The black-haired man stood before him, flanked by two shadowy figures whose presence seemed to suck the very light from the room, enveloping them in darkness.

Kratos's senses screamed at him, warning of the imminent danger. It felt as though the walls themselves were closing in, trapping him in a nightmare from which there was no escape.

A drop of icy sweat trickled down Kratos's temple, a chilling reminder of his vulnerability in the face of such overwhelming menace.

And just as the drop reached the edge of his chin, the black-haired man began to speak, his voice dripping with malice and sending shivers down Kratos's spine, intensifying the horror that gripped his soul.


Kratos and Gravis freeze as a tapping sound echoes around them, sending shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows, its presence suffused with malevolence.

"I warned you Kratos…."

"I warned you not to extend your hand at something you have no idea."

Its twisted form seems to distort the very air around it, and its eyes burn with an otherworldly intensity. Terror grips Kratos and Travis as they feel the ground tremble beneath them, unable to tear their gaze away from the approaching horror.

They stand paralyzed, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of fear coursing through their veins, knowing that they are face to face with a force beyond comprehension.

"Just who the fuck are you?"Gravis screamed with a mighty blow while releasing his aura that shook the entire place.

"H…He is the Viper of Night. Noel Star, whom you wanted to kill."Kratos's voice stuttered the bizarre power erupting from Leon.


Gravis's shout spread across the hallway.

"Rejoice! Cause you two will be dying while seeing my true figure."Leon muttered, raising his hand with a sinister expression.

As Leon raised his hands, shadows coalesced around him, swirling and forming into ghastly figures. With a gesture, he unleashed them upon his enemies, the shadow ghosts darting forward with eerie swiftness, their forms shifting and undulating as they closed in on Kratos and the Kratos.


Kratos almost jumped in shock seeing Kraft and the Vampire whom they fought.

Kratos, his muscles tensing with fear, braced himself for the onslaught.

With a roar, he charged forward, his fists wreathed in crackling energy. The first shadow ghost lunged at him, but Kratos ducked and weaved, delivering a thunderous uppercut that dispersed the specter in a burst of dark mist.


Meanwhile, the Gravis conjured flames to meet the encroaching horde. His crimson figure danced amidst the shadows, flames licking out to consume any ghost that dared draw near. But the shadows were relentless, reforming and regrouping with uncanny speed, pressing in from all sides.

Leon watched from the sidelines, his eyes ablaze with intensity as he commanded his spectral army. With a flick of his wrist, he directed a wave of shadows to surge forward, overwhelming Kratos and the Kratos Man with their sheer numbers.

At them, he heard a bestial cry.


On turning around, he saw Hella's voice spouting something.

"Ohh! If you want to go, just stay put. Let them enjoy."Leon patted Hella and summoned her.

'This power is great but the qi drainage is immense. If. I lost focus even for a moment, my qi will be drained.'

The battlefield became a maelstrom of chaos and fury, with clashes of fire and shadow echoing through the chamber. Kratos fought with the ferocity of a raging storm, his blows raining down like thunderbolts, while Graves moved with the fluid grace of a wildfire, his flames consuming everything in their path.

But Leon's shadow ghosts were relentless, their ethereal forms weaving and darting around their opponents, striking with ghostly claws and teeth. The air crackled with energy as the three warriors clashed, each one determined to emerge victorious.

With each passing moment, the battle grew more intense, the combatants locked in a deadly dance of fire and shadow. But amidst the chaos, Kratos and Gravis were hit hard once Kraft and Terpas became serious.

Breaking the barrier of sound, Kratos was hit by brutal punches that broke through his bones while a piercing claw tore open Gravis's chest.

Leon's image flickered and he swung his feet


The wall behind cracked, as two figures crashed onto it.

Coughing blood, as they stood up they saw themselves surrounded by malevolent creatures.

"Noel, forgive me. He is the one who pulled…"Kratos's voice stopped as Kihwoon's dagger was forced into Kratos's throat.

"There are no second chances Kratos. Maybe you were too influenced by the game but in reality, there are no second chances."

"Not for you, especially."Leon grinned and then swung his hand.

"As per your servant, don't worry about them. I just knocked them."

Kratos and Gravis' eyes widened as the ghost inched closer toward them, extending their claws.

They tried to get away but their hands were bound by ghosts who pounced upon them.


Soon a haunting and piercing cry filled the entire mansion that was enveloped by a blur of darkness.


Somewhere in Hokkaido to the southeastern part of Elysium, it was a normal day for people.

Tourists roamed around while workers hurried their way towards thief work.

Everything went as usual until…

The earth started to shake, and a bellow of loud hum spread across the horizon.

Soon a flash of light illuminated the city, which was followed by a loud shattering sound that was loud enough to burst an eardrum.

As everyone wondered what was going on, someone then pointed at a swirling hurricane across the sky.

"What's going on?"

"What's that?"

"It looks like a hurricane."

"But why is it glowing radiating light?"

Oblivious to the fantasy scene above, very few who managed to realize what it was screamed in terror.




As the Gate materialized out of thin air, a deafening roar echoed through the city.

Soon minute creatures started raining down from the eye of the gate that descended with a loud thud.

The creatures were dark green, with mottled skin and pointed ears, grins menacingly, its eyes gleaming with mischief.

It was a horde of goblin warriors that poured forth, their eyes ablaze with malice as they descended upon the unsuspecting populace.

The goblins were followed by huge bodies of green visage monsters of hobgoblins, kobolds and Orcs.



"Human…..Kill…..Follow the liege."

Muttering incompressible words, they dashed toward the human with a greedy expression.

Buildings crumbled under their relentless assault, and the streets ran red with the blood of the innocent. Terrified screams filled the air as chaos reigned supreme.

Amidst the carnage, humans cried out in despair, their pleas drowned out by the sounds of destruction. Explosions rocked the city, sending flames licking at the sky, further fueling the sense of panic and dread.



"Spare me…Kiekk…NOO!"


"No, don't kill by him. Please….Please…."

"Why did this ha…"The man was slammed by a mace breaking his skull open even before he could pour out his grievance.

As the chaos unfolded, piercing screams of terror and anguish filled the air.

A young boy watched in horror as goblins mercilessly slaughtered his mother before his very eyes, tears streaming down his face as he cried out for help in vain.

Nearby, a woman's heart-wrenching shriek pierced the chaos as she witnessed her partner being brutally stabbed by the savage creatures. Her world shattered in an instant, the agony of loss etched upon her face as she struggled to comprehend the senseless violence unfolding before her.

But amidst the chaos, a few individuals stood and ran across the street to put up the fight.

Takashi, Yumi, and Helos, agents of the Blood Net who were in a nearby area, sprang into action.

With weapons drawn and hearts ablaze, they fought valiantly to contain the situation.

"We can't go on like his. Inform the Blood Net."Takashi's voice roared across the place

"FUCK! How did a gate appear here?"

"Sir, I am Captain of Cops here. Please help us to clear a route."A cop shouted asking for help as he signaled people to go in the direction.

"Hey, call for more reinforcement. We three might halt them for now as they are still low-level but it can't go for long."Yumi shouted as she brandished her sword decapacitating the goblins that jumped on her.


Helps body exploded sending waves of fire that burnt the goblins.

Soon, sires of cops rang as agents from both the army, cops, and cultivators from nearby started pouring in as an immediate response.

As the battle raged on, all the warriors worked tirelessly to coordinate their efforts, sending out emergency signals in a desperate bid for reinforcements which was fortunately heard by and soon the humans united together to avert the crisis.

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