Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 244: Your Despair Is My Amusement

"NO! I don't believe it."

Seph scream drew everyone's attention.

"No matter how strong he is. In the end, he is just one. Humanity has always come together in the face of calamity so today we all need to gather together to banish that demon who wants to destroy the law and order."

Seph's booming voice drew blood to everyone's pale expression.

With just a few words Seph affected the mood of the entire place.

"We don't need to make a move."Tang Hao muttered.

His words stirred a wave of confusion in everyone's heart.

"Look there..."Tang Hao muttered pointing to a bright halo that slowly lit up the sky and explained.

"Martial Saints and Ancestors are bound by laws. They may fight but there shouldn't be any death due to the fighting. Moreover, every time a Martial Saint dies, a storm of spiritual qi sweeps over the space, and lighting fills the sky as if mourning for the deceased Spirit so everyone might know the death of Martial Saint and then....."

Tang Hao's expression contorted but before he could speak it was Maz who filled in.

"Then, the President would directly intervene. And then anyone who breaks the law would be punished."

"That's why it's over, Leon!"Maz muttered, gritting his teeth.

"You should have listened to this old man."

"OOOOOO!"Leon, with an unfazed expression, stared at a beam of light trailing out in the sky.

The entire sky of Aetheria Prime was illuminated by a blinding halo and soon a voice erupted in the vast sky.

[Solve your conflict among yourself. I don't want to step on this shit.]

A grim heavy voice resounded and the moment it finished, the expression of three Martial Saints was worthwhile to look at.

Their expression distorted and contorted to such a way that it felt as if they have stepped over dogshit…no, it's as if they have forcefully fed dogshit

"What the fuck is this?"Seph screams, almost pulling his hair.

Blow after blow shook his mentality.

'Just why….just why the fuck is everything going the wrong the way.'

Seph bites his lips so hard that it starts to bleed.

The uneasy silence was finally broken by a deafening clap and Leon's laughter.


"You all heard him right…Then let's begin."

"Seph…I know you can still go on. Pull out something…Pull out your hidden power."

"Amuse me more after all…"

"You are nothing but a pitiful source of my amusement."

"AHHHHHHH!Leon, I swear I will kill you."Seph shouted so loudly and dashed forward.

Following him, the other Saints also followed.

Leon standing above waves his hands and his ghost army disperses.

"Everyone who wants to kill me. Come here and have my head."

"Let's help them."

"Yeah, let's kill him."

"He can defeat hundreds but not thousands."

The remaining Martial Emperor and head of the families shouted and decided to attack.

Eleanor stood among them and looked at her son with eyes filled with worry and then at the enemy hateful.

She was about to step in when a black hand grabbed her and closed her mouth.

Her body shivered and her eyes widened as she found herself among several Martial Emperor ghosts.

"Sorry bitch, my Liege has some other plans for you."


Numerous figure darted at Leon.

Leon, like a god on a mortal plane, stood with a sinister smile and faced off against the formidable trio of Martial Saint Maz, Wang Tianmneg, and Tang Hao, supported by Seph and numerous families of powerful lineage. The air crackled with pulsating as the clash of titans sent shockwaves through the city.

"Take this, you bloody son of bitch."

"Die, you stain on humanity."

With a deafening roar, Maz, charged at Leon, his fists wreathed in crackling lightning.

Their collision shattered the very air, splitting the clouds above as bolts of lightning danced across the sky. As Maz unleashed his signature Thunder Fist technique, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and buildings shook with the force of the impact.

But Leon, with graceful movement, evaded Maz's lightning-fast strikes, studying his opponent's technique with keen interest.

In the next second he mirrored Maz's movements, channeling the same electrifying power through his own fists. With a thunderous blow, Leon unleashed his own Thunder Fist, sending shockwaves rippling through the air and staggering Maz back in disbelief.

"What?"Maz screamed in shock and spurted blood as Leon's fist, similar to his own, slammed his fist and cracked his skull.

Meanwhile, Wang Tianmeng, conjured swirling vortexes of elemental energy, unleashing torrents of fire and ice upon Leon.

With each spell, the fabric of reality seemed to warp and twist, creating dazzling displays of light and color that illuminated the battlefield.

