Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 47: Turning the Tables! Ancestor Longyan

"What is this 'lihui'?" Wang Shoujie put down his thoughts about maritime trade and asked curiously.

"Lihui is a type of building material processed from oyster shells, seashells, and the like through kiln firing," Chen Fanghua explained. "By mixing lihui with river sand in the right proportion, it can effectively bind bricks, tiles, and stone blocks, making the stone blocks as solid as a whole. It is often used in the walls of noble families or government offices. Since the output is not high, the price is not cheap either. Young Master Wang, it is normal for you, coming from a noble family, to be unfamiliar with this basic building material."

"I see." Wang Shoujie had a sudden realization and was delighted, "Indeed, reading thousands of books is no match for traveling thousands of miles. I have gained a lot of new knowledge."

It sounds like a variant of cement, Wang Shoujie mused. How come he hadn't thought of cement before? If he could figure out how to produce this, even if he didn't sell it externally, it would be greatly beneficial for the family's basic construction.

However, Wang Shoujie only had a vague idea of how cement was produced. But as long as he had the general direction, and was willing to invest some manpower and capital, it would only be a matter of time before he could figure it out.

Moreover, buildings with reinforced concrete structures are very sturdy, whether for constructing houses or hydraulic facilities, which would greatly enhance the overall safety of the family.

Immediately, Wang Shoujie included the cement industry in his future research and development plan.

"Young Master, the best of Hundred Island Guard is the delicacies from the sea," Chen Fanghua introduced. "Fresh seafood is very difficult to store and transport, so most of the seafood that reaches the inland is salted and dried. To enjoy the seafood, it's best to have it when it's still fresh. Today, I'll arrange for you to try some..."

"Thank you, Brother Chen, for your kind offer," Wang Shoujie declined. "But I'm a bit tired from the sea journey, and my family members are also weary. How about we have a feast after I've rested for a few days, and I'll be the host to thank you?"

He and Ancestor Longyan had come all the way to Hundred Island Guard, not just to eat some delicious seafood. Moreover, Wang Shoujie had a lot to discuss with Ancestor Longyan.

"Then it shall be as the Young Master wishes. But the Clan Leader has instructed me to treat the honored guests well, so please don't make it difficult for me. Let the Chen Clan be the host," Chen Fanghua said with a smile.

They then continued walking and chatting along the way.

In no time, they entered the Jinsha City within Hundred Island Guard. This city stood on the sea island, with the stones used being very rough and taken from the local area. Wang Shoujie paid special attention and noticed that the stones were filled with a grayish-white calcareous substance, which must be the lihui that Chen Fanghua had mentioned earlier.

Even the main city wall was built using lihui. This shows that the bonding agent made by mixing lihui and sand has very high strength. It remains to be seen whether it is more durable than cement concrete.

This is a question that Wang Shoujie will have to "research" by developing cement, and he will put it aside for now.

After entering Jinsha City, the group first stayed at a high-class "restaurant-inn." With Chen Fanghua, the "local expert," guiding them, they quickly secured a large courtyard with several rooms, which was enough for everyone to stay.

Wang Shoujie and the others first went to their respective rooms to rest and freshen up. After resting for more than half an hour, he went to visit Ancestor Longyan next door.

Standing at the door of the elder's room, he knocked and called softly, "Ancestor, it's Shoujie seeking an audience."

After a moment, Aunt Xu Zhirou opened the door and said, "Shoujie, the Ancestor asks you to come in."

"Aunt, Big Sister, you two must be tired from the journey as well. Go back and rest first. I have something to discuss with the Ancestor," Wang Shoujie said as he entered.

"Alright, Shoujie." Xu Zhirou gave a slight bow and then left, pulling the still-confused Wang Lici with her, and closed the door behind them.

After they left, Wang Shoujie stepped up to Ancestor Longyan, clasped his hands, and greeted, "Shoujie pays his respects to the Ancestor. I apologize for disturbing your meditation."

Ancestor Longyan's eyes, like two ancient wells without ripples, swept over Wang Shoujie's body, and she said calmly, "Shoujie, your demeanor is solemn, and your expression is grave. Could it be that you're here to advise me not to sell my treasured artifact?"

Wang Shoujie couldn't help but smile bitterly. Ancestor Longyan was indeed a master of seizing the initiative. However, he had already considered this in his heart and replied seriously, "Earlier, I reviewed the Hundred Island Guard's intelligence reports and discovered that Jinsha Island has a famous Black Market. I dared to guess that your purpose for coming here was to sell either the Longyan Sword or the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield."

