Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 139: First Battle In Shadow Zone[II]

Leon's body froze and he raised his finger pointing at himself.


"Yes, you!"

Leon's eyes widened and the soldiers around him strode away to give him space.

"For real?"

As if answering his question, Garrison nodded with a soft smile to which Leon's mind became blank, and bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Garrison at first sent scouts who signaled that the goblins were running into the gorge to hide thinking that they might be safe but sadly the humans weren't letting this go easily.

"Vice-Captain, what are the usual dimensional creatures that we find?"Leon asked while following Garrison.

Since he was a Martial Lord, he might be fairly knowledgeable. But it also makes him wonder if this guy didn't know the risks of entering here.

"If we are talking about the usual ones it's Orcs, trolls, Vampires, and humans from other factions and there is also the secluded species of the Elves."

"However, our worst nemesis is three-eyed Xylothians."

Leon made a weird expression hearing this.

'It sounded more like a fantasy land than cultivation.'

"Are there Elves?"Leon asked curiously.

"There is an Elves race but they stay in their zone which is considered a sacred place. Anyone stepping there with hostile intentions is considered an enemy."

"Hmmm!"Leon nodded and pressed a question, he was wondering earlier, "Sir Garrison, why did you step in here knowing what awaited us."

Garrison paused a bit and glanced at Leon.

"Why did you come here?"

"To….I mean for raising merits."Leon answered by biting his tongue. He was just about to say he came to experience.

"It's the same Leon. Many volunteered here for merits."

"Vice-Captain, what if it's a trap," Leon asked cautiously.

"These are low-level goblins. Do you think they have that much intelligence and if we let them go, they will alert the bigger ones to bring us more trouble."Garrison answered solemnly.

Leon nodded and soon after they spotted a few dark golden eyes.

"Leon, you take the front. The newcomers will be taken over by George."



Though Leon saluted, he looked around searching for a guy named George, and only noticed a blonde following them.

'I should familiarize myself with others. Though I like to act alone, as a troop we need to have certain coordination.'

Currently, everything is in a mess. They would have gone through a training session but the sudden onslaught of monsters didn't give them enough time.

The vegetation started changing abruptly, and a looming forest embraced their vision.

On the two sides, there is a small hill and a huge forest in between.

Garrison then spotted something and threw his spear.

Dancing in the air, it struck a green bald head cracking through its skull.


The screams alerted everyone and the goblins started propping themselves.

"Be mindful of your surroundings. Also, few troops guard the rear end so that our escape route isn't closed."

Following this, they entered the forest where goblins were hiding and started running in fear.

"Kieeekk human!"


Soon, cries of pain and metal collision echoed.

The entire forest shook, and trees rustled.

"The front is getting pierced! Support them from left and right."

Leon swung his spear, hitting a group with the rear throwing them into disarray, and then he spun the blade, slicing their throat.

After the swing, he retreated his spear and then took his right foot to thrust.

The muscle in his arms bulged, and a condensed mass of pressure shot in a straight line.

The goblins were hit by this force, were thrown back. Their internals shook and they fell onto the ground vomiting blood.

Meanwhile, other goblins also charged at him.


With a snort, Leon swung his spear vertically, hitting the chin of the goblin with a force that threw him back, then retracting it,he punched a goblin's face.


The goblin slammed behind others and all of them fell onto the ground. Leon raised his spear and started stabbing.

At that time, an arrow shot at Leon but before it reached him, someone intercepted it.

"Thanks, Ian!"Leon muttered and lunged forward like death on the goblin. But amidst the slaughter, Leon's movements halted.

His nose flickered as he inhaled a strange stench that was masked by blood and forest.

'Something is off...It is very off.'

Leon's eyes darted around and he held a goblin neck and cracked it brutally.

Then he pulled it and took a sniff…


"The goblin feels oily so does the upper part of the trees."

The moment the realization hit him, Leon shouted loudly.

"We need to escape. We have stepped into the enemy trap."

"What?"Garrison asked with a frown.

"This place had been sprinkled with oil."

Garrison's eyes widened and he looked around.

"Wait, how did I miss it? No, there wasn't oil at the beginning...wait…The woods at the beginning were dry...too dry."

"Fall back...Retreat."Garrison shouted madly alas....

At that time, a whistle sounded followed by a horn.

What followed after that was the rain of arrows from away covered in flames.

The arrows weren't aimed at troops rather they were fired casually but it was anything but casual.

The moment the arrows landed...


For a moment everything became silent that was broken by an explosion shattered the tranquility, sending shockwaves through the trees.

The eruption of flames transformed the once quiet forest into a raging inferno, consuming everything in its path.

The anguished cries of both nature and those caught within the fiery grasp echoed through the smoky air as the tragedy unfolded, leaving a devastating aftermath.

A cracking sound echoed as flames spread wildly like waves of the sea coughing a huge trail of smoke covering everything


"It hurts.."


"It's painful...I am dying..."

"I don't want to tie."

Horror dawned on everyone as everything around them spat flames and engulfed them.

Garrison manages to survive by coating his body with qi but others aren't lucky.

The fire was a hot bath, not enough to cause any damage to Leon but his expression became tense. Everything was covered in smoke.

He found himself choking, unable to breathe as all that went inside his lungs was a dark lumps.

Then an arrow flew at him but before it could reach him, Leon was pushed aside.

"What the fuck?"He screamed and saw Ian throat pierced by that arrow.

Leon wanted to scream why did you do something useless but he controlled his emotions.

'Damn! I need to get out.'

His eyes then glided towards Ian who wriggled onto the ground while others had already been burnt into flames.

With no other option, Leon unfolded his wings and flapped it.

'I guess I need to do it otherwise I will even die before I reach the entrance due to suffocation.'


Broken free, the wings rose in full glory and created powerful psionic waves of wind.

Though it didn't extinguish the fire, the powerful gales were enough to keep flames at bay.

"Hold on everybody."

Leon shouted and flapped his wings creating a strong gust that blew over the flames.

Garrison's eyes widened and his voice stuck in his throat seeing the wings behind Leon.


"I am human. And I don't have time to explain this."Leon shouted.

"I will create a path for you. Those who want to live follow me. Leave the question for later."

Leon bent and then flapped his wings shot forward like a blur.

However, he had just transverse a few distances, when his back tingled.

Landing down, he rotated his knee and bent down on the ground.


The tree beside him blasted into tatters scattering flames. And as Leon got up, his eyes widened with shock.


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