A streak of light flashed over Sector 1 that directly went past the Military Academy.

The sky above was a no fly zone but only in case of emergency, or under special permission can one take off directly from here otherwise you need to move to Sector 2.

In one of the buildings, a black-haired man sighed glancing at the streak of fading light and then looking at a silvery-haired guy munching an apple while lying on the flat white bed.

"I still don’t understand. Why did you provoke the guy in such a manner? If you want to fight, you should have just asked him."

"Morbius, I just gave it a try. Who knew if the girls were dissatisfied with him and take me as their savior and then worship me as their lov..."

His words stopped on feeling an intense ultra-radioactive glare.

"Stop giving me that shitty look. And I lost because I didn’t go all out. If I had gone all out, this entire place might have been devasted and ruined."

Morbius’s jaw almost dropped. Taking a moment to calm himself, he screamed.

"Ael....Do you even fucking believe what you said just now. At least say something that can be believed. Even your elder was almost beaten and here you are spouting bullshit."

Ael swallowed his saliva, and his expression became pale.

"Hey, how did you know about this in such a detailed way? Are the rumors spread all around..."

"Rumours..."Morbius gasped heavily and spat.

"You are talking about rumors when the entire fight was live recorded and seen around." THUD!

The half-bitten apple fell on the ground and getting out of a dazed state, Ael freaked out. "Fucking Hell! If my wives and lovers somehow see this then how the fuck I face them."


Unaware of Ael, dramatic thoughts Leon’s spaceship glided across th sky. It was small yet it was quite powerful to roam across the sky of landmass having differential gravity fields all across.

The further they moved, the further they got away from the land.

Below, they stared at Sectors.

While beginning Sectors looked at technological advances with huge sky scrappers the later ones, particularly 7 and 8 looked like human survival base camps amidst huge canopied forests.

The land below them started to shrink.

The world slowly started to change, and just as Leon and Gwen wondered what was going on, a sudden change slapped away their imagination.

They just crossed sector 8.

From Sector 1 to 8 they travelled on a huge patch of land that contained a variety of habitats. From endless oceans to huge deserts, and big forests. Everything seemed to be incorporated into the landmass as if this was a huge flattened piece of land but little did they know it was a flat landmass.

The land suddenly turned into nothingness.

The crystal violet-purple sky was cut off abruptly showcasing a dark boundless space and below was the content.

It was literally a flat floating piece of land suspended in space. The piece of land just stopped abruptly out of nowhere.

The land that cut off abruptly was parched dry soil and at the end, there were barricades to warn about the sudden fall if not careful.

Gwen, inching closer to the window, marveled at the mystic sight and then screamed, "Leon, look at that."

Leon’s eyes were drawn to the flat river that inching closer instead of going out, they seemed to turn around and tumble.

Seeing their surprised expression, the pilot explained.

"The water won’t disappear. It just evaporates and then gathers as a cloud in the case of the hot side, while in the case of the cold side, it just freezes forming a natural barrier. However, it rarely happens as even if the land is flat it still flows the laws of gravity."

"By the way, please take your seat belts. We will be taking a sharp turn now."

Gwen and Leon nodded, taking their seats.

Just as they wondered what was going, on the spacecraft turned upside down and suddenly started to rise.

Below them, Leon could still see a vast expanse of bottomless abyss of space.

Before they could catch a glimpse of the abyss, the spacecraft shot up towards space.

A dark bluish hue dyed the clouds that radiated all around covering the upper veil of the sky.

The clouds seemed to be formed from the ionized mass of star clusters and as the spacecraft passed through it mass of lightning spectacles danced around.

At that time, a shield was deployed around the spacecraft that stopped the highly

Concentrated beam of lightning.

Leon could see bolts of lightning hammering the deployed barrier.

Gwen took a deep heavy breath and held Leon’s hands while muttering softly.

"We aren’t going to run out of fuel, are we? After all, the barrier required high energy fuels."

Hearing this, Leon asked the pilot who replied that fuel comes from a mini nuclear reactor along with the tone of spiritual tones.

The space was a private jet that could only be used by higher authority otherwise you needed to travel in large spaceships.

"Sir and Man, just sit back and enjoy the spectacle."

As the spacecraft steered through the lightning storm.

Gwen and Leon were spellbound by the spectacle unfolding around them.

The dark bluish clouds crackled with ionized energy, casting an eerie yet glamorous glow across the cabin. The occasional flash of lightning illuminated the space outside, revealing vast, swirling masses of charged particles

"This is so beautiful yet so terrific..."

It felt odd as there were no sounds of lightning in the space yet one could see its devastation


Leon was amused by Gwen’s reaction as she eyed everything curiously like a child peeking through the window.

For Leon, this was quite a novel experience after all, which a young man hadn’t dreamed of

Traveling through space.

However, their mood was ruined.


Something struck them that shook the whole vehicle.

"What the fuck?"Leon screamed.

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