Unaware of an intricate series of schemes weaved together to form a simple trap for Lucien, Leon was lost in the enthrallment of using his new toy.

Leon's breathing became ragged and his heart screamed joyfully, unable to curb his excitement.

If a child was asked about his fantasy dream world.

He would speak about two worlds.

A world filled with magic.

And another one was the world filled with Mechs and laser guns.

Much to his surprise and beyond his wildest

dream, what he held in his arms was the

GAOAT a.k.a Greatest Armament Of All Times, and the g.o.a.t of guns, laser guns.

It was a fucking laser gun.

The gun he found beside the dead scientist looked similar to Flare Signal in shape but it was a laser called Arcane Pulse Blaster powered by a qi spiritual stone.

It harnesses the raw energy of spiritual stone by interchanging the frequency and sending a ball of condensed mass of energy in the shape of a ball or a concentrated beam of light.

It's a highly lethal weapon as what hits you is a purified form of energy that contains a great piercing power containing various radioactive rays.

As for the source of energy, it's a spiritual stone of high grade.

One low-cost spiritual stone was equal to $100.The intermediate one was equal to $1000 and the higher grade one was equal to $10000.

As for the laser gun, Leon in his quest to gain knowledge didn't discover anything but later he learned from Sophia that laser guns exist and are even used in war but were strictly prohibited by the Federation to use openly and were under strict monitoring.

Only the people who joined the Federation had the permit and could use it outside Earth as using a laser gun can offset the balance of society

The spiritual stones were also strictly maintained by the Federation which also monitored the flow of stones as they are used as fuel for many vehicles, spaceships, and weapons used to fight dimensional creatures so they can't just let it be wasted.

However, as long as one has a suitable reason one can exchange money for spiritual stones but there is a limit to it.

Going through the journal, he found this guy named Mark's research for the federation but after he found ulterior motives in people, he stole a few for his safety and left the federation.

Except for the gun, Leon also found a laser shield but it was currently on low battery and could last for another 15 minutes on activation, unlike a gun which can fire around 30 more shots.

It was a small round button with the symbol of the federation which on activation converts the energy from spiritual stones to deploy a plasma field while radiating electromagnetic waves that deflected attacks.

Leon had already used every gun in his arsenal to test it and except the laser gun, none were able to damage it.

And if the energy shield is broken, it can be regenerated again.

And, that's not the only treasure Leon got.

At the end of the diary, Leon finds notes about the treasure of Lost Jewel.

Mark hid here because this place was rich in flora and fauna with vast diversity. It also provides him with various wild genes to experiment upon.

He had used a shield many times to survive along with the gun.

Through years of search, he managed to uncover the Mystery of the Lost Jewel.

[May 26, 3133, I mingled with the locals. Went on tour in quest of finding the treasure. Read the history books of Vistas.]

[October 2, 3134 Today I was chased by a Gurgantous snake and almost lost his life. Fortunately, I blasted its head the moment it was about to bite. Running around I was lost in uncharted territory but I wasn't angry. Rather I was thankful to the beast as I finally found the spot of Lost Jewel.]

[October 25, 3134, Maybe it's a part of my luck and God's blessing. Whatever, maybe I am greatly enthralled by it.]

[November 5, 3134. After all I went through I was not able to open the entrance. From the books I have found, it was said that Lost Jewel holds the weapon of gods that can change the destiny of the person so unless the fated ones arrive, the door won't budge a bit.]

There was a map to that place and surprisingly, it was just a few miles away.

"Fated one....Wait a minute!"

As he pondered again and again, Leon suddenly got a wild thought.

"If Mark can find out just like that doesn't mean people searching around have also found out but they weren't able to open so all of them kept silent waiting for the fated one."

"Lucien must be that fated one and his presence would produce some sort of changes alerting everyone."

"Damn! This kind of plot is frustrating."Leon cursed.

He hates words like chosen one, fated one, destined one. He doesn't understand why the fuck fate like choosing people and making them play around like a circus for others to watch.

And sadly, he might be one of them, a mere pawn. Only if he can persist and reach the end of the board, he might have a chance to turn things around.

"I need to go there. With the way that kid is, I am sure he would be chewed if a villain appeared there."

Leon turned his head toward the black box containing blood serum. According to the dairy, the blood-colored one was a completed part while the yellow colored was incomplete.

Taking a deep breath, he took the completed blood serum. Even though it was a complete one, the chances of it inducing harmful mutations were quite high.

He had a system to monitor his status and if something bad happened, he just needed to die and go back

He picked up a needle and injected the serum into his bloodstream.

The moment it entered his blood, from the point in his arms where he injected it, it started swelling and spread across his body.


Leon gritted his teeth as his body spasmed and twitched due to an overwhelming pain transversing through his whole body. He felt as if the interior of his body had blown up into a paste, bones smashed into ashes, blood vessels broken apart.


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