Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 189: The Army Of Darkness[II]

When Leon let his ghost army go wild, he didn't think these dead heads might put that much thought and fight like suicide pricks but they really went wild.

Leon didn't expect his ghost army to be so clever and fierce, but they surprised him. They carved a path for him, with blood staining the road and his army kneeling on either side.

In front stood a blood-stained road and on either side, the head of the ghost army kneeled down before him.

It was quite organized.

The ones who led them by taking charge were Hella, Kihwoon, Miyuki, and Terpas from the human side while Germin who killed him before, and that pseudo-Martial Emperor Liebert were in charge of monster troops.

First, they asked him to wait and let them cook for him.

And the way they handled it, Leon had nothing but praise for them.

The moment he stopped treating them like disposable means, all of them started showing their true worth.

They even employed the griffin to throw boulders to create panic.

However, despite the immense noise, Avelin didn't make a move.

Leon didn't know what that sinister bastard was cooking but.....

Whatever the case might be and whatever planning he might have cooked, he had already been prepared now.

Now the time for the game is over.


Leon inhaled and exhaled a big chuck of air and spoke confidently.



A stream of black smoke covered the area and from the dead crestfallen awakened the new legion of ghosts prepared to be commanded.

The souls flickering over the dead materialize taking the humanoid shape of ghostly figures adorned by darkish armor.

The armor and weapon was perfectly replicated by the darkness, and a greenish flame burnt in their pupils…

As if connected to Leon, all of them immediately bowed their heads as if expressing their joy and mirth to their Lord for giving them a chance to live again after death.

"Now, let's go. We still have more to kill."


In response to the warning bell, Seeker who had been completely healed by the liege came to the forefront.


"Wipe them out!"

"Charge forward! Crush the Demon King!"

"Use the weapons bestowed by the Lord."

The monstrous Orc army, led by Seeker, surged forth with a ferocity that shook the very ground beneath their feet. The ghosts, their ethereal forms twisting and writhing, fought back with all their spectral might, but the Orcs, with their enchanted weapons, proved too formidable to be stopped.

As the Orcs clashed with the ghosts, the fortress walls reverberated with the sound of battle. Seeker watched from the front lines, her eyes ablaze with determination as his warriors pushed forward relentlessly.

"That's all they're capable of!"

"And here I thought they'd be stronger!"

"Those ghosts might be annoying, but they won't stand in our way for long!"

Confidence surged through the Orc ranks as they carved through the ghostly opposition. Yet, as time passed, Seeker couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.


"We've been cutting them down, but their numbers don't seem to be dwindling!"

"Why are there still so many ghosts?"

The Orcs pressed on, their enchanted weapons slicing through the ghosts like a hot knife through butter. But despite their initial advantage, the Orcs soon found themselves facing unexpected challenges.

Kirt, who assisted Seeker, swallowed his saliva.


"We're surrounded!"

"A horde of strong undeads are approaching from both sides!"

Seeker's heart sank as she beheld the sight before him. From both ends of the canyon of the wall, a sea of darkness emerged, with undead soldiers leading the charge. The sheer number of them was staggering, and Seeker realized they were facing a new threat unlike any they had encountered before.

The numbers were just so…so much.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Where did all these undeads come from?"

"Just how many minions does that bastard command?"

Panic rippled through the Orc ranks as they struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. The fortress walls, once a symbol of their strength, now felt like a prison, hemming them in on all sides.

Not only the fortress but the plain around the fortress had also been guarded, cutting all their escape routes. And if someone thinks of escaping using an aerial beast, the entire sky has been encroached by darkish Griffins.

The relentless advance of the horde threatened to crush them underfoot, and the pressure they exerted was overwhelming. Yet, even in the face of such adversity, Seeker rallied his troops, her voice ringing out above the chaos.

"Stand firm, my! We may be surrounded, but we will not falter! For the Liege For victory!"

"Give your all."

While others feared, her eyes went crazy.

"Chief, it's not time for that, "Kirt shouted seeing Seeker's crazy expression and trying to stop her but she already lunged ahead.

Seeker was confident with her skills and was sure to break out of the encirclement.


With a bloodthirsty roar, she leapt ahead and swung her ax with all her might. The air before her was cut apart by her monstrous swing.

A huge bloody arc tore through the ghost army sweeping them into nothingness.

Seeker then took a step to swing again when her senses screamed of danger.

Then, a thunderous roar boomed out with deafening force!


A dark bolt of lightning blasted down into the canyon and unerringly struck Seeker, instantly shattering the qi that she had covering her.

Like a kite from a cut string, her body willowed and planted firmly onto the ground creating a huge crater.

Her body wriggled like a worm as an electrifying sensation followed by large pain coursed through his body.


"How can I, a mighty warrior from the Iron blood tribe, reduce this with a single strike?"


"Seeker, calm down."Kirt came running down towards Seeker for help but just as he extended his hand, a line went past through his head.

It was so fast and swift that Kirt's body walked forward but his head lingered in the air for a few moments after which his body staggered and fell down before Seeker with a burst of blood shooting at Seeker's face.

Seeker's expression froze seeing a burst of blood dyeing her face.


Her eyes become bloodshot and her body started to swell up becoming red.

A power deep within her swelled up but before she could fully transform...


A rain of blood spike and dark blades struck her body piercing every inch of her body.

A deluge of blood spikes and dark blades rained down upon her, each one finding its mark with deadly precision, piercing every inch of her body. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the screams of agony filled the air as Seeker bore the brunt of the merciless assault.

Her once proud form was now a pincushion of pain, impaled from all sides by the bloody projectiles. Each spike and blade sank deep into her flesh, tearing through muscle and bone with a sickening crunch. Yet, despite the excruciating agony coursing through her veins, Seeker refused to yield.

With a primal roar that reverberated through the battlefield, she unleashed a torrent of raw power, her body pulsating with rage and defiance. The ground trembled beneath her feet as she summoned the last reserves of her strength, her eyes ablaze with an otherworldly fire.

"This isn't enough....Hahahaha....This pa.."Before she could even finish his sentence, the piercing weapon dug deeper and started rotating around to drill inside her.

"Insolent fool! Dare to defy myLord"A cold grim voice echoed and with a flash, a darkish Vampire figure rose in the sky and waved his hands

As the rain of blood spikes and dark blades continued to assail her, Seeker's scream pierced the heavens, a defiant cry that echoed across the battlefield. Her spirit remained unbroken, her will unshakable, as she braced herself against the storm of violence that threatened to consume her.

Being pierced from all around, Seeker let out a terrifying yell that shook and shuddered everyone's soul.

Then her eyes widened as she saw a blurry figure standing before her. Raising his foot he pressed it on her head.

A pressure unlike ever before invaded her will.

That person stood on top of her head like a great and mighty demon god, looking down at the insects under his feet with a playful gaze.

"Sorry girl, we are just standing on different sides so…."

Leon's eyes started glowing golden, making Seeker drown in an immense sense of fear.

"Tell me, where is that asshole?"

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