After chenghaotian went back, he immediately sent someone to investigate the details of muzhili. He needs to know whether the child is his or not, and the situation of muzixi in the past five years. He needs to know how she got to know jinchangshun and how she did jinchangshun's adopted daughter.

This event affected him not to sleep well for a night. At last, he was confused and finally fell asleep. However, he dreamed of muzixi and Muzhi glass. These two people, one on the left, one on the right, one tall and one short, accompanied him on both sides, while he held one by one hand, walking on the road and chatting happily with muzixi.

Muzixi in the dream is the muzixi he used to know, which likes him. Muzixi looks happy and nestles on his shoulder, while he stands upright. Then they watch muzhili, who is lively and cheerful, prancing in front of them. Their faces are full of smiles.

"Mom and Dad, hurry up!" Mu Zhi Li sees two people didn't follow up, turns around in front to shout loudly to say, the tone takes the coquettish meaning.

And muzixi looked at the daughter with a smile and said, "well, you jog a little."

Then muzixi raised his head, looked at him affectionately, and said to him softly, "thank you, I feel so happy."

Her request is always so simple, and he didn't do much, just did what should be done, but she has been satisfied. Chenghaotian thought, how nice it would be for the three people to be happy together all the time!

Before he could say anything, he woke up from his dream and opened his eyes. The window was still dark. It was still midnight, and it was not light, and he had no sleep. Mu Zhi Li, is it really his daughter? He is looking forward to the result of the investigation!

The next day, muzixi didn't come again. Instead of her, she came to a secretary of her company. When the Secretary saw chenghaotian, he had a very respectful attitude. However, chenghaotian had no desire to speak. He dismissed the Secretary, and then he began to be dazed.

He was thinking, what is muzixi doing? Why doesn't she come in person?

Also, is muzhili his daughter? If so, should he go back to muzhili immediately, and then let muzixi stay by his side forever, and never leave him again.

The cell phone rings and remembers that Cheng Haotian answers. The phone is the phone of a person he sent out, so the call is to inform him of the investigation results. He was a little excited, his hand shaking. When you press answer, you hear the voice of that person.

"President Cheng, I'm sorry. I didn't find anything." The man whispered, apologetic.

They have tried their best to investigate, but they have found nothing. Everything seems to be completely hidden by others, and they can't find any clues. So, they didn't find out anything in the end.

Hearing the result, Cheng Haotian was disappointed. Although he knew that muzixi would try to erase the past, he didn't expect that she would erase it so cleanly. The person who works so carefully must not be muzixi. Someone helped muzixi to erase all her past things.

This person, certainly is not a general person.

However, the information has been erased, and he can't find it any more, only from the party concerned. When there is no way, people are also the biggest breakthrough point, and Cheng Haotian decides to find out more information from muzixi, or from her.

Chenghaotian sends people to investigate muzixi's hobbies. It doesn't take much effort. He soon learns that muzixi likes to do morning exercises in the Central Park 200 meters away from home at about 6 in the morning, which makes chenghaotian excited. So he drives to the central park early the next day and waits for muzixi.

When Cheng Haotian went there, it was only five o'clock. At that time, the sky was not bright. But he waited for a while, and then it was bright. He is standing at the entrance of the park. If Muzi river passes by, you can see him.

Today, muzixi entered from the side door, that is, it did not enter from the main entrance door, and then chenghaotian did not wait for muzixi naturally. After muzixi ran with muzhili for a few laps, the little guy shouted tired, so muzixi asked muzhili to rest in the park and not run around, while she continued her morning exercise.

She set herself a standard to run five laps a day. If she doesn't reach her goal, she can't stop. Children like to give up halfway. Naturally, she can't force Mu Zhi Li to be the same as her.

Muzixi continues to run, while muzhili finds a bench nearby to sit down, where she rests and waits for her mother to go home after running.

Chenghaotian can't wait for muzixi at the door. After a while, they should come. So he comes in from the door with a try and go inside. Maybe you can see her in it!

Just a few steps away, he saw a familiar figure on the bench. He was in a good mood, and his pace accelerated a lot.

Mu Zhi Li is shaking her legs on the bench at the moment. She is bored waiting for her mother to finish running, and uncle Cheng appears in front of her. She is happy. Uncle Cheng knows that she is lonely, so come and accompany her!"Uncle Cheng, nice to see you!" Mu Zhi Li has a happy look. Seeing chenghaotian, she is smiling. In her eyes, she finally has a playmate to relieve her boredom. Chenghaotian is undoubtedly the best playmate.

