Gritting his teeth, a grimace appeared on his face. In mid-air, Demorgan mustered all his remaining strength and performed a backflip.

Getting into a straight position, he extended out his uninjured left hand and unleashed his aura.

This was it. He didn’t want to do this but he had no choice left. He was going to kill this guy no matter what!

Whips of darkish flames ignited around Demorgan’s stretched hand and suddenly a crimson-red sword appeared in his grip.

He gracefully landed on the ground as the whips of dark flames around his arm started to stir up and churn.

The once blackish flames around his arm and sword turned purple then changed to dark miasma before finally turning into the thick layer of sooty smoke.

Finally, the white flames began to crackle and turned into sparks of electricity.

"You’re dead," Demorgan growled at the cloaked man and gripped his sword harder.

In the next moment, Demorgan’s whole body was lit up with sparks of dark electricity as he slightly bent his knees and rushed at Leon at the speed of lightning, swinging his sword at him.

Leon deflected the blow and pushed Demorgan back. Demorgan, on the other hand, once again moved at the speed of lightning, leaving trails of electricity behind.

Leon once again parried the attack and pushed Demorgan back before he attacked from another angle, then again, then again.

If one were to look from the sidelines, it almost appeared as if strikes of lightning were hitting Leon from all directions while he was swatting them away with just his dagger that he used to quickly deflect the blows.

Each deflected blow created a blast in the surrounding

For the final time, Demorgan let the charge build-up around him and dashed at Leon at a speed incomprehensible to the human eye.

But once again, Leon reacted just in time. He parried Demorgan’s attack with an upward swing and sent him flying skyward.


Demorgan gritted his teeth as he was thrown up in the air. But that was fine. He could use this!

In the sky, amidst thunderous roars, several bolts of lightning flashed… before unusually converging toward Demorgan, or more precisely, toward his sword.

As Leon and Demorgan faced off, the air around them blasted off creating blasts that shook off the ominous dark miasma swirling around Demorgan like a cloak of shadows.

Leon wasted no time, darting forward with calculated precision. He fainted to the left before unleashing a lightning-fast series of jabs aimed at Demorgan’s chest, each strike infused with the force of a speeding train.

Leon used draconic transformation just to coat enough of his body then covered them with his power of darkness.

Demorgan, shrouded in his dark miasma, countered by morphing the shadows around him into razor-sharp tendrils, lashing out at Leon with deadly accuracy. But Leon danced around the tendrils with graceful agility, his movements fluid and precise.

Instead of fear, he found semblance from the darkness around.

In a daring move, Leon spun low, sweeping his leg in a wide arc and aiming a devastating roundhouse kick at Demorgan’s midsection. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, cracking the earth beneath them.

Not to be outdone, Demorgan retaliated by channeling the darkness into a swirling vortex of energy, unleashing it in a fierce cyclone aimed directly at Leon. The force of the blast sent debris flying in all directions, shattering anything in its path.

But Leon with his unwavering focus somersaulted through the air, narrowly avoiding the brunt of the attack. In a fluid motion, he landed behind Demorgan, his dagger flashing in the dim light as he thrust it towards his opponent’s back.

Demorgan, sensing the danger, twisted his body at the last moment, deflecting the blow with a barrier of swirling shadows. But before he could counter, Leon surged forward with a powerful uppercut, the sheer force of the blow sending Demorgan hurtling through the air.

As Demorgan crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, the ground beneath him quaked, cracks spreading like spiderwebs in all directions. The dark miasma surrounding him flickered and withered, the sheer intensity of the battle taking its toll.

But even as Demorgan struggled to rise, his eyes burning with determination, Leon stood tall, his movements fluid and confident. With a steely gaze, he prepared to deliver the final blow and clenched his fist.

Seeing this, Leon provoked him further.

"What happened to your smile? Can’t you laugh now?"

"Do you think you can provoke this?"Demorgan roared hysterically and gorged.

After converging around him, the bolts of lightning twisted and turned, taking the shape of a giant winged creature.

It looked as if a colossal dragon made of dark lightning was appearing from behind the dark, stormy clouds.

Leon’s lips curled up into a smirk.

"Fuck! That’s some awesome VFX."

"VFX…."Demorgan’s expression faltered for a moment.

The majestic lightning dragon opened its giant maw and let out a thunderous roar capable of shaking the heavens.

It stretched out its wings before turning its head down at the mortal standing on the ground, facing the majestic creature of lightning without a speck of fear on his confident face.

After all, what reason would a Dragon have to be scared of a mere worm?

The lightning dragon once again opened its maw and descended on Leon, intending to devour him.

At the edge of its maw, enveloped by its lightning, was Demorgan. He had his sword pulled back, ready to unleash one final strike.

Leon’s smirk widened into a grin and he gripped his dagger tighter… and thrust it up at the lightning dagger as soon as it entered his weapon’s reach.

Darkness stirred and coagulated onto Leon’s arms.

Like flowing liquid, the darkness gathered and morphed onto his dagger.

Leon’s aura surged violently and with a stomp that left behind a devastating storm, Leon shot towards the Black Dragon.

As the two collided, a devastating shockwave blew everything in the vicinity into tatters.

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