Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 305: On Board To Dimension[II]

"Brat, stop teasing them and get the fuck out of here."Arthur unable to bear anymore screamed. He looked desperate to kick Leon out of the house.

During the training, the bastard's power would get out of control and he had been blasting away his home into tatters.

"Cynical old man. You don't have a shred of love from your grandson going out."

"I don't," Arthur snorted and then looked at Irina.

"Irina, take care of them. Don't let them mess around."

Irina smiled, stepping forward, "Don't worry I will..."

Before she could finish her speech, she heard Arthur grunt making her slip in her steps.

"Not that I expect any mature decisions coming from you."

Irina's expression cracked and everyone smiled.

"Mom, stop it. We can't win against him. Let us just depart."Walking over Leon bent down giving a soft kiss to Sophia making her blush.

"What's that?"Sophia asked, wiping her cheeks with a straight expression but her ears became red.

Her skin had become more vibrant and her overall looks had improved a lot giving her a more mature taste.

"Nothing," Leon shrugged and walked over to Lia.

Facing her, Leon rubbed his chin.

"I don't know what the future holds for us but I am sure you might have already made some plans right? Care to share."

Lia giggled and raised her hand, caressing Leon's hair.

"So what if the future is gloomy, won't it be alright as long we die by giving our best and holding onto our beliefs."

"You...You are right about that."Leon bowed his head.

He hadn't spent much time with his family in the past six months due to being trained by his uncle but every time he had with them was fulfilling and slowly filled up the void.

Sometimes he wanted to punch her face while sometimes he was deeply worried about her. From what he knows a person who calculates heavenly insight suffers greatly and bears a great risk and for some reason, he always feels that an ever-smiling woman has been bearing too much.

From marrying his grandpa to letting Irina marry that asshole leading to his birth. He didn't know how many things she envisioned but...

Leon pulled down her hands and gave her a solemn look which startled her a bit.

"Grandma, we might not have that much loveable relationship but as a family, I hope you don't bear too much. I know you are hiding so many things and might be bearing some backlash but try to avoid taking so many risks."

"Hmm! Are you worried about me, "Lia laughed and pulled her hands.

"You are a hundred years early to worry about me. Great, stronger first."Lia then bending forward whispered softly..

'Don't uncover your old memories and be mindful of the acquaintance..'

Leon felt that this might be quite crucial so he noted it in his heart.

"I will," saying this he stepped to the side to face his Arthur.

The two men stared at one another.

A storm seemed to be blowing as the two faced each other.

"Any partying words old, man," Leon asked.


"What is it?"

"Fuck Off..."


A deep silence prevailed making everyone's eyes widen.

"Same to you…


A car took them to the Grand Spaceport.

It was a specialized place for spacecraft boarding.

As they walked out of the car, surrounded by bodyguards, the Woods were taken up and escorted to their designated spaceship.

Being a renowned family, they had their spaceships to deport.

Leon started at the place with curiosity.

The place looked like an airport except for the runaway where instead of planes, humongous plane-shaped spaceships were lined in the runaway.

Except for Frost Heaven, each continent had its own spaceport.

Before entering the run away each of them was checked and scanned with their biological identification verified.

"Are all of them students?"Leon asked as he saw many people walking in line and wearing academic uniforms.

At one of the terminals, Leon saw a huge group of kids of his age, traveling in uniform..

"Yes! You also attended one of those before attending."

"Really? Did he even attend the academy?"Feng Ruoxi asked skeptically and added, "I wonder how long he lasted in civilized places.."

Sophia and Leon gave a glance making her shut her lips.

"Except for the prestigious academy, what about the normal cultivating students? How are they selected."

"You don't know?"Sophia asked with a frown.

"It seems you have forgotten many things," Irina sighed and started explaining.

Every child born now was recorded by citizenship and at the age of 5, the government would send people to test.

In this way, one born with meridians is recorded, and if they can't afford to go to the prestigious academy, they are sent to a normal Martial Arts College or the military depending on their performance.

Everyone is trained until 21 after which they pass out and are sent to the dimensional zone for voluntary service.

However, there were many loopholes.

The government tracks through hospitals, orphanages, and citizenship of parents so people who hid underground or weren't registered in the system were hard to catch.

Like the lawless mercenaries who didn't have any identification if their children were born with cultivation petitions, they can't be tracked.

If you want to enter the dimension, your background would be verified still it wasn't easy to get in.

But each family had some quotas to send a select number of students. From those quotas, you can also enter the Military Academy.

Military Academy was just in the name, you will just stay there for a few days to shape up and then be sent to guard the borders.

Walking, they immediately came across a humongous airship floating just a few meters above the ground, about 50 meters close to the mansion.

The airship boasted a grand spherical design, reminiscent of a majestic floating orb in the sky. Its expansive structure could easily accommodate a multitude of passengers.

Positioned beneath it, a powerful propulsion engine hummed with bluish energy. Despite cruising a mere few meters above the ground, an extraordinary feat of magical precision ensured an absence of any disruptive breezes beneath the airship.

This remarkable specimen was an example of intricate work.

And then, a metallic platform gracefully extended from the underbelly of the airship, gently settling a few meters away from the group.

And they all, including Leon, got on it, and then it instantaneously started ascending, carrying all of them with it.

Entering the futuristic airship, they were greeted by a cool, sleek space. The walls light up with colorful displays, showing moving pictures.

On one side, a clear elevator takes you up to high-tech rooms with windows that change from clear to opaque. On the other side, there's a fancy dining area with machines serving food and a cool virtual reality room for fun adventures.

You can also find a spa area for relaxing treatments and a big library filled with digital books you can read with special glasses.

The bodyguards also hoarded the ship and Irina took the command center.

At that time, Leon asked a question, "I am pondering about one thing."

"Each one of us had a pass given to us by the Federation. The students get the passes from the Academy but what about two? Aren't you a mercenary and assassin? How did you have the pass."

Sophia and Feng Ruoxi tilted their heads in confusion.

"I also asked them, they said they can enter so I thought they had a pass."Irina made a fumbled expression.

"Why do we need to pass?"Feng Ruoxi.

"What?"Leon shouted, rubbing his ear.

"You don't need a pass."

"Why do we need a pass to enter home?"


This time two bewildered screams echoed coming from Gwen and Irina.

Sophia as if understanding something waved his head.

"Ahhh!Sorry, I forgot to tell you all. Our main home...I mean we two aren't from here but from above Dimensional Zones."

Seeing Leon still confused, Irina whispered.

"Leon, the Feng family along with other hidden families, unlike us, lives in Dimensional zones. People born in dimensional zones have their citizenship of Dimension that can be used as identification for travel."

"I see.."Leon nodded remembering something.

His soldiers caught a few groups of people trailing them who were from the Feng family but Leon didn't investigate further as he felt this was unnecessary. Mostly, because they would be left behind but who knew where the Feng family was situated up?

'It seems…I need to send my people to keep an eye on.'

Soon a beeping sound echoed and thrusters burst out with a brilliant bluish flame that lifted the aircraft and then with thrust, it pierced through the air and disappeared into the sky.

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