Protect Our Patriarch

Book 1: Chapter 103: Earn big Zhuxi Lake Spirit Beast appears

In the midst of conversation.

Surrounded by several family servants and a family general, Wang Luoqiu approached from afar, inspecting as she went.

She walked with her hands behind her back, her small body very upright. Her steps were steady and powerful, neither hurried nor slow, calm and composed.

Looking around, her expression was gentle yet serious. freё

Facing the cheers of "Miss Sixth, hello" and "Miss Sixth, auspicious" from the team leaders and foremen, she responded with a friendly nod.

She seemed to have learned from Wang Shouzhe's demeanor, no, she looked more like a high-ranking leader inspecting the grassroots.

Seeing Wang Luoqiu passing by, Ouyang Junyan was excited and nervous, he stepped forward and bowed, "Miss Sixth, hello." He was just a small character, afraid that Miss Sixth might not remember his name.

Wang Luoqiu paused slightly, when she saw it was Ouyang Junyan, she showed a slight encouraging smile, "So it's Junyan, keep up the good work."

"Yes, Miss Sixth." Ouyang Junyan felt a surge of blood rush to his head, his body trembling with strength. Not only did Miss Sixth remember him, but she also stopped to encourage him.

A soldier dies for those who appreciate him!

I, Ouyang Junyan, will definitely live up to Miss Liu's expectations.

However, Wang Luoqiu did not stay, but continued to inspect the next part of the construction site. This project was very important, she had to focus on the big picture and take into account all aspects.

Watching Wang Luoqiu's back, Ouyang Junyan bowed deeply, "Miss Sixth, take care."

It was not until she disappeared from his sight that Ouyang Junyan raised his head, his face flushed with excitement.

The other wealthy families were completely ignored by Wang Luoqiu, as if they didn't exist.

However, none of them had any complaints. Instead, they all started to discuss excitedly.

"She is Miss Sixth of the Luo generation of the Wang's Clan, indeed she has an extraordinary demeanor, like a phoenix descending, naturally noble."

"It's my honor, Zhang Tiedan, to have the privilege of meeting Miss Luoqiu."

"I heard that Miss Sixth is the Empress from heaven who has reincarnated in the Wang's Clan, I think the Wang's Clan in Ping'an Town is going to prosper."

Various discussions seemed to praise Wang Luoqiu to the heavens.

There was also a scholar from a wealthy family, shaking his head and muttering some words about having a poem as proof.

The Empress should be in heaven

Exiled to the mortal world to experience tribulations

Suddenly a great wind rises one day

And she ascends back to the palace in the sky


Wang Shouzhe on the awning boat was stunned, those people had no shame. They had only seen Wang Luoqiu in passing, and they started to spout nonsense and flatter her.

Even a scholar? He had no backbone or dignity. Did he know this was called hyping up a character?

Wang Shouzhe really wanted to grab that shameless scholar.

And then have him write a poem for him as proof.

"Hehe~ Our Luoqiu is quite popular." Wang Xiaohan nodded repeatedly, "It seems that this girl has been working hard recently, all the foremen are very impressed with her."

In fact, even Wang Shouzhe felt that although Luoqiu was a bit naive, her ability to get things done was really good.

Having these younger brothers and sisters growing up and taking on responsibilities for him was the best thing.


Surrounded by the wealthy families, Ouyang Junyan also felt like he had reached the peak of his life. However, he adhered to Miss Sixth's teachings, not arrogant or humble, and did his job well, "This phase of the project focuses on riverside view houses and irrigating upstream farmland. Take a look at the planning and effect drawings."

In fact, this marketing strategy was naturally Wang Shouzhe's plan. The source of the plan was simple, the marketing strategies for real estate on Earth were already commonplace.

Effect drawings and planning drawings are the most basic. Spend some money, hire an artist to draw, make it as good and as beautiful as possible. In this world, most artists are also scholars, so they are not expensive.

The most powerful part of Earth's real estate marketing strategy is to grasp human nature, using scarcity, reluctance to sell, and panic buying to hype up real estate. freewёbnoν

"This courtyard has a good location, very beautiful. In the large farmland, there is also a share of two hundred acres of good farmland." Zhang Tiedan's eyes lit up, "Brother Junyan, how much for this house and farmland?"

"Not for sale." Ouyang Junyan said, "The first five sets are reserved by the head of the Wang's Clan for his own family, you can look at the second row. Although the location is not as good as the first row, in the future you will be neighbors with the Wang's Clan."

"This set is a bit small, and it only comes with eighty acres of good farmland." Zhang Tiedan hesitated.

