Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 50: Longyans Choice

It didn't take long.

In the side hall where Wang Shoujie and the others were staying, Wang Zhong, who had quickly changed his clothes on the way, placed the spoils he had collected and the gold used as bait on the table, his voice slightly trembling: "Master, the mission was accomplished successfully."

Clearly, this venture was a bit too thrilling and exciting for Wang Zhong.

"Wang Zhong, you did well," Wang Shoujie praised him, then continued in a serious tone, "But you must remember to keep this matter confidential. These are the accomplices of the thieves, and we are here to avenge Ancestor Longyan." He was very satisfied with Wang Zhong's overall performance of the task. Of the two family guards who accompanied them, Wang Yong had greater talent and strength, but for a task of this difficulty, Wang Zhong was more clever and composed.

Wang Zhong had grown up hearing the legends of Ancestor Longyan and her contributions to the family, and he was deeply reverent towards the ancestor. His eyes now showed a look of hatred: "These thieves deserve to die, Master. You can rest assured that I will keep this matter a secret even if it costs me my life."

Afterwards, Wang Shoujie waved his hand and rewarded him with 20 gold coins. Wang Zhong was overjoyed, thanked him respectfully, and left.

When only Wang Shoujie and Ancestor Longyan were left, Wang Shoujie placed another batch of spoils on the table and began to examine them carefully.

Speaking of this operation, for Wang Shoujie, the overall action was a bit hasty and reckless, but even if it was reckless, it had to be done. After all, it was about venting Ancestor Longyan's anger. She had been tormented by the Yin Sha poison for a full fifty years, and who could imagine the pain she had endured?

As for capturing that "wandering cultivator" and interrogating him about the mastermind behind it, Wang Shoujie had certainly considered this. However, firstly, the difficulty and risk of such an operation were too high, and it could easily bring about the family's downfall. Secondly, even if they managed to extract the information, that "wandering cultivator" was obviously just a small fry, and the real mastermind must be a Spirit Realm expert.

Such matters, if not handled properly, could lead to the destruction of the family. It was best to avoid getting involved.

Ancestor Longyan also expressed her understanding of this. Being able to eliminate one of the enemy's claws had already relieved her anger to a great extent, and she was quite satisfied.

"These are just ordinary items, scattered gold, pearls, a Minor Nourishing Pill, and various miscellaneous things. There are no letters or identity seals," Wang Shoujie sorted through the spoils, taking out the valuable items. Apart from the miscellaneous items, the most noteworthy were an ancient-looking bound book and an object resembling a jade gourd.

The bound book had no title, but upon opening it, they found that it was a manual on how to refine the Yin Sha energy of heaven and earth, integrate it into one's body, and gradually transform the Mysterious Qi into Yin(negative) Sha(evil)-attributed Mysterious Qi.

In addition, the book also recorded a unique technique, which was how to conceal the Yin Sha aura within one's body, making oneself appear to be an ordinary martial artist.

This showed that Ancestor Longyan's sensitivity to Yin Sha energy was indeed sharp, far beyond what ordinary Spirit Realm elders could match.

Seeing this book, Wang Shoujie was momentarily stunned, and a thought arose in his heart, though it was ultimately...

"Shoujie, your expression is gloomy and hesitant. Have you discovered something?" Ancestor Longyan, after taking a moment to calm herself, opened her bright eyes and spoke.

Although she had only killed two Qi Refining Realm small fry, to prevent any accidents, she had resorted to a sneak attack and used her full strength. This was still somewhat unpleasant for her.

"Ancestor, please take a look at this book," Wang Shoujie respectfully handed the book to the ancestor.

Ancestor Longyan first calmly looked around, and then her gaze became somewhat uncertain. After a while, she closed the book, closed her eyes, and began to ponder, as this matter had a great impact on her.

Wang Shoujie did not disturb her, but stood aside patiently waiting.

After a long while, Ancestor Longyan slowly opened her eyes and said to Wang Shoujie: "Shoujie, how do you see this matter?" With her repeated performances, she valued Wang Shoujie more and more, and for such a critical matter, she also wanted to hear Wang Shoujie's opinion.

