The unfamiliar people in white lab coats were butchered by dark ghosts even before they could cry and beg for all help.

No one of them was able to understand what was going on.

Screams erupted from the people who seemed to be inside the room.

Ignoring everything, Leon scanned around and reached a huge hall.

His heart felt uneasy after he heard the man's words.

"Serum..Is it because I handed over that thing to the government and Seph hearing this wanted to create one of its own or is it a collaboration?"

Leon's expression became darker and darker as he thought about this. If all this was an after-effect of the serum he gave, then didn't it mean that he was the one responsible for all this mess?

"No, I don't think Argent handed over the thing that led Seph to figure out the formula on his way."

The serum Leon gave was incomplete but it didn't have any drastic side effects or grave mutations indicated by notes. Except for less effective and narrow changes, it won't cause any harm so all of this either because Seph didn't get their hands on it or because he knew that it was incomplete and wanted an effect.

It was even possible that this facility was aimed for different things and he might just be paranoid.

But as long as there was a 1% chance that it was all because of him, it was enough to touch his reverse scale.

As Leon stepped into the hall, the air was thick with the stench of decay and death along with the buzz of machinery.

In the hall, over the bed, many bodies were left behind with many tubes connecting to them.

Most of the bodies had been sunken dry and some had started to rot while some seemed to be barely alive with tubes connected to them that had a yellowish liquid.

It seems something strange was being extracted from them.

Beyond that, there are even pods with a few humane figures floating inside them.

Leon's eyes then darted towards a red hair figure and he lunged forward.

On small beds, hundreds of naked bodies were scattered across the place on the inner side.

The soft glow of the tubes illuminated the room, casting long shadows across the rows of motionless bodies.

Each figure lay still, suspended in a state between life and death, their faces frozen in expressions of agony or concession.

The tubes wriggled all across the floor, connecting to various machines that beeped and whirred rhythmically. Some bodies twitched, their muscles contracting involuntarily in response to the foreign substances coursing through their veins.

Among the sea of bodies, Leon's gaze fixated on the figure with fiery red hair. The person lay motionless, her chest barely rising and falling with each shallow breath.


Leon felt his throat becoming dry as if he had been stranded in the desert. His body started feeling numb and creepiness crawled on his back.

With a surge of uncanny emotions, Leon lunged forward, his heart pounding in his chest as he pushed through the maze of tubes and bodies.

As he drew closer, he could see the faint rise and fall of the figure's chest depicting signs of life amidst the sea of corpses. With trembling hands, Leon reached out to touch the person's face, his fingers brushing against cool, clammy soggy skin.


He whispered her name, with a desperate plea for recognition in the silence of the room.

But there was no response, only the steady beeping of machines and the distant echo of his heartbeat.

Sighing heavily, Leon hid his face, and then looking up he muttered as if he resigned himself to fate.

"Haaaa…..It seems I need to find another woman to lose my V card…"


He hadn't even finished his sentence when a bright fire erupted forming two words.



Unrecognized voices of gasps echoed from Sophia whose mouth had been shut up by a mask.

Leon exhaled heavily, bent forward, and pulled out the mask.

The moment was taken out, Sophia sucked in the air greedily as if it was the most precious thing.

"OHHHHHHH!You are alive...Thank God, I don't have to look for another girl now," Leon muttered, patting his chest.

"Asshole," Sophia murmured in a choked hoarse voice.

Sophia's voice has always been quite seductive yet cold but this time it was quite low-pitched like the scratching of nails on a metallic surface.

"Are you well? What's with this?"Leon asked while carefully pulling out the tubes with yellowish liquid tubes that were attached to her veins by the needle.

His movements were quite delicate as if he was afraid of hurting her.

Then Leon took out a pour and made Sophia drink it who gulped greedily.

After a few moments, her complexion returned to normal.

"I don't know about others. But mine are some kind of mixed poison. As you know my bloodline burns every poison or substance that enters our body which can harm us. They gave me anesthesia and seeing it wasn't working, they decided to break me down with a regular supply of drugs, poison mixed with this weird liquid."

"Truly, it was horrifying, I can feel my entire body burning from the pain of getting stabbed."

Sophia became out of breath as soon as she spoke this. Leon, after pulling out those weird things, caressed her hair softly with one hand and poured down a potion in her mouth with the other.

"Take this potion. It's a very potent one."

Sophia chugged down the potion immediately and soon, her pale expression started to regain its vigor slowly.

"Don't worry, I will be fine with rest. If you were a bit late my body might be damaged beyond repair by those weird things they were researching on."Seeing Leon's expression, Sophia assured him.

"It's great," Leon answered with a soft smile.

Sophia, after feeling alright, held Leon's wrist firmly, startling him.


A voice akin to a heavenly melody echoed.

"I know you are afraid. There is no need to act tough."Sophia's eyes turned to Leon's eyes.

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