"What kind of place is our Zhuwei Mansion? There is only one in the whole Ping'an Town, every inch of land is worth its weight in gold." Ouyang Junyan looked at a piece of land that had just been filled, his face full of pride, "In the future, Zhuwei Phase One will be the place for the top elites and wealthy families in Ping'an. I heard that even wealthy businessmen from Changning Guard will come to buy. It will definitely appreciate in the future."

"Okay, then this set, how much Top Gold?" Zhang Tiedan was very tempted.

"This set, the location is good, if you pay in advance you can enjoy a discount price of only 888 Top Gold." Ouyang Junyan said with a relaxed face.

"What?" Zhang Tiedan stomped his foot, "Junyan, are you robbing us? This courtyard is worth at most a hundred Top Gold, and the share of eighty acres of good farmland is at most two hundred Top Gold elsewhere. The total won't exceed three hundred and fifty Top Gold."

"Hehe, can other good farmland and residences compare to Zhuwei Mansion?" Ouyang Junyan sneered, "Who are the people living here? What is their status? Moreover, what use is your hundreds of acres of land in Liu's Clan territory? Aren't you afraid...hehe~ But Zhuwei Mansion is different, we are located in the heartland of Wang's Clan, with Wang's Clan guards patrolling day and night, it's a legacy that will last for thousands of years."

Under the current propaganda and public opinion war, the reputation of Liu's Clan and Zhao's Clan is extremely poor, even hiring rogue cultivators to kill and seize properties. This is why the wealthy families are eager to move.

His words stirred people's hearts again.

It's a bit expensive, but after all, Zhuwei Mansion is very prestigious, living here is a reflection of status. Most importantly, as Ouyang Junyan said, it's safe!

These days, having money and family business is not enough, a group of mad rogue cultivators can wipe out your entire family. Only with the protection of Wang's Clan can one truly live in peace and prosperity.

"Fine, I'll buy it." Zhang Tiedan was moved and said firmly, "Junyan, give me a discount."

"No, you don't have the qualification to buy a house or land." Ouyang Junyan shook his head.

"What? There's a qualification for buying a house and land?"

"Your Zhang family has never paid a penny of tax to Wang's Clan, nor made any contributions. Why should you be qualified to live in Zhuwei Mansion?"

"So how can I qualify to buy a house?"

"With the scale of your Zhang family, you need to send at least five strong men to participate in the dredging and land filling project for a long time, or each person in your family needs to pay an additional 10 Top Gold as contribution tax." Ouyang Junyan said proudly, "The threshold of our Zhuwei Mansion Phase I is very high."

This threshold is really high!

But Zhang Tiedan, after confirming that there will be Basalt guards guarding and patrolling in the future, still gritted his teeth and decided to send five strong men to work, just to qualify to buy a house.

The remaining wealthy families either sent people or money.

The wealthy families with money are mostly shrewd, they also saw that the price of Zhuwei Mansion, this piece of geomantic treasure land, will probably rise in the future! Even if they sell the houses and lands in the territories of Liu and Zhao Clans, they still want to buy a house in Zhuwei Mansion.

Living there is too insecure.

And Zhuwei Mansion will have a wall in the future, outsiders will be carefully questioned when they enter and exit, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

There are also Basalt guards patrolling day and night, acting as bodyguards, not only safe but also prestigious.


Wang Shouzhe's boat headed towards the river.

At this time, Wang Xianhan was still in shock: "Eight hundred and eighty-eight Top Gold, eight hundred and eighty... Shouzhe, you actually sold the eighty acres of land and houses so expensive? And people actually bought it!"

What Wang Xianhan found most incredible was that it was just a piece of land that had just been filled, and the houses hadn't even been built yet, and people were already rushing to pay.

"It's not my fault, it's mainly because the reputation of Liu's Clan and Zhao's Clan is too bad." Wang Shouzhe laughed, "Those civilian wealthy families have already initially got rid of the stage of worrying about food and clothing. What they pursue, first is the enhancement of status and sense of honor. Second, is absolute safety. Coincidentally, Zhuwei Mansion Phase I meets their needs."

"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle, are you really going to let the guards guard the gate and patrol?" Wang Lici was also surprised, "Many Basalt cultivators look down on civilians."

"Money can make the devil grind, we can recruit some good-natured rogue cultivators to be guards and bodyguards." Wang Shouzhe said indifferently, "A bodyguard, ten or so Top Gold a year is enough, this job is not dangerous, many rogue cultivators will rush to do it."

"Is the money coming out of our family?" Wang Xianhan asked worriedly, "If this goes on for a long time, the expenses won't be small."