After a brief consideration, Wang Shoujie said: "Before making a decision, let's review the situation. This book is preliminarily judged to be a method used by the Yinsha Sect to refine the Yin Sha Qi and transform it into Yin Mysterious Qi, which is mostly used to cultivate the outer sect disciples, and is not the core cultivation method of the Yinsha Sect."

Ancestor Longyan nodded frequently, indicating her recognition. In fact, if it were the core cultivation method of the Yinsha Sect, it would not be so easily revealed.

After a pause, Wang Shoujie said again: "This is just a preliminary refining method. Ancestor, how confident are you about it?"

Ancestor Longyan said with certainty: "Although this Yin Sha refining method is elementary and used to cultivate the outer sect disciples, it is still the heterodox heritage of the Yinsha Sect, not a trivial matter. For ordinary cultivators, their understanding of Yin Sha power is not deep enough, and the transformation will not be too fast. But for me... I should be able to master it quickly!"

Wang Shoujie understood.

Ancestor Longyan had been tormented by the Yin Sha poison for fifty years, fighting against it day and night. Now the Yin Sha poison had permeated her five viscera and six bowels, even her entire body.

Her understanding of the Yin Sha poison surpassed not only the outer sect disciples, but even the core disciples of the Yinsha Sect.

"If Ancestor hesitates, then there must be drawbacks," Wang Shoujie thought and said, "If Ancestor transforms the Yin Sha power, it may be difficult to improve her cultivation realm."

"That's true," Ancestor Longyan said, "This secret method is not the core cultivation method of the Yinsha Sect, and it cannot support me to reach the Celestial Realm. If I can only recover to the middle Spirit Realm, it would be enough. But in that case, I would be completely betraying my sect and disappointing my teacher. And I must also hide my actions to avoid being mistaken for a Yinsha Sect spy."

These were all drawbacks, especially since Ancestor Longyan had a strong sense of belonging to the Purple Palace Academy. She joined the academy at the age of 18 and reached the middle Spirit Realm by the age of 60. Her teacher, Master Canglan, even bestowed her with the spiritual treasure [Turtle Scale Treasure Shield], which showed the Purple Palace Academy's cultivation and expectations for her.

If it weren't for the incident 50 years ago, with Ancestor Longyan's talent and abilities, she might have already become an important figure in the Purple Palace Academy.

"If that's the case, then don't cultivate this method," Wang Shoujie said after a moment of consideration. "We already have a solution. As long as Ancestor's injury can be healed, with your potential, it's not impossible to make further progress."

"No, I still want to cultivate the Yin Sha power," Ancestor Longyan hesitated for a moment, but finally made up her mind. "The previous solution was too long and consumed too many resources. If I can turn the Yin Sha power in my body into my own use, I can save a lot of resources."

Another consideration she didn't mention was that she didn't want Wang Shoujie to bear such a heavy burden, even if he could do it. It would be better to use those resources for the family.

"Ah, my teacher, Longyan is being willful again. Your grace, Longyan can only repay in her next life," Ancestor Longyan's eyes flashed with a guilt that was etched into her bones.

Wang Shoujie sighed inwardly. Based on his understanding of Ancestor Longyan, once she made up her mind, even the rebirth of Ancestor Zouxuan might not be able to persuade her.

However, from Wang Shoujie's perspective, whether it's Yin Mysterious Qi or Purple Mysterious Qi, they are both a form of power. Power itself has no good or evil, it ultimately depends on the user's mindset.

"This jade gourd bottle," Ancestor Longyan picked up the object and said after a brief inspection, "It should be a container for storing Yin Sha Qi, and it still contains some Yin Sha power, which is useful for me. Shoujie, I'll go and study the method of transforming Yin Sha and the method of hiding Yin Sha power. You go back and rest well."

With that, she left Wang Shoujie and returned to her own room.

Wang Shoujie was slightly taken aback. It turned out that his Ancestor Longyan was indeed a formidable woman. Once she made up her mind to do something, she would just go ahead without hesitation.

He silently put away the gold tickets and other spoils, and his thoughts began to wander. Although Ancestor Longyan's decision had some drawbacks, the advantages were also very obvious.

First, it could save a lot of resources. Second, her recovery would be much faster than the original plan. Once her illness was completely cured, it would likely be the end of the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan.

This was probably one of the important reasons why Ancestor Longyan made this choice - she was already eager to take revenge.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]

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