80 Lunch Party

Just like he had promised, Sun Yan came back an hour into the party still dressed in his uniform. All the times that Rong Yue had met him, he always had a restrained aura around him.

But in the uniform that had become like a second skin to Sun Yan, the fierceness that he had on the battlefield was all unleashed in that uniform and he didn’t even notice as he came into the garden where everyone was sitting around and chatting.

They had eventually allowed the kids to separate and relate with Rong Yue and her friends, although Rong Yue noticed that either Sun Li was around her or one of her two brothers, making any conversation with any of Sun Li’s male cousins very short and irrelevant.

“You four should showcase your special skills to entertain us!” one of the cousins suggested loudly.

“What do you mean? We are the guests and the ones being celebrated, you should be the one showing us your skills to entertain us.” Sun Li shot back immediately.

Unlike all the girls her age and in their circle, Sun Li was weak in the four arts and just loved things that came with thrill. She knew a bit about dancing because her brother had made her learn a martial art that involved dancing with the sword.

Just as Sun Li was about to continue with her verbal attacks, Sun Yan who had stepped in quietly was spotted by someone.

“First cousin!”

Everyone immediately turned at the call wondering where he was. As the new pride of the family, everyone there was most eager to see him despite today not being his show.


Sun Yan stepped out from the shadows as he carried the small girl that had rushed at him first.

The argument on who was to display died down with his arrival as everyone rushed to greet him.

With him in the uniform, most of the younger youths felt like they were seeing their hero.

After all the greeting from his family ended, Rong Yue pulled Song Jian and Wu Hao to greet him also.

“Young master Sun.” Rong Yue greeted politely and even gave a slight bend of her head to show her respect. Although their age gap wasn’t anything much, one had to also appreciate the achievement he had gotten at his age.

“Yue’er.” Sun Yan called out the name in his heart by reflex and only realised a little late. Thankfully, the other two didn’t know how close their relationship was and there were also not people around them.

However, the small crinkle of Rong Yue brows made Sun Yan’s heart take a blow. Clearly, she didn’t think he was familiar enough to call her that.

His fists clenched slightly by his side while his facial expression remained flawless and expressionless.

“Xiao Li tells you every time at home that it has stuck that way more than your name, forgive me, Miss Yue.” He apologised sincerely and Rong Yue nodded with a smile.

“Congratulations on your final examinations. Xiao Li said you three helped her study hard. Thank you for your care.” He continued and this time, he added those two into the conversation.

He exchanged some small talk with them until his two brothers came in and joined.

“Xiao Li said you both would be representing the school for the Global Scholar preliminaries.” Sun Fan asked as he looked between Wu Hao and Rong Yue.

The other two had clearly not heard that bit of information and they looked at them with a bit of eagerness.

“Hmmm, we did the final qualifying test after our last paper today.” Rong Yue said, hoping that would end the conversation.

“Ahh! Xiao Li doesn’t like to study but she picked the best students of the school as her friends.” Sun Kai said with a low chuckle as he remembered how his sister whined with every page she studied.

“Humph! Wait till my results come out and beat what you have.” Sun Li said with a kiss of her teeth as she joined them.

“Also, Song Jian also has the third best grade in our year, however, he’s not competing.” She added proudly as she shot him a shy look that her brother noticed immediately.

Different from the news of Rong Yue and Wu Hao doing well, this was even more surprising to them, they had heard his story and knew how hard his life had been. To be able to rank as the third best with all that meant that, even Wu Hao might not be better than him in the grand scheme.

“I heard you arguing with your second cousin about presenting? Why don’t all of you still in high school showcase your skill? You can pick two from each side to be fair and because I’m hungry out of my mind already.” One of the aunties said, making everyone come back together.

Sun Li looked at their side of four and cousins that were more than ten. If they had to compete with both sides best, weren’t they already at a disadvantage?.

Also, all her friends other than Wu Hao were not from the high class society.

“Rather than compete, third Aunty, why not just call it an exchange of pointers. One team picks a theme and another sends a representative.” Sun Yan said with a small smile that made him look agreeable, but the resolution in his eyes was enough to make everyone know that it was the final word.

“First cousins still know best.” Most of the cousins responded.

“We would pick paintings!” A girl that was standing not far from Rong Yue and her friends said immediately as she shot a competitive glare at Rong Yue.

Feeling a gaze on her, Rong Yue met her eyes and then looked at Sun Yan and his brothers that were beside her and smiled.

With all her emotions on her face like an open book, it was not hard to guess that she wanted to provoke Rong Yue.

Sun Li on the other hand, noticed none of these and looked at her friends.

“I’m bad at painting, but they already know, so it won’t be embarrassing.” She said with a small smile and the other guys smiled.

“I might be a better option but I think we should first pick what our theme would be, I think the worst case scenario would be losing at a game we suggested.” Wu Hao said.

The three of them nodded in agreement.

“I’m good at playing the zither and other instruments. We can pick music for our own theme.” Wu Hao said confidently and Rong Yue looked at him in surprise.

He didn’t seem like someone that would find things like that entertaining in the least bit.

“So music then. I’ll do the painting.” Rong Yue said and the other three nodded.

“We would pick music.” Sun Li announced and the other team all cheered in agreement.

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