The wedding garden fell into a sudden hush, like a blanket of silence wrapping around everyone, suffocating the joy and replacing it with a thick fog of tension.

"I don't like this wedding."

Everyone turned their gaze towards a man similar to Seph age walking on the red carpet in a black wedding suit.

His appearance cast shock and disbelief in everyone's heart.

The group of boys from Seph's classes immediately recognized him.


"Isn't that Lin Fang…"

"Why is behaving like this?"

"Maybe he drank too much."

At that time, a gust of wave emerged from Lin Fang and the ground beneath him started to crack.

Lin Fang's arrival was like a lightning bolt striking through the air, electrifying the atmosphere with fear and disbelief.

His presence loomed over the crowd, casting a shadow of dread upon the once festive occasion.

Ella's and Wang Mengqin's eyes blazed with a fiery rage, their gazes boring into Lin Fang with the intensity of a thousand piercing needles. Their fists clenched at their sides, trembling with suppressed fury, as they struggled to contain the boiling anger within them.

"Lin Fang….How dare he….Bastard…"

Wang Mengqin's expression was also heavy. After all, how can she not know the guy who tried to flirt with her?

Her heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat of war, her mind racing with a torrent of emotion.

At that time a grip tightened around two brides, pulling them closer to him, and as they looked up they saw Seph's amused expression.

The guests standing ahead recoiled in shock and horror, their faces contorted with expressions of disbelief and fear.

Some stumbled backward, tripping over their own feet in a desperate attempt to distance themselves from the unfolding madness.

Eleanor's eyes widened in shock and anger as she stepped forward, her voice laced with authority. "Who dares to disrupt this sacred ceremony?"

Eleanor's voice cut through the tense silence like a blade, sharp and commanding, as she stepped forward.

Her eyes flashed with murderous intent, her posture radiating authority as she confronted the intruder with unwavering resolve.

At that time Evelyn moved closer and whispered to Lex, "Honey, isn't he the same boy whom you wanted to marry Ella but changed your mind all of sudden."

Lex felt dejavu hearing this and pinched Evelyn's waist.

"Shut up….Shut up…"

The guards stood tall and steadfast, their fists clenched at his sides as they glared at Lin Fang with a steely resolve.

While many were worried, few families exchanged wary glances, however underneath their worry, there was a faint sneer as they wanted to see what was going to happen.

Meanwhile, John and the group of boys watched with wide-eyed disbelief, their mouths hanging open in shock.

"Fuck…Fuck this bastard…"John screamed throwing his wine glass to the ground.

"I wish I could cut him into a hundred pieces. Mongrel who dared to betray his people."

As the tension in the air grew thicker, the atmosphere crackled with uncertainty, Eleanor stepped forward with a determined expression etched upon his face. She gestured to a group of guards standing nearby, her voice cutting through the silence like a whip crack.

"Take him down! Break his legs and bones. Don't kill him, I want to imprison him and torture him for ruining my son's wedding."

Eleanor commanded, her voice ringing out with authority as he pointed towards Lin Fang.

The guards nodded in unison, their eyes blazing with determination as they moved forward to apprehend the intruder.

They advanced toward Lin Fang with practiced precision, ready to subdue him by any means necessary.


Hearing this, Lin Fang laughed aloud.

"Capture me…You have to ask my permission."Then with a smile, he pointed at the stage.

"Ladies, just look at my strength and regret for choosing that asshole over me."

'Today, I will have my revenge.'Lin Fang gritted his fist tightly.

The guards surrounded Lin Fang but he reacted quickly.

With a lightning-fast motion, he spun around and sent the guards crashing to the ground with a swift strike of his hands. Their bodies hit the earth with a thud, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air.


The guests gasped in horror as they witnessed the guards being effortlessly overpowered by Lin Fang's sheer strength and skill. Fear gripped their hearts like a vice, paralyzing them with the realization that they were facing a formidable opponent.

Eleanor's eyes narrowed with steely resolve as she assessed the situation.

"What's up with this Kid? He is hiding his strength…I didn't think that there was another talented guy."

Lex gritted his teeth in frustration, his fists clenched at his sides as he braced himself for the impending battle. He knew that they would need to act swiftly and decisively if they hoped to emerge victorious.

The people exchanged grim looks, their expressions hardened with resolve as they prepared to lend their strength to the fight. They knew that they might get caught up in the trouble.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, a tense silence descended upon the wedding garden, broken only by the heavy breathing of those gathered there.

The wedding atmosphere was abruptly shattered as Lin Fang crashed onto the scene with terrifying power, startling everyone. Gasps filled the air, followed by murmurs of shock and awe.

Ella and Wang Mengqin's expressions shifted from joy to intense anger as they glared hurtfully at Lin Fang, their eyes burning with fury and betrayal.

Seph's brows furrowed, his eyes darted between Lin Fang and his brides, a mixture of uncanny flashing in his gaze.

The guests exchanged uneasy glances, some stepping back cautiously, while others tensed up, ready to defend themselves if needed.

Lex clenched his fists, his jaw set in a determined line. "This is unacceptable. We will not tolerate any interference. Everyone just pounce on him."

Though he said so, no one dared to move as all guards defeated were at the Martial King stage, and defeating so many meant that the kid was at the Emperor stage and only upper members of families could deal with him.

Behind, two figures staring at Lin Fang whispered.

"Sect master, is it alright for us to support this guy?What if Harold or another Martial Saint intervenes."

A man in a long Taoist robe caressed his beard and said"Don't worry, I have a soul-binding chain that can obstruct them. As long as Lin Fang finished Seph, we will take him away and go into hiding."


Seph stared at the figure emitting a threatening aura.

His murderous intent enveloped the entire place.

"Lin Fang, do you think you can run rampant here? It's good that you are alive to bark here before the mighty presence."

"Shut up. Today, I will defeat everyone who stands in my way."Lin Fang shouted with a haughty expression.

'To reach this level, I have devoured the life essence of many and my Martial Spirit has risen to Rank 8. Once I kill you today and absorb everyone, I will be unrivaled and even give the Saint hell of a run.'

"Today, no one can save you."With that declaration, Lin Fang emitted all his power.


[Next Chapter is Leon's turn.]

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