A loud crackling sound akin to the wrath of thunder set the place ablaze and started echoing in the Spirit Hall.

The surrounding qi began to flood toward Leon and unexpectedly condensed as an indistinct dark fog around his body.

"What is that fog?"

"I can't see anything."

"This...''Yo Kihwoon, Steph, and Lu Yan were caught by surprise seeing the dark murky fog hovering around Leon.

A chilly storm and powerful gale swept through the place accompanied by the booming of thunder.

Meanwhile, Leon's expression changed and a heavy pain assaulted his head threatening to tear his mind apart.

His legs trembled and his heartbeat elated. A crushing pressure crashed on his shoulder to the point that he felt his soul shuddering in pain.

'What the hell?'

Leon gritted his teeth, trying to suppress the pain but was unable to do so as his consciousness turned blank.

As he fought the pain to keep standing, with a thought a special aura spread out in space. Leon felt that he was surrounded by a blurry elusive shadow that bending down, started whispering something.

At that time Leon found the time around him seems to have ceased. A dark sinister, eerie power crawled from deep within his soul. His eyes became dark and black, similar to the abyss of a black hole capable of sucking everything in it awake.

Like hypnotized, Leon muttered in a cold voice and repeated the words spoken by the eerie dark obscure shadow.

God, Demons, Spirit, Mortal, Transcendental Beings. Behold for I am the harbinger of death, the slayer of gods, and the embodiment of unbridled power. From the depths of darkness, I arise, an unstoppable force against the tyranny of malevolent divinity that shackles the benevolence. My footsteps echo the demise of celestial beings, and my very existence strikes fear into the heart of all that is deemed evil.

"Witness my ascent from a mere mortal to divinity, for I am the relentless god slayer, the purveyor of darkness, and the harbinger of unrelenting terror. Tremble, for I am the one who walks the line between chaos and order. Tremble before the animosity that courses through my veins, as I cast a shadow over the heavens themselves.

The echoes of celestial demise follow my every step, and the fear I instill reaches into the deepest recesses of every heart. I am the embodiment of malefic power, a force that strikes terror into the very essence of existence. Behold, for I am the one who walks the path of shadows, the insidious slayer who reveals himself in the ominous dance of chaos and destruction. As the world quivers, I shall declare my presence.

I am the Slayer Of Evil, Slayer of Gods, and The salvation of wretched and the dooms.


Like holy hymns, a buzzing sound started echoing in the whole making the void across the world tremble.

Darkness exploded out of nowhere, covering the very essence of light, drowning the world into pitch darkness for a split moment.


In Frosthaven...

A brave woman navigates the frozen expanse, her bare feet imprinting delicate patterns on the stairs of ice. The bloody chill beneath her soles contrasts with her determined stride, creating a captivating scene of resilience against the icy landscape.

With gasps of rugged breath, she stepped onto the stairs of ice barefooted, she climbed the stairs with a determined expression to the huge Crystal Palace that lay at the top of the mountain

Here lies various sects and among them, the Ice Crystal Sect was one of the prominent sects with a rich heritage. The Ice Crystal Sect consists mainly of highly qualified Females with ancient medical skills.

People from all over the world come for treatment in this place and to get treated the sick have to pass through the test or anyone willing to take the test for that person.

The stairs were an artifact that exerted pressure both mentally and physically according to one realm.

Irina wiped the hair from her face as flakes of snow brushed past her face. The layer of skin on her toes had peeled off and a trail of bloody footprints was left on the vast expense.

After swerving and climbing for an unknown amount of time, Irina finally reached the top and saw a woman in a blue Taoist robe with silky white hair waiting for her with a smile.

"Lady Irina, Meng Yun of Ice Crystal Palace welcomes you to our humble abode."Meng Yun answered with a soft smile.

Irina nodded and followed her inside.

"Lady Irina, is there a need to go through the test? With your family's influence, you could have directly come in here," Meng Yun spoke while scanning Irina with a questioning gaze.

"I don't like to owe favors nor do I like to cut limes," Irina answered coldly.

After leading it to a clean room, Meng Yun sat folding her knees and asked "So, what are you here for."

"For my hidden illness."

"What kind of illness?"Meng Yun inquired.

"That's for you to find out, "Irina answered with a blank expression but Meng Yun showed a slight waver on her face.

In fact, Irina was too ashamed to tell her symptoms.

In the beginning, it wasn't much but after Austin left she would start feeling hot and sweat a lot. She thought it might be an effect of her cultivation but as the days went by she finally understood what it was.

She felt extremely aroused like a bitch in heat and her body craves for a man. It wasn't discoverable when she was with Austin as her needs were fulfilled but now as he left she started getting attacked and her mind would become clouded and overwhelmed.

If not for her Father noticing it and suppressing it, who knows what would become of her?

Amidst all this, Austin tried to get back with her but controlling her heart, she stayed away from him and even sent away the men working in the house to avoid any accident.

She didn't know what happened to her as even the top doctors of Aurorica couldn't find any problem with her.

"Okay let me..."Meng's words stopped when he saw a handsome young man walking out with a charming smile.

His eyes lingered on Irina scanning her from top to bottom.

'What a great beauty? I can't believe there is someone who can rival my master in appearance. I have experienced many hot chicks but none can compare to busty mature women.'

"Master, let me check her pulse. It would be a good practical experience for me, "The man smiled walking closer towards the.

"Hmmm! That would be a good Qin Lang experience for you." Meng Yun smiled, gesturing to Qin Lang to come here.

"Yes Master, leave this to me. I will be satisfied...I mean treat her to her satisfaction."Qin Lang with fast speed like lightning appeared beside Irina and extended her hand to touch but before he could do that.


Irina's face became cold and a mighty Martial King pressure burst forth from her body, giving Qin Lang a sudden jolt.

"Don't you dare touch me?"Irina's voice carried an irrefutable threat.

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