The woman who was choking through the gaps of men standing ahead, witnessed several streaks of bright light flashing and obliterating a mass of people and reducing its body to bits as if thrown into a meat grinder.

The scream and pleas of panic brought a mixture of happiness and relief to her as her eyes slowly started to close shut.

Witnessing this, a glint appeared in the woman's half-dead eyes.

Fighting over the feeling of death, through the strangled neck she squeezed out her words.

"Th….Gd…is hre…"

Color returned to her face as she began to laugh hysterically or at least she tried to do so before her eyes lost the sign of any life.

The man who choked her furrowed his brows seeing her erratic behavior and then looked to the entrance.

He wasn't able to notice much as several figures stood in between.

"Is she gone mad? And who is this guy coming here to get himself killed?"

He spoke in an amusing tone but to his dismay, there wasn't any reply.


At that very moment, a slight tremor courses through Ley's hands, and an icy chill runs down his spine.

Suddenly, an unsettling sensation of cold dread settled in his heart as his senses screamed for him to run.

The sudden urge to quickly abandon the place and escape as soon as possible grew overwhelmingly.

"Who are you?"He asked his mind racing to process thoughts.

He didn't have to wait long for an answer. Soon, high-pitched screeches from his group reverberated throughout the place

The atmosphere shifted and Ley frantically swept his gaze around trying to search for the source of the object of his sudden terror and trying to pin out the preparator with golden eyes but…

All he saw instead was the group of people being slaughtered one after another by a blurry figure that moved so fast that his eyes were unable to note him.

Red and Golden streaks of light slashed the air cutting down the figure of the guards into heaps of fleshes.

"What is going on? Do you know what you are messing with?"

Seeing no answer, Ley cursed and ordered"Damn! Everyone stays closer."

"Stop gawking and stand in formation. Be prepared to defend. Also, ring the warning bell."


The guards stuttering in fear reacted to Ley's words.

Warning sirens started echoing and the red light flashed

Guards started to pour in yet everything proved futile before the relentless force.

Let screams aloud in panic. He couldn't see anyone and the carnage spread not confined to a single location.

The highly trained elite guards were enough to give an army a hell of a run were now being chopped all around.

"Sir, Ley what's going on?"A Martial King guard standing right next to Ley asked, his eyes wide with shock as he observed what was happening.

Instinctively Ley took a step back and slowly shook his head, "I don't know.."

In that instant, an eccentric laughter reached his ears from above.

"You don't know?"

Soon the faces of the remaining quickly contorted close to fear when they saw a looming dark figure covered in a cloak of darkness with his whole body drenched in blood.

The darkness and a fair white face with a maniac expression reflected in their vision.

"That face..Isn't that the face wanted Leon."

Ley's eyes widened with horror as he saw the man stopping his slaughter and slowly walking towards them.

"Now, do you understand why I am here?"

A cold hoarse voice emerged from the man.

"What? How can you be so strong?"Ley asked in bewilderment.

His 50 years of experience was enough to tell him that he didn't stand a chance before this man.

The guards stepped back with beads of sweat forming on their foreheads.

"Sir Ley," Zion stammered, his tone quivering, "I advise you to flee and inform Master Seph."

Ley knitted his brief in a mixture of anger and disbelief, "What? Are you out of your mind?"

Gritting his teeth, Zion shouted"Sir, you fail to grasp the severity of the situation. Either you forget the information from the Shadow Realm or you might haven't read it due to being busy."

"He isn't human. According to the source he alone is an army who led the frontal battle against the monster and cut the Commander of Monsters."

"He isn't just anyone. He is Leon, The Demon Of the Battlefield."

"But, Master Seph wouldn't spare me."Ley shook his head as he knew his master.

"He would understand," Zion shouted.

"Escape, isn't it already too late for escape?"

Zion nodded nervously. "However, perhaps, with our remaining forces here and with a touch of luck, we might still be able to–"

At that moment, Zion felt his skin crawl and his eyes widened. The reason for this was a sudden yet strange realization during his explanation.

The voice that questioned him not only didn't belong to Ley, but it also came from the wrong direction!

It resounded from beside him.

Quivering, he looked at Ley and saw fhe people staring past his shoulder with wide eyes.

Someone… Something was behind him…

But how could this be possible? Seven Martial Kings stood guard around them in a circle! No one should be able to breach their defenses without being noticed first!

A bead of sweat trickled down Zion's forehead as he lunged forward, positioning himself near Ley, and swiftly turned around to face the source of the voice.

Suddenly the five Martial Kings stepped on the ground and leaving a crack they accelerated towards Leon with a powerful burst of speed.

They lunged at the black hair guy unleashing a torrential rain of attack and slashes that lit up the entire dark space.

To their attack, Leon just took a step back and whipped the sword in the shape of a single-edged sword.

He slashes once with a terrifying speed but hundreds of ripples and cuts seem to be transverse in the air distorting the surroundings.

A sound akin to the tearing of paper crackled in the space.

Cut marks lit up like webs of spheres and anyone who dared to approach him was silt into many pieces and slaughtered ruthlessly.

Zion turned around Ley and shouted, "Run!"

Ley wanted to protest. He wanted to stand and fight. And he wanted to escape this place with his entire unit intact.

But that wish was unattainable...

The brutal reality was right in front of him. Staying here meant facing a gruesome end, much like the guards.

At least one of them had to survive…

At least one of them had a chance…

Ley gave a brief nod after which Zion jumped forward pulling his sword. He was ready to throw his life.

Telling himself that he was the only one who could escape this slaughter, Ley turned to Zion and whispered, his voice low and apologetic, "I'm sorry."

With this, Ley shot forward but he had hardly gained a few meters when he heard a bone-chilling voice.

"Sorry for what?"

Ley balance faltered and on looking back, he gasped in shock when he saw Zion's headless corpses standing in the air while a murder just stood a few steps away from him and looked down at him with a blank expression.

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