Su Lin...

Leon had put a lot of thought into her.

Trying to carve what he felt for.

For Sophia, he could feel his heart alive and flutter but when it came to Su Lin it wasn't like unconditional love, he could feel himself going wild if anyone hurt her.

More than that, he didn't want to regret...

Since he has a chance as long as he lives, he should try his best. Even if he couldn't come to love her fully still he knew he liked her and what they lacked was a bit of time.

And Su Lin who had always followed her faithfully and was the perfect wife material.

Leon promised to give Su Lin an answer after his return but....

Leon took a break from the training and tried to contact Su Lin but to his shock, Su Lin had been sent to the Military Academy.

She had already finished her years of service but with her family pulling strings and so on, she was given a small job as an instructor.

So his answer had to be postponed till now.

As Su Hao strode into the room, his presence shook the air, his aura crackling with determination and protectiveness. Behind him, the cultivator officers stood ready, their expressions solemn, echoing their leader's resolve.

Leon, standing in his place glanced up lazily.

Seeing demeanor oozing confidence, a hint of annoyance flashed on Su Hao's face.

As Su Hao's gaze met his, the air grew heavy with tension, and Leon's nonchalant facade faltered, replaced by anger.

Despite being irritated, Leon decided to act civilized.

"So who are you sir and what do I owe? And what sister are you talking about?"

"I am Su Hao. Su Lin'a brother and you've gone too far, Leon," Su Hao's voice cut through the silence like a blade.

"I warn you to stay away from Su Lin. My sister is a precious flower that can't be picked by random trash. Yet you dare to covet her.."

"You..."Gwen decides to step up for his brother but Leon stops her

Leon's lips curled into a smirk, but there was a glint of defiance in his eyes. "And what if I don't?" he challenged, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Su Hao's aura intensified, swirling around him like a tempest, "Then you'll have to answer to me," he declared, his voice low and dangerous.

But to his surprise, Leon remained unmoved, his aura radiating a stubborn defiance. The room crackled with suppressed energy, the tension thickening with each passing moment.

"You know who I am right?"

"I know you are Leon so what?"Su Hao shouted.

"I'm not afraid of you, Leon. Who knew all your recent talks might be true or false?"

Leon finally spat out, his mood darkening as he rose from his seat. "Are you underestimating me?"

Su Hao's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides. He knew this confrontation wouldn't be easy, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to protect his sister. With a steely resolve, he met Leon's gaze head-on.

"I am telling you don't harbor any thoughts about Si Lin otherwise...



The suddenness of the slap reverberated through the room, a sharp crack cutting through the tension like lightning. Su Hao staggered backward, his hand instinctively flying to his cheek as pain seared through him. The room fell into stunned silence as everyone processed what had just happened.

But before anyone could react, another sickening sound filled the air as Su Hao's head twisted to the side, his body collapsing to the ground like a kite with its strings cut. Horror washed over the cultivator officers as they rushed to their leader's side, but it was already too late.

Leon stood over Su Hao's wriggling body, his expression twisted with rage and triumph. "You should have known better than to challenge me," he spat, his voice laced with contempt.

The room was plunged into chaos as shouts rang out, the cultivator officers drawing their weapons in a desperate attempt to avenge their fallen leader but all of them were frozen like statues on meeting Leon's gaze.

"Know your place…"

"Brother..He...."Gwen held Leon's sleeves and asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, he isn't dead and he can be cured as for who can cure him, you just need to wait for that."Leon grinned looking at Su Hao's figure.

Argent sighed heavily and looked at the sidekicks of Su Hao.

"Take him to the infirmary…And inform his sister."


As Leon and Gwen were escorted to the Military Academy stadium by Argent, they were met with a sight that sent shivers down Leon's spine.

Rows upon rows of recruits, all clad in military uniform, stood at attention under the watchful gaze of instructors who bore the prestigious title of Martial Emperor. The air crackled with anticipation and tension, the weight of the upcoming test hanging heavy in the atmosphere.

They were now in a huge Colosseum with rows filled with people.

Leon's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. Despite being of similar age to the recruits, his status as a Martial Emperor exempted him from being a mere student. Yet, as he looked upon the disciplined soldiers and the revered instructors, a sense of awe stuck with him.

Whispers rippled through the crowd as they caught sight of Leon, their voices hushed with fear and awe. "Isn't that him?" one recruit murmured, his voice trembling. "The one they call the Demon?"

Another nodded, his eyes wide with terror. "I heard he massacred an entire city single-handedly," he whispered, his voice barely above a quiver. "They say he's unstoppable."

Leon's eyes narrowed as the weight of his reputation bore down upon him.

He could feel the fear emanating from the recruits, their eyes darting nervously in his direction.

As Argent led them through the crowd, the recruits instinctively parted, their gazes fixated on Leon as if they were looking at a beast.

Pride swelled within Leon as he observed the reactions of those around him. The fear in their eyes was proof of his strength, a validation of the power he held.

If they feared him, then so be it. He would use that fear to make everyone know what were the consequences of getting on the wrong side.

"Your reputation seems to be bad Leon."

Turning to Gwen, he spoke in a low voice, barely audible above the murmurs of the crowd. "Let them fear me,Gwen. Sometimes it's better to be feared than being respected and used as a scapegoat."

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