The very ground beneath their feet trembled as Wang Tianmeng unleashed his devastating Meteor Shower technique, raining down fiery projectiles that scorched the earth.

With a calm focus, Leon studied Wang Tianmeng's intricate spellcasting, absorbing the essence of each element into his being.


The moment he spoke, he replicated Wang Tianmeng's spells with flawless precision, unleashing torrents of fire and ice that eclipsed even the grandness of his opponent's own magic.

"SHITTT!"Wang Tianmeng cursed feeling his scalp going numb.

With a wave of his hand, he countered Wang Tianmeng's Meteor Shower, dispersing the fiery attack that clashes against another spell.


The sky was lit by meteor showers and explosions.

Seeing the clash tilting in Leon's favor Tang Hao, pressed his foot creating a dent in space and forming a crack, and swung his fist into the Mountain Splitter Fist.

With a mighty roar, he sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, shattering stone and steel alike with each thunderous blow. The very earth seemed to quake beneath his feet as he unleashed his devastating onslaught.

With a smirk, he faced Tang Hao head-on, meeting his earth-

shattering blows with unyielding strength.

With each clash, the sky trembled, and fissures erupted beneath their feet, threatening to swallow them whole.

With a surge of power, Leon copied Tang Hao's technique flawlessly channeling the raw energy of the earth itself into his fists. With a single strike, he unleashed the Mountain Splitter Fist, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield and staggering Tang Hao back in disbelief.

As the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded into the distance, Leon stood casting awe and fear in everyone.

With each devastating technique he had copied, the opponents watched in disbelief at the extent of his mastery. At that moment, the once-proud families of Aetheria Prime realized the true extent of Leon's prowess, and their fear of him grew with every passing moment.

"Fuck! He is copying everything and attacking with greater power."

"Is that even possible?"

"Is he even a human?"

"How….How are we going to win?"

Cries of despair and pleas erupted all around.

"DAMN! The system gives me an unlimited boost of energy. He is using some hidden pieces that will exert a lot. I just need to outlive him."

"Take everything. Take away all my points and if it doesn't make a cut, just take away my lifespan but just give me something to defeat him…"

At the end of his sentence, his words trembled, and he almost spoke please but fortunately, he managed to hold off at the last minute.

[Okay Host! Hold on…I am doing something]

The next moment Seph felt a wave of power and a feeling of euphoria coursing through his body.

Seph, with his newfound agility and strength, launched a flurry of devastating strikes at Leon.

He let go of his sword and incorporated the sword techniques into his fist.

Each punch and kick carried the force of a battering ram, aiming to overwhelm his opponent with sheer ferocity. With blinding speed, Seph closed the distance between them, his movements like lightning dancing across the battlefield.



The whole sky seemed to tremble.

But Leon was like a cloud, effortlessly evading Seph's onslaught with graceful movements and impeccable timing. With a fluidity that seemed almost supernatural, he sidestepped each strike with ease, his movements almost as if he could predict Seph's every move before it even happened.

As Seph unleashed his most powerful techniques, each blow striking with the force of a thunderbolt, Leon showed no interest. With a calm focus, he anticipated Seph's attacks, his instincts honed to a razor's edge.

"Did you pull another power out of your ass?"Leon asked with a smile and then shook his head in pity.

"So sad, it isn't going to work anymore?"

"Did you just pity me asshole?"Seph screamed at the top of his lungs and increased the fury of his attacks.

With each strike, Leon left Seph bewildered and frustrated, his attacks finding nothing but empty air. Despite Seph's best efforts, Leon seemed to effortlessly slip through his defenses, leaving him grasping at shadows and echoes.



"Why can't I hit him?"

"Why? Just where do I lack?"

"How did he become so strong?"

Despair slowly started to well inside Seph.

In the end, Seph could only watch in disbelief as Leon toyed with him as if he had never been in danger at all.

Sweat dripped down Seph's brow as he poured all of his skill and determination into each strike, his heart pounding in his chest with the intensity of the fight.

"Hey, fucker…Why don't you look down before you attack again?"

Seph's attention was suddenly drawn to a scene of horror unfolding below.

Below Ella's and Wang Mengqin's body was pierced and cut by the sword with her mouth stuffed.




[Spoiler Alert]

Just think of this already over. One or two chapters will end though he would be tortured and toyed.

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