was sure that I didn't hurt her nor did I put a grip on it. But since she knows, maybe I did.' Teren wanted to punch his past self at that moment, 'So I did really hurt her... I should properly make up for it before I leave this place.'

"Oh... is that so..." Iesa felt her heart skipped a beat before she retreated back to the bathroom.

'He did touch me!' her lips wiggled, 'Where? How? How long?' a string of questions popped in her head. She wanted to slam the wall from frustration.

'If only I was not asleep! I don't know when an opportunity like this happens again.'

At that moment, Iesa's eyes burned in determination.

'That's a sign that he likes me too! There will definitely be next time.'

But at the next moment, she frowned.

'Next time?'

"For what?" she thought.

Iesa didn't know what she was thinking about. She finished showering and came out to see no one there. She noticed something and freaked out.

She ran to the door and closed it.

"Didn't I lock the door last night? Huh? I thought I locked it, I'm so stupid, someone could easily break in."

Iesa then ate a quick breakfast and went to school as if nothing happened.

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