Host:Leon Befort


Status:Nobody as Leon

A 3-Star assassin as Noel Star

[Don't be complacent and get killed.Not as if you care.]

Species:Human[12% Dragon]


Luck: 328

Family Net Worth:189.23 Billion Dollars

Personal Net Worth:940 million Dollars

[Invest the money you damned fool, it is rotting in the bank.]

Realm:Peak Martial Lord

Kill Points:1985

Counter Attack points:789



Spiritual Qi:2000/2112(0.8 Spiritual Qi/sec)

Special Physique:None

Meridians or Vein Tier:Tier 9[Enhanced]

Strength: 139

Agility: 134



Spiritual Veins Potential: 132


[Note:Advancing Martial Lord would add 20 points and generally the Max stat for each is 130 unless you use a special method to overcome it like extraordinary physique or boosting things.]

[Congratulations! After pleasing the masochist inside yours, you managed to go past shackles improving all stats, especially your veins.]

[The charm 100 value represented here is that of a mortal.]

[Literary Skill]

Chess (Elementary), Driving (Intermediate), Swimming (Advanced), Stock Trading (Intermediate), Diplomacy (Intermediate), Business Art (Intermediate), Piano (Advanced), Violin (Advanced), Singing (Intermediate), Programming (Advanced), Equestrian(Intermediate), Shooting(Advanced)


(Sword Art)

<<Basic Sword Form>>

(Dragon Art Series):Mythical Tier

[Can grow with the increase of draconic aspects of species.]

Dragon Eyes(100%):

Lower form:40 Qi/Sec

Upper form:??

<<Lesser Draconic Body: 20 Qi/sec for a specific part.100 Qi/Sec for the whole body>>

[Your body is already strengthened to the level of a Pseudo Draconic Body.]

<<Pseudo Draconic Transformation:600 Qi

Increase all stats by 20%

<<Dragon Claws>>

Lower Form:100 Qi

Upper Form:???

[Note:The consumption of Qi for Dragon Art would increase with level due to the high level of art]

[Special Abilities]

Fortune's Seeker


Daylight Redemption



Leon rubbed his chin examining the system.

"My luck points have risen a lot but I haven't heard the ringing chimes of counterattack points since long.''

Generally, Leon could hear notifications of points from his sister, mother, and Su Lin but all of them had been silent for so long.

"It seems the further they stray away from character the less I get. And I haven't encountered anyone since I was cooped up in practice."

Thinking this, he takes a look at the manual gifted by the heartbroken old man.

The manual didn't contain any fancy but gave him information to build the basic foundation of swordsmanship.

Learn Basic Stances and Grip, Footwork, and Basic Strikes.

Basic strikes included Cuts, Thrusts, Slices, Parries, Blocks, and Draw Cuts.

All had to be done a thousand times in sets with the correct posture.

Leon's training regimen was grueling, pushing his body and mind to the brink. Each morning, he rose with the sun, his muscles still sore from the previous day's exertions. Ignoring the protests of his aching body, Leon pressed on, fueled by a fierce determination to master the basic techniques outlined in the manual.

With each repetition, Leon could feel himself growing stronger, more agile, more precise. His strikes became sharper, his movements more fluid. But it wasn't easy. Sweat poured from his brow, his muscles screamed in protest, and his mind whispered begging for some rest.

There were days when Leon questioned his sanity, and wondered if it was worth the pain and sacrifice.

But then he remembered the words of the old man, echoing in his mind like a mantra. "Practice each move ten thousand times or more.No let's practice each move until I ingrained them in my muscles."

So he pressed on, gritting his teeth against the pain, against the doubt, against the voice that told him to give up. He pushed himself harder, driving his body to its limits and beyond. Failure was not an option, not when he had come so far, and sacrificed so much.

Whether it was in past life or present, he might have no talent but he has the will to work harder until his body either broke apart or became unbreakable.

Out of the two, which one would hit him first, only time would tell.

And as the days turned into weeks Leon could feel himself changing, evolving. He wasn't just learning how to fight, rather he trained to become a force to reckon with.

Because to face the disaster thrown at you, one needs to be a disaster oneself.

"Is this what the Chunniboy protagonist feels while training? It feels great for the self-satisfaction especially when you are going to get killed by Villains."


Leon heard the sound of a ringing bell and frowned.

"Another assassin?"Leon squinted his brows and checked his face.

He was currently in his original form but the house he had brought was also under another guise, still, assassins managed to find him somehow.

In just a few weeks the assassins' visit has become a regular thing.

When the assassin came knocking on his door, Leon would be ready. He may have been tired, he may have been sore, but he was also confident to get kill points.

But all they did was to serve as a good training part. The remains were burnt into nothingness by his dark flames however he still found it hard to control his power as he hadn't mastered the laws properly due to hurriedly stepping into Martial Lord..

With a steely resolve, Leon squared his shoulders, drawing upon the countless hours of training that had brought him to this moment so once he faced the assailant, he just hoped for something.

''At least be a Martial Grandmaster. As most of them don't even provide enough for fodder.''

"Let's see who wants to die so early today. People nowadays are eager to die by my hands."

Putting back his things, Leon went inside the house.

But the moment he opened the door, he licked his lips in unhappiness, seeing the identity of the person.

'Damn! Why did it have to you?'

'Fuck! This day is gonna be ruined.'

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