Chenghaotian looks at the young face and talks, but the old-fashioned Mu Zhi Li can't believe it. How can this little baby talk to people when it's so small and say something that makes people happy! This child is really awesome!

Mu Zhi Li sees that Cheng Haotian doesn't answer, and immediately goes on saying it all the time. She turns her eyes and continues: "Uncle Cheng, I didn't see the wrong person, you didn't disappoint me. On the whole, I still like you very much."

It seems to be an endless sentence, but Cheng Haotian knows that she refers to his and her mother's affairs, but what does a child know? As if she knew everything she said.

However, chenghaotian was in a good mood. He sat down next to her and asked with a smile, "how old are you?"

Muzixi can't break through there, but children are good at talking! He can ask children any questions. Maybe the child can tell him some secrets! Muzixi, even if you erase the past, but still left some clues, Muzhi glass, is not the best clue?

Mu Zhi glass milk voice milk gas said: "I am five years old."

Five years old? Chenghao's heart was excited, but he was still friendly: "when are you going to have your birthday?"

Mu Zhili thinks about it, and then answers, "I have my birthday on May 5, and it's already over this year. Uncle, if you want to give me a birthday present next year, you have to be early!"

Chenghaotian secretly calculated the production time of xiamuzixi in his heart. It seems that it coincides with the birth date of muzhili. He began to jump up in his heart. Ninety percent of this child is his child!

Chenghaotian looks at Mu Zhili's eyes and touches her soft hair and says, "well, uncle will give you a big gift next year!"

Hearing Cheng Haotian's answer, Mu Zhili is happy. Children like gifts, but like the gift of such a handsome uncle, Mu Zhili likes it even more. So, her eyes now smile into a seam and look more lovely.

"Uncle, you can count! I'll wait for your present next year! ' Mu Zhi Li said something uneasily, and then he looked serious, as if he was afraid that Cheng Haotian would not count.

Chenghaotian knows the child's mind. Of course, it's just for eating, drinking and playing. Since she likes him so much, he must make good use of the child. He wants his child to help him get close to muzixi, so that he can know what happened during that time.

After she jumped into the sea, who saved her? Then why did she become Jin Changshun's adopted daughter? Why didn't she recognize him? These things are like spider webs, which make him trapped in it. He needs to find out before he can feel at ease.

Therefore, he must rely on the power of Muzhi glass.

"Don't worry. How can uncle cheat you! But... " Chenghaotian said to Muzhi Li with a smile. When he talked about half of the story, his face looked embarrassed.

"But what?" Seeing the big gift that may affect her next year, Mu Zhili is a little worried. Uncle can't talk without counting, but why does he suddenly face embarrassment, as if he can't fulfill his promise?

Mu Zhi Li thought, what's the trouble for him? Maybe she can help him!

"However, if I give you a gift next year, it must be agreed by your mother. Now your mother doesn't like me. She is very cold and merciless to me, so I may not be able to get close to you and give you gifts." Chenghaotian looks dejected, but her eyes are secretly looking at Mu Zhili, looking at her face's reaction.

He knew that the clever ghost's scheming might help him a lot. Muzixi is so defensive against him, but certainly not against his daughter. It should be the best way to let him close to muzixi through his daughter.

Sure enough, Mu Zhi Li's face is anxious. She asks anxiously, "what can I do then? If mom doesn't like you, I won't get your present, alas! "

At the end of the speech, Mu Zhi Li seemed to sigh as if he were very disappointed. Why doesn't Mother like such a handsome uncle? It really worries her!

"There is a way, but I need your help!" Chenghaotian said mysteriously, this topic immediately attracted the attention of the girl, you know, she can finally get her own big gift, how can she not be happy!

"Say it!" Muzhi Li seems to say that chenghaotian can't help but look like an old man. This girl is really following him. It's a rare talent to be smart! Such a small person is such a smart and strange person. I don't know how smart he is when he grows up.

Chenghaotian puts his mouth close to Mu Zhili's ear, and then he tells her his plan. Mu Zhili begins to be confused. After hearing him out, he immediately becomes happy."Uncle, if you succeed, can you get close to Mommy and come to see me anytime, anywhere?" Muzhi Li is very happy. She has no father. She long for a man to be her father. Then she will buy her beautiful clothes and many delicious food for her. If chenghaotian can get close to her mother and often visit her at home, she will not worry about these things.

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