Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Pei Ge, who had never held any high position, got out of the car in a daze.

Meanwhile, the man, who had addressed her as such, agilely helped her with the luggage.

"Manager Pei, your apartment is ready. I hope that it's to your liking!"

Retrieving her luggage from the car boot, the man conversed with her cordially.

The haziness in her mind cleared up a little upon hearing his remarks.

"And you are…"

She looked at the helpful man questioningly.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself." He put down the luggage and proffered his hand to her with a smile.

"Hello, Manager Pei; I'm your assistant, Wu Yongkang, but you can just call me Xiao Wu."

She returned his smile with hers and shook hands with him.

"Hello, I'm Pei Ge."

She was still discomfited with the fact that she was just someone's assistant yesterday, yet she was now someone's boss today!

It was truly frightening!

She pursed her lips, unable to get used to this, and gulped her saliva.

"T-That… Xiao Wu, can you update me on the company's situation?" she asked unconfidently.

Actually, what she wanted to know was what kind of manager she was, which department was she leading, and what duty did she have.

However, she knew that asking those questions would make her seem unreliable to him.

"He he, Manager Pei, I know that you have plenty of questions, but let's move your luggage to your room first before we discuss anything else." He indicated the luggage and smiled.

She readily nodded at his suggestion.

"Okay, lead the way."

Hence, they carried the luggage all the way to her temporary apartment.

It was worth mentioning that Ji Ziming's father was a generous person. Not only did he arrange her to be a manager, he even prepared a nice studio for her.

Hence, when she walked into the apartment the company had arranged for her, she was received a shock.

This room was simply great. The furnishings were low-key luxurious, making it seem like a rich person's place.

Although it was a studio apartment, the place was spacious with its 100-square-meter floor size. One could see that this apartment was nowhere near cheap.

Not that she had never stayed in such a nice flat before, and in fact she had been to all sorts of luxurious houses after being with Ji Ziming, but this apartment was truly different from the ones he had brought her.

This apartment was prepared by the company for her.

"Manager Pei, is this apartment to your liking?" her assistant asked, proceeding to put her things on the living room.

Without thinking, she nodded and smiled. "Yes, extremely to my liking."

"Pfft!" He could not help but laugh upon hearing her honest reply.

"Why are you laughing?" She turned to face the man questioningly when she heard him try to smother his laughter.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"No-Nothing. I just find Manager Pei different from how I imagined you would be." The laughter on his face did not lessen as he explained himself.

She became a little curious at his comment.

"Then, how did you think I would be like?"

"Er… Aren't you someone from the headquarters? I thought that you'd be very strict. Unexpectedly—"

As he said this, he recalled that, no matter how humble and without air she was, the person before him was still his superior. Hence, he quickly shut his mouth.

Still, after what he had just said, how could she not know what he meant?

"Ha ha. You didn't expect me to look average, right?" She chuckled.

"He he…" He rubbed his head and laughed dryly but did not continue this talk.

She did not mind that he had become formal again. She had just gotten here. It was normal for others to be more uptight and careful.

"Alright. Tell me about the company first." She sat down on the black leather sofa in the living room and signaled him to sit down to talk with her.

He did not reject her offer and sat on the sofa beside Pei Ge. He then started telling her about the company.

Hearing his description, she realized that Ji Ziming's dad had really sent her to this branch company to test her and not to… separate her with that annoying fellow.

The reason was simple. This branch company was in a crisis; hence, his test for her was to save this company from bankruptcy after suffering losses for years.

Having confirmed that this was indeed a test, she immediately felt depressed.

She had been a negligible assistant ever since she graduated. Although she learned many things at Chenguang, even then… she still did not have the ability to save a company that had been suffering losses for years.

In that moment, she felt that Ji Ziming's father had dug a hole for her…

"Manager Pei, it's already pretty late, so let's go for lunch first. The employees in the company specially prepared a welcome party for you!"

Spending some time updating her about the company's situation, her assistant smiled and brought up the topic of lunch.

She nodded agreeably to this.


One should not be fooled by her smile, for she was actually feeling very nervous inside.

The highest position she had only ever held since birth was the class monitor, yet suddenly she was thrust into the position of a company's general manager now…

Life was indeed full of surprises!

Forget it! Pressure and stress are motivations! No matter how hard this test is, I must still properly treat this and work hard to pass it.

In order not to leave any regrets if I fail the test, I will do my best!

Strive on, Pei Ge! Not because of that annoying fellow but because of your desire to learn and to make yourself stronger!

On this end, she started a new life here in Tianjin.

On another end, at the same time that she reached Tianjin, Ji Ziming boarded a plane back to China from New York…

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