337 337:A deadly Confession

All was greeted by rejection from the two beauties still it didn’t faze him, after all chasing a beauty you can’t always get outright yes.

Sometimes you need to chase and woe.

Slowly and steadily you need to make your way into their hearts and make them feel comfortable with your advances.

That’s why even after Ael was rejected he didn’t step back.

Everyone was dispersed leaving the top-level authority to deal with the aftermath.

Lives had been lost, though not significant it was still a matter of concern how black demons made their way and infiltrated into humans.

Was it only humans or races of all others? nøvel.coɱ

While the meeting was proceeding like this, Su Lin gave Gwen a tour around the place.

The Military Academy was huge and there were many sightseeing places.

However, Gwen’s mind wasn’t on enjoying things.

While taking a walk, she whispered.

"Umm….Sir Terpas, please don’t relay this even to my brother, otherwise who knows what was going to happen?"

[Milady, that’s a bit of a difficult request to accommodate as even if I don’t say anything, My Lord may naturally get this information.]

"Gwen, who are talking to?"Su Lin asked while looking around confusedly.

"I am talking with my brother’s ghost."

As Gwen and Su Lin leisurely strolled through the bustling streets just then Ael appeared like an unwelcome gust of wind.

"Yo, beauties…Mind taking a walk with this handsome, "Ael mumbled, flicking his silvery white hair.

The guy’s presence destroyed their peaceful outing.

Gwen’s patience wore thin, her annoyance evident in the crease of her brow. "Ael, for the hundredth time, we’re not interested!"

Su Lin chimed in, her voice tinged with irritation, "Please, Ael, can’t you take a hint? We’re trying to enjoy our walk."

But Ael, unperturbed by their rejections, persisted. "But why deny yourselves the pleasure of my company? Dont tell me you are not all moved by my smooth handsome slick face.."

Saying this Ael winked and soon.

Screams erupted.

When Su Lin and Gwen turned around, they were startled by a crowd of girls gathering around and looking at Ael with love-struck eyes.

Fed up with his advances, Gwen and Su Lin exchanged glances and, deciding to retreat to the safety of their quarters, started walking back.

As they hurried away, Ael’s footsteps echoed behind them, as he shoved his way through the crowd.

Chasing them, he even reaches the quarters that annoyed the two girls.

"Enough, Ael! Leave us be!" Gwen’s voice rang out.

"I am telling this for your good, you don’t my brother…"

"Ha! Don’t worry about him. I am ready to climb all the mountains and hurdles for you. I am looking forward to the moment when I face hi…."


Before he could finish his speech, a loud blast shook the perimeter creating a wave of dust.

From a humongous dark bird, a man jumped out and stared at Ael.

"Hey, ugly Buffon, I heard you are chasing my girls…"

"I don’t care how many women you chase, why are you chasing my sister and my girl?"

"Isn’t it the birthright of handsome guys like us to chase beautiful women? One is your sister and the other one hadn’t committed to you so why can’t I take my chances?’

Ael took a moment to assess the guy and his face.

The word handsome beamed in his eyes.

’Damn! Why is this guy so handsome? His strength is also quite good. I am sure they will be satisfied.’

Leon was about to say something and suddenly quivered seeing the guy’s ferocious eyes filled with excitement.

Ael breathing became ragged, and an expression of delight flashed in his eyes.

’Fuck! Why is this guy looking at me like that? Is he not straight?’

Feeling this, Leon immediately voiced out his thoughts, "Hey are you gay? Why are you looking at me like a pervert?"


The smiling face of Ael crackled.

Ael’s expression suddenly morphed, transforming into an icy look so cold it could freeze fire as he spat out.

During his childhood days, he was so beautiful that he had been taken as a woman.

There was a painful memory.

It was when his first love cheated on him saying that he looked like a flowery girl.

And from that many wild rumors spread which lead to all sorts of trouble.

"Damn! You can question my power but not my sexuality?"

"So what if I question you? Seeing your face, I wonder if you can last long."

"Hmm! Just let me take your girls and see my stamina!"Ael snorted.


A hurricane shook the place and the ground under Ael was pulverized as soon as Ael released his power.

Leon’s expression didn’t once change during this transition. In fact, he wasn’t even the least bit surprised by this development.

In simpler terms, Leon didn’t give a damn why the smiling and hyper boy was suddenly showing such an intense amount of hatred towards him.

’Is this guy sane?’

Now that the cat was out of the bag, there was only one thing Leon wanted to do, the same thing he always did when faced with situations like this.

"I see, okay then," Leon’s calm voice suddenly rang out, making Ael’s gaze narrowed.

He had been expecting Leon to be at least a bit surprised by his release of power but Leon looked completely unfazed, as though he had been expecting it from the start.



Su Lin and Gwen’s faces became pale as they saw Ael’s aura skyrocketing.They started to worry.

All of them see him at the peak of the Martial Emperor level but now the power emerging from him surpasses that by many margins.

Leon’s cold words continued,

"I am going to give you a chance to kill me. I don’t know what is wrong with your shit head but since you have bad intentions toward my woman you should be prepared to bear my wrath."

Leon didn’t pause or give Ael a chance to speak. His piercing blue eyes became even colder as he continued,

"I am going to beat you up to an extent that you will never be a bother to me or my girls again in your life. So, if you can, kill me."

Ael’s expression darkened, the gem embedded in his forehead letting out an intense glow as he thundered,

"You fucking bast-"

As Ael opened his mouth to speak, a sudden, searing slap struck his left cheek with astonishing force.

The impact rippled across his skin like waves, sending Ael hurtling backward with brutal force. He collided with the wall, his body skidding down its surface for several meters, a world of pain engulfing him.

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