Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 145: Time For Second Round[II]



The surroundings started distorting as the trees started bursting out like shockwaves. Even if their power was lowered by 3X gravity, the power of Martial King was still enough to punch a hole in the floor and leap for a few meters.

Thane twirled on the spot, performing a sword dance creating an impenetrable defense making Germin step back to avoid getting entangled.


The undulating sword movements like ridges of mountain surged forward striking him again and again.

While Thane and Germin fought, Merck collided against a well maintained goblin army welding bony weapons.

He was startled for a moment seeing their coordination so instead of attacking aggressively he decided to hold the ground but it wasn't easy as he noticed that Orc mage was manipulating flames towards them while preventing it from reaching the goblins.

And on the other side there was another Martial King who was going around here and there like a madman that was terrifying human sides.

Thane gilded his sword to parry the hellish mace of Germin that swung over him.

At first glance, Germin looked overwhelmingly powerful but as the fight went on his flaws became evident as the surroundings affected him.

'I should finish him off...' Thane thought..

However at that precise moment, a sharp shot towards him.

"Did you forget about me,human?"Another brittle voice echoed from the other side.

Startled Thane dodged it but at that time Germin, mace was on its way to his torso.

In his bewilderment, he rotated his body and put the sword in between.


A numbing pain spread across as the mace collided with the sword making a crisp ring. The force of the assault shot him with a whirlwind.

Thane rolled over a row of flames and burning firewood caught in between gaps in his clothes burning his skin. Meanwhile, the other conditions weren't good as they were fighting and resisting the pressure coming from two Martial Kings.

"Did you think we are unaware of our own limitations?"Germin sneered and asked, "Look around."

Thane did so and frowned, noticing his surroundings.

'It's almost cleared off. Don't tell me."

A faint realization hit him.

He thought that the other Martial King was guarding but it seems when they fought the other was breaking through the place to clear the vegetation.

"Don't mistake us as fools just because we are goblins."

Thane sighed, resigning himself to fate.

'I wished at least one of them might have gone the other way alas...'

He got up but his body trembled due to the previous shock and he spat the blood on his lips.

Germin and Grave, with a cruel smile, raised their mace prepared to pounce forward but their steps halted for a moment.

No, it didn't halt rather it stood rooted at the place.

The Germin 's body twitched and shivered uncontrollably as if the feeling of sickle of death had been placed over his throat.

"Huh? Why am I feeling so terrified?"

A freezing chill suddenly crept on his back and as he looked back, he also saw Grave reacting similarly.

As they wondered what was happening, they suddenly noticed an oddity that shook them to their core.

The orange flames burning around the place suddenly burst with a crackle turning crimson, and so did their vision. For a brief moment, a veil of crimson seemed to be cast over the entire place.

In an instant a piercing and suffocating pressure radiating around reached them cladding their body.

Germin and Grave expressions froze. The next words they were about to spit got stuck in their throat. Even with their arrogant personality, they didn't dare to laugh or scream.

When their bulging eyes met with seemingly crazed human walking towards them from a few distances away, they stepped back subconsciously in fear.

"Leon? You come for real."

Thane let out a bewildered shriek.

The whole plan was proposed by Leon but the flaws were eliminated by them still, they were playing with chances.

Like if two Martial Kings attacked one spot instead of two, then they would be in deep shit that's when Leon promised to take charge.

According to Mac, though he wasn't sure if Leon could defeat Martial King he was sure he could stall time.

For now, they aim to kill the upper rank from Martial Grandmaster to Martial Lord while he and Mac as Martial king would draw time.As even if they kill all low-rank goblins, it won't mean anything so they need to strike the upper part.

But what he and Mac hadn't expected was that this guy was really brave enough to come and confront a Martial King.

'What a madman!Trying to take on the King at Lord stage.'

This wasn't only his thought but the whole squad. Merck almost screamed seeing the immense bloody intent.

'What the fuck? Are we even in the same league as him?'

Leon ignored everyone's attention and pointed at Germin, coldly frightening him.

"He is my prey."

"Son of a bitch, you talk too much. At least see the size of the enemy before confronting it."

Spouting angrily, Germin stomped the ground angrily to create a crack and his figure blurred as he accelerated toward Leon.

"I don't know where you learn to curse but..."Leon sneered. The immense frustration he held in his heart burst forth fueled by the activation of his class.


The Germin was moving very fast but in Leon's eyes, it was a speed he didn't need to fear. However, instead of dodging the enemy's fierce incoming attack, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Germin felt something was wrong at the sight of Leon's smile but he had already arrived before Leon by the time he noticed that.


With the bubbling anger burning inside, Germin bellowed at the top of his lungs as his muscles bulged outward at the max as he slashed his mace furiously downward.


The ground beneath Leon's feet was crushed even before the attack landed successfully.


The earth shook and a part of the mountain burst forth extending to the side.

As he felt the cracks tremble, Germin's eyes furrowed when he saw what he slashed was nothing but a mere shadow that dissipated into nothingness.


A thought flashed in his mind and he shouted"Grave, Brittle he might have gone for you all."

Brittle, a Martial Lord goblin who was leading others, frowned and shouted"Enemy around, team up."

Brittle and the goblin soldiers hastily regrouped.

Merck, taking this opportunity, decided to attack, but the goblin formed a circular formation and fought without any gaps.

While Grave who looked around suddenly felt something amiss as they were hallucinating.

Unbeknownst to him, the guess was quite true.

Before walking in, the changes in the surroundings were all due to Hella casting a mental attack and crafting an illusion.

Combined with Leon Dragon's eyes engraving fear all around, it lowered everyone's mental defense allowing Hella to strike the minds and then created a mirage of Leon.

By the time Germin struck, Leon was already on the move.

As everyone looked around confused, Leon was already on the tail of his targeted opponent.


Grave, who starred between Germin and Thane, suddenly felt the atmosphere around him changing and he staggered for a moment.

The small movement didn't go unnoticed and he felt a slight blur movement from the shadows on the ground.


Grave cursed trying to react as it was too late as an immense catastrophe was already on it's way.


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