"Hey, Leon, wash my pants."

"Bring me food.."

"Sweep the floor."

"I can't do tha…...''Leon hadn't even finished his sentence when he first slammed on his gut.

"It seems you are not used to this place. This is the newcomer ritual."

Several boys a bit taller than him surrounded him looking at him in contempt.

"It's good that we didn't beat you to death or throw you out."

"What…Are you going to kill us like your parents?"

Leon gritted his teeth to fight back but he was forced to swallow his grievance and went back to sweep the floor.

He was moved to the orphanage and was the youngest one at that place and everyone's punching bag.

His day starts with getting beaten and doing chores and ends with getting beaten.

Even at the tender age of 10, one could see kids smoking and chewing tobacco. As for how they got this…

Most of the kids roaming the street were picked up by gangs and we were asked to act as beggars to earn money.

The orphanage he lived in was under such a vile gang. However, at least compared to others, they were at least humane.

They allowed schooling and didn't force kids to beg but they had to work once they turned 15.

Wake up, get beaten, do daily chores, and go to school…

That was his daily routine. He wanted to avoid school but for his greater goals, he knew he should know the basics to study.

He didn't know whether the day would come but he was hopeful that something would change if this kept going.

And that's when he found a ray of hope.


A year passed within a blink and Leon was almost 10.

One day, the teacher lectured about the cops and their bravery.

A cop named Brandon came to their class during the speech and explained how Cops are essential for the world and how they maintain law and order.

Cops were harbingers of justice and didn't hesitate to fight against evil as at the end of the day good wins over evil.

The speech opened his eyes, planting a small bud in his heart.

It was a glimmer of hope for him.

He found a new ray of light and a straw to grab.

"Cop...I.will be a Cop and grant justice to my parents but before that, I should ask for their help."

Leon shouted and decided to follow up and meet Brandon after the class.

"He looks like a hero. I am sure he would listen to my side of the story."

That's what he thought but...


"Son of a bitch, how did you even say that?"


"How dare you ask for justice for filthy scums."

Bradon who smiled eloquently and gently in the class now was looking down at him with sharp cold eyes.

He raised his hand to hit Leon and held his chin tightly making him cry.


"Please, it hurts."

Leon's whole body trembled to see those gazes.

"Do you know what kind of scum your parents were? What kind of vile deeds have they committed? They are worse than animals."

"They aren't?"Leon shouted, only to be answered with a slap.

"Shut up! I don't listen to scums."


A loud slap shook his whole frail body.

Leon's body dimmed down and blood trailed from his lips.

Sometimes he even wondered if his parents were at fault but remembering their sweet gestures and his mother's happiness when she used to donate for small kids, he couldn't help but believe in them.

If he doesn't trust them and condemns them then would he be any different from the world?

"Scum...My parents aren't scum. One day I will reveal to the whole world that my parents won't be scum. There ought to be a good cop who will surely listen to my pleas."

"Because God is there seeing everything and will punish evil."

"Hahaha!"Brandon laughed and put a cigar on his lips.

"Kid, God judges that your parents are guilty and we're killed as karma. It is still time, hurry up and accept the fact that..."

Brandon bent down and blew air straight at Leon's face.

"That your parents were filthy bastards who should be executed and butchered publicly."

"Innocents….They are innocents "Leon shouted angrily but bored by this Brandon kicked Leon again and left.

However, Leon didn't lose all his hope.

"There will be someone…There will surely be a good cop."


From that day, Leon traveled to every police station. With no money, he walked on foot traveling here and there in the hope for light.

Leon's footsteps echoed through the corridors of the police station, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and desperation. He approached the front desk, where a tired-

looking officer sat, buried beneath a mountain of paperwork.

"Excuse me," Leon began, his voice trembling with emotion. "I need to report a crime."

"Kid, this isn't time for a joke."The man glared at Leon.

"I am not joking. I swear in the name of God."

The officer glanced up for a moment with an expression of indifference. "Fill out this form and wait your turn," he said dismissively, sliding a piece of paper across the desk.

Leon's hands shook as he filled out the form, his mind racing with thoughts of his parents' murder. When he finished, he approached the officer once more, his eyes pleading for help.

The moment the Officer looked at the name, he stared at Leon with wide eyes and tore the form drawing everyone's attention.


"I have never seen such filth."

"Hey, this kid is insane. His parents committed a crime and now he is here to ask for justice."The man chuckled and spoke aloud drawing everyone's attention.

"No, my parents are innocent."

"Innocent…"The man's expression changes.

"Your parents are worse than terrorists."

"Please," Leon begged, his voice barely above a whisper. "My parents were killed, but they were innocent. You have to investigate, you have to clear their name."

"Shut up and get out,"

"No….I won't move until…"


Leon's voice paused when a hand grabbed the back of his neck.

"Get out when I am being nice otherwise we will throw you out."

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