Ancestor Longyan's eyes remained unwavering, "The Turtle Scale Treasure Shield is of no use to me."

Wang Shoujie's body trembled, and his heart was filled with bitterness. This was the worst of his many guesses. If Ancestor Longyan said the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield was useless, it meant the Longyan Sword still had value.

The treasure shield defended, and the spirit sword attacked; this was undoubtedly a shift from defense to offense.

"I dare to guess your intentions, Ancestor," Wang Shoujie said thoughtfully, "If I'm wrong, please correct me. You're planning to sell the Turtle Scale Treasure Shield to help me prepare resources for advancing to the Spirit Realm. Once I reach the Spirit Realm, you'll take action and bring back either the Zhao Clan or Liu Clan's ancestral spirit, securing our family's future."

As Wang Shoujie spoke, his voice began to tremble.

Ancestor Longyan remained silent for a moment, her ethereal eyes still unchanging. After a long pause, she slowly shook her head, "You're wrong, Shoujie."


Wang Shoujie felt a mix of emotions, relieved that Ancestor Longyan was reasonable...

But Ancestor Longyan continued calmly, "If I wait until that day, I fear I'll no longer have the strength to act."

"Ancestor..." Wang Shoujie's face changed, and he was about to speak when Ancestor Longyan stopped him, "Shoujie, I know you're concerned about me, but I'm aware of my own injuries. I can't hold on much longer..."

A flash of pain appeared on her brow, but she quickly regained her composure, her voice ethereal and distant, "I, Wang Longyan, am a person of great stature. Rather than lingering on in a state of weakness, I'd rather use my remaining strength to shine like a firework. I will take both the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan's ancestral spirits with me, so you can rest assured."

Rest assured?

I'm worried to death!

Wang Shoujie's heart was racing, and he wanted to scold her. Ancestor Longyan's plan was too crazy and had to be stopped. He took a deep breath and said, "Ancestor, even if you succeed, the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan's regular forces are stronger than ours!"

"There's Liu Clan," Ancestor Longyan replied calmly.

Liu Clan... Ah, Wang Shoujie remembered that Liu Clan's thousand gold was his fiancée. So, Ancestor Longyan had planned to visit the Liu Clan to propose a marriage alliance, which would prevent the Liu Clan from sitting idly by while the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan's remnants counterattacked.

"Very well," Wang Shoujie said solemnly, "The night of my wedding will be the best time to take action. First, the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan will never expect you to make a move on my wedding night. Second, at that time, our Wang Clan will have many guests, and the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan won't dare to counterattack."

Ancestor Longyan's frail body trembled slightly, and she slowly shook her head, "This plan is inauspicious for you and will harm your reputation. Don't mention it again."

Wang Shoujie laughed, "Ancestor, you're willing to sacrifice your life for the family. What's the big deal about me, a junior, making a small sacrifice?"

"You're still young and the future hope of our family," Ancestor Longyan said calmly. "After I die, the Longyan Sword will be passed down to you. You must send my body to the Purple Palace Academy and hand it over to my teacher, Master Binglan. Tell him that I, Wang Longyan, was reckless and unfilial, and that I hope to return to the academy after my death."

She had brought Wang Shoujie to the Hundred Island Guard, not to truly hide her plans from him, but because she needed his cooperation.

"I understand," Wang Shoujie said seriously, bowing his head.

"You won't try to dissuade me again?" Ancestor Longyan asked, slightly surprised. According to her original plan, Wang Shoujie's filial nature would surely lead him to try to persuade her, and she had prepared to use her authority as an ancestor to suppress him.

"If there are no other variables, Ancestor, your plan is the only way for our Wang Clan to quickly turn the tables," Wang Shoujie said calmly. "Your injuries have clearly reached a critical stage, and with your proud and unmatched personality, you wouldn't tolerate lying in bed, suffering, and dying. A glorious death in battle would not only resolve our family's crisis but also allow the world to remember your unparalleled beauty at its peak, making it the best choice."

"Not bad, I, Wang Longyan, detest being weak and feeble," Ancestor Longyan's calm, watery eyes flashed with a hint of fervor. "You understand, Shoujie, and that's what I'm most comforted by."

"Ancestor, my premise is that if there are no other variables, your plan is the best choice," Wang Shoujie said with a relaxed smile. "I also have a plan, and my ultimate goal is to become the pillar of our family by advancing to the Spirit Realm. You, Ancestor, should handle your own affairs and apologize to your teacher yourself, since you feel guilty towards them."

"What?" Even with Ancestor Longyan's control over her emotions, she was shocked, and her eyes revealed a disbelieving expression.

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