"Sixth Grandpa, there's a kind of fee called property management fee..." Wang Shouzhe laughed, "It's not much money when it's shared by all the owners."

Wang Xianhan: "......"


The boat gradually sailed into Zhuwei Lake.

At this time, Zhuwei Lake had become a large construction site, with a total of hundreds of boats participating in the work, and the number was still continuously increasing.

With such a large number of people participating, the progress of the project has accelerated a lot.

Wang Shouzhe stood at the bow of the boat, looking at this scene with high spirits. This dredging and land filling project has developed to this extent, and has gradually evolved into a strategic project of Wang's Clan.

At this moment.

A speedboat rushed towards Wang Shouzhe, and the person standing at the bow of the boat was Wang Shunuo, the third of the Shou generation.

Originally, Wang Shunuo was the main person in charge of the entire project. But obviously, his limelight was completely overshadowed by Wang Luoqiu.

"Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother, you're finally back." As soon as Wang Shunuo saw Wang Shouzhe, he said with joy, "Quick, come with me, that beast has appeared again."

Wang Shouzhe quickly let his boat follow him, jumped onto Wang Shunuo's boat, and asked in confusion, "Third Brother, what do you mean by the beast has appeared again?""You wouldn't know." Wang Shouzhe said anxiously, "During the days you were away, a turtle-like beast appeared in Zhuwei Lake, specifically targeting the dredging boats. I've organized several attempts to drive it away, but to no avail. Fortunately, the beast is relatively docile and doesn't harm people."

"But even so, people are starting to panic. If this continues, many workers will be too scared to work on the lake."

A turtle-like beast?

Wang Shouzhe's expression tightened, he said seriously: "Could it be the one from the legends?"

When he was a child, he had heard that a turtle-like beast lived in Zhuwei Lake. It was said to be a native of the lake, and because of its docile nature and its refusal to harm people, Ancestor Zhou Xuan did not eliminate it.

But rumors are just rumors after all. Wang Shouzhe had never seen it, and the clan members had differing accounts.

Therefore, when Wang Shouzhe was planning the dredging and filling project, he didn't consider this factor.

Could it be that the extensive dredging project had angered this turtle beast?

While he was pondering, Wang Shouzhe's boat had quickly arrived at the scene of the incident. A dredging boat had been broken, and the boatmen and dredgers had all fallen into the water.

A giant turtle-like beast was roaming on the water surface, occasionally bullying the dredgers.

Fortunately, it didn't seem to have any intention of harming people, it was probably just venting.

Upon seeing Wang Shouzhe's boat, the turtle swam fiercely towards it, obviously intending to sink the boat.

Wang Shouzhe's face turned stern: "You dare."

He drew his sword and leaped into the air. His steel sword was covered with a layer of white light, and he slashed down like a thunderbolt. The turtle didn't run away but curled up on the water surface, its shell covered with a water-blue light shield.


The sword struck the light shield, and the huge recoil shook Wang Shouzhe's body, causing his energy to surge and almost making him spit blood. The turtle's water-blue shield merely rippled a few times, without any damage.

The turtle once again stuck out its head and sprayed a column of water at Wang Shouzhe.

Second-order top level!

Wang Shouzhe was taken aback, he didn't expect the turtle to have reached such a level. The water column was extremely fast, and he was about to dive into the water to avoid it.

But he heard a loud shout in his ear.

"How dare you! Shouzhe, retreat quickly."

A strong force grabbed Wang Shouzhe and threw him back onto the boat.

It was his sixth grandfather, Wang Xiaohan, the newly promoted Ancestor in the family. He casually punched and broke the water column, lightly stepped on the water surface, causing ripples.

Then, he walked on the waves, his momentum was majestic, his coarse linen clothes fluttering, like a land immortal. In a breath, he jumped to the top of the turtle, looking down and punched the turtle.

The turtle was terrified and instinctively curled up again, trying to resist with the water-blue light shield.


The energy was overflowing, the water-blue was shattered, and the free energy scattered around.

Even the giant turtle was smashed and flew more than a meter away, falling heavily into the water.

Seeing this, Wang Shouzhe was full of admiration. Although he had seen battles between Lingtai realm before, he was still excited.

However, the turtle was also clever.

Knowing that a strong enemy it couldn't beat had arrived, it immediately dived into the water and disappeared without a trace.

Wang Xiaohan stepped on the water surface and returned to the boat in two or three steps, asking anxiously and concerned: "Shouzhe, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just underestimated it, I didn't expect the turtle to have reached the second-order top level." Wang Shouzhe said with a serious face, "If we can't capture or drive it away, our dredging and filling project might be hard to continue."


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