After getting his face slapped by the pilot, Leon didn’t know how to react to this at all.

But the last pulsating cannon shot attracted him. And his inner child wanted to take over it and spew around.

’Control Leon, your time will also come.’

Calming down his excitement, he pointed at the debris floating afar and muttered.


’From now on your name is Bugsy....’


[Before that make sure to teach this bastard the rules..]

Leon’s head almost became dizzy as he heard a scream from his ghosts.

Especially, who was huffing and puffing in anger.

Leon silently prayed for Bugsy in his heart.

It didn’t look like Avelin was letting him get away safely.

Coming from the whirlwind of chaos, what greeted them was another gigantic mass of floating landmass.

"Just how big is this?"Gwen asked in shock.

"We don’t know Mam"The pilot answered.

Leon also spotted distant feral bodies from far away that looked like mini floating masses of asteroids from afar but who knew how big they were from close?

Up above, there were clusters of nebulas that formed a sea. It was like a vast river of stars of various colors flowing in the dark miraculously.

It wasn’t dark as there were various shining bodies around.

The spaceship accelerated, and then they spotted a high-rise city, with huge rising buildings a bit away from the rocky edge that was filled with bare hills.

[State your purpose identity]

As the spaceship approached the high-rise city, the pilot initiated communication with the control tower. A voice crackled over the radio, requesting their purpose and identity.

"This is Pilot Code 1234 of the starship Wanderer onboarding Captain Leon, "The pilot responded firmly, startling Leon who wondered when did he became Captain?

[Code Sierra-Tango-Foxtrot-Alpha, verification number 7743.]

There was a brief pause as the verification process began. Leon glanced out the viewport, taking in the towering buildings of the cityscape that seemed to reach into the clouds above. "Verification confirmed, Captain Leon," the voice from the control tower finally confirmed. "You are cleared for landing on Dock 12-B. Welcome to Sector 9 of the Arcadia continent."

The spaceship descended gracefully, guided by the city’s advanced automated docking systems. As they approached Dock 12-B, the massive doors slowly slid open, revealing a bustling interior bathed in artificial light.

The pilot guided the ship smoothly into the designated berth, feeling the subtle vibrations as the landing struts made contact with the platform. The docking clamps engaged with a reassuring thud, securing the Wanderer in place.

"Docking complete," He announced, "Prepare for disembarkation and standard inspection protocols."

With a hiss, the airlock doors opened, allowing a rush of conditioned cold air into the ship’s interior. Outside, personnel in sleek uniforms began to approach, ready to assist with the arrival procedures.

After checking the passes of Leon and Gwen, the personnel gave a salute to Leon.

Leon also gave a brief nod with a small salute while observing their levels.

’Martial Grandmasters acting as reserves. It seems the quality of troops here was quite high.’

"Captain Leon, General wants to see you so please follow us."

"No problem," Leon answered and looked at Gwen.

"Don’t worry. I will look around in the meantime," she answered while pecking around curiously like a chicken.

"Don’t get lost out there."

"Am I a child?" She scoffed.


Previously, he didn’t know about the continent here and thought Sectors were lined up one after another but later he came to know that this whole part was like a sub dimension region or a narrow zone of space that contains floating bodies.

Several universes got a chance to access the dimension zones. As for how this occurred, he was still dark.

Creatures from that universe spread out into the zones and started occupying the pieces of land masses that they called continents.

For now, humans of their universe had one fully occupied continent.

Are there other human universes or worlds besides them?

He didn’t know but the current landmass named Arcadia continent was a great strategic position.

It was said that this was the central region of the dimension region that had the greatest resources of all.

Humans have managed to occupy a strategic point here do did the members of other races. Each Sector was governed by a General who needed to be at least Martial Saint level. Leon followed the personnel through the bustling corridors of Dock 12-B, navigating through the maze of high-tech infrastructure that hummed with activity. As they ascended to higher levels of the city, the architecture evolved into a blend of sleek modernism and functional


They finally arrived at a large, imposing building marked with the emblem of Sector 9. The doors slid open silently as they approached, revealing a spacious and meticulously organized office suite.

The atmosphere inside was a stark contrast to the outside. It was simple and imbued with a

Rustic air.

There was nothing fancy and at the far end of the office, behind a massive desk made from polished ebony, sat a man with a sombre expression.

Leon looked at the nameplate encasing later General Hale Fort and then at the man.

Name: Hale Fort


Cultivation:Middle Stage Martial Saint

He looked like a formidable figure, with a commanding presence whose aura seemed to fill

The room.

His uniform was decorated with symbols of rank and achievement, reflecting years of service and leadership in Sector 9.

"Leon," General Hale spoke with a voice that resonated with authority, yet carried a subtle warmth beneath the stern exterior.

Extending his hand, he grabbed a file and started flipping

The man skidded a few pages into files and spoke without looking at Leon indifferently


Combat power:Unknown

Personality:Difficult to evaluate

Issues:Highly Temperamental, fears no one, cares about no one, does what he wants, can

Erupt any moment.

Specialty:Kills in the blink of an eye, and carries an army of ghosts and specters.

Large enough to make you wet your parents.

Achievements: Took charge of the shadow zone, Wiped out a few families in a day, threatened

Ice Crystal Palace to retreat while killing the genius Core Members personally groomed by Sect Master right before their eyes

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