Chapter 561: The CEO has a cold shower.

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Her refusal nearly made him vomit blood from intense anger!

Still, despite not actually puking out blood, he was not far from it.

He looked at her with a gloomy face, his dark eyes full of anger.

What did she mean that he was not the one?

Does this silly woman have someone she likes?

“Tell me who that person is, then.”

He coldly narrowed his eyes at her questioningly.

“That person just can’t be you!” she blurted out.

She felt that her response was a little childish.

Still, on second thought, she was merely speaking the truth. Since it was highly unlikely for them to end up together, if her words sounded childish, then so be it.

While her words did not reveal if she had a fondness for someone, it still caused Ji Ziming to pale from the frustration.

“Why can’t it be me?!” he demanded childishly.

She honestly did not expect him to ask her such a question. As such, for a moment, she was left searching for a way to reply.

“It just can’t be you because marriage is between two people in love,” she replied seriously after a while.

Although she was very much in love with this annoying person, marriage had to be between two people with mutual feelings of affection.

“...” His fury intensified at her serious reply.

Does this d*mn woman mean that she doesn’t like me?

Noting that his expression was changing for the worse, she quickly put on her clothes, scooped the cat into her arms, and rushed upstairs before he could give a reaction.

Peng, peng, peng!

Footsteps, which sounded loud against the floor, echoed through the living room, marking her departure from his sight.

“...” His forehead folded tightly together at her act of fleeing as if an apparition were hot on her heels.

“That d*mn woman...” Only after a long while did he blurt this out through gritted teeth.

That d*mn woman who only knew how to stoke the fire of anger in his heart but not to smother it! After arousing his desires, that d*mn woman actually ran off!

“D*mn it!” Narrowing his eyes, a well-defined palm of his balled up into a tight fist.

When he lowered his head and caught sight of the shards of the coffee mug littering the floor, an eerie sense of heaviness weighed down on his heart.

He could not let that woman off so easily!

With that thought, he stomped upstairs.

Once he arrived at the second floor, he stood outside her bedroom door, only to find it bolted shut.

Peng, peng, peng! His fist pounded on the door.

The person inside, however, did not respond to his heavy knocking.

Peng, peng, peng! He knocked again in sheer frustration.

How dared this woman disrespect him like this?!

“I-I am sleeping now; stop knocking! I won’t open the door even if you knock!”

Her voice suddenly came from inside.

His forehead moved at her clear voice. He said coldly, “Come out.”

“No! I’m sleeping! Don’t disturb me!” she adamantly refused.

“...” At her childish act of rebellion, he sneered. “Pei Ge, you are independent now, eh?! I tell you—”

Before he could finish his threat, she interrupted once more.

“I’m not going out no matter what! I’m going to sleep now! Good night!”

With that, she no longer made a sound. No matter what he said next, or regardless of the sound coming from outside her door, she never responded again.

Eventually, he could only walk away with a sunken face and return to his room next door.

He made sure to slam the door behind him.


She pursed her lips when she heard the slamming of the door.

“Pudding, drinking really can cause a destruction...” She hugged her cat as she gently stroked its fur.


It nestled comfortably in her embrace.

“You, fat cat, really have no worries. All you do is eat, drink, and act cute.” Suddenly feeling a pang of jealousy for her carefree cat, she poked its head.


The cat lifted its round head when she jabbed it and looked at her with its innocent sea-blue eyes.

“Pfft! Acting cute again!” She gently rubbed its head with a smile and sighed, not knowing what to think of again.


She was an embarrassment today!

Just thinking of her behavior in the living room earlier...

“Ahhh!” She shook her head and brushed the images aside.

Stop thinking about it! You’re forbidden from thinking about it, Pei Ge! Get rid of those thoughts, shower, and get a good night’s rest!

She inhaled sharply and placed the cat on the floorboards before she stood up and got a fresh set of clothes from the closet.

She ran the warm water in the bathtub and got ready to take a relaxing bath.

Soon, the hot water filled the tub.

After removing her clothes, she sat within the bathtub comfortably.


She breathed out and proceeded to shut her eyes once she had the water’s temperature adjusted.

While she enjoyed her warm bath in the tub on her side, a particular CEO was with a heavy heart on the other side.

Swash... shash...

A particularly pitiful CEO taking a cold shower with a dark face in a bid to calm his anger and... desire.

Swash... swash...

The icy cold water flowed down his body, causing the fire inside him to simmer down.

“D*mn Pei Ge, you just wait and see!”

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