President Daddy's Excessive Love

Chapter 956 Suddenly he felt as if he was in a dream

Bai Zhenzhen’s request made Ji Lin’s face turn stiff. He bit his lips and sneered: "Bai Zhenzhen, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? You don’t care if your daughter is dead or alive, do you? "

"Ji Lin, I understand you. If I really turn myself in to the police station, you might not let my daughter off. Since the consequences are the same, I still want to make a bet." Bai Zhenzhen’s tone became firm.

If she didn’t know what kind of person Ji Lin was, Bai Zhenzhen would still believe in the glorious side of human nature. However, she felt that Ji Lin was someone untrustworthy, and he had gone mad.

Ji Lin really didn’t expect Bai Zhenzhen to come and force him at this time. He narrowed his eyes angrily and said while gritting his teeth, "I can let your daughter go, but what if you go back on your word?"

I know that I can’t resist you. Moreover, I value my daughter more than my life, so I know that if I don’t turn myself in, she will still be in danger. Don’t worry, I will definitely plead guilty. Bai Zhenzhen angrily gritted her teeth as she replied.

"Where are you? I’ll bring your daughter over right now and have someone keep an eye on you! " Ji Lin agreed to Bai Zhenzhen’s conditions in the end.

Bai Zhenzhen finally let out a sigh of relief secretly. It seemed that Ji Xiaohan was the one who understood Ji Lin the most. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so sure that Ji Lin would agree to this condition.

"Let’s meet at the coffee shop opposite the police station. I’ll be here right now. Bring my daughter here. I want to see her safely leave!" Bai Zhenzhen was no longer stupid and started to calm down.

"Move somewhere else!" When Ji Lin heard the words police station, he felt a chill down his spine.

Bai Zhenzhen knew that he also dreaded the word ’police station’. For the sake of her daughter’s life, she did not insist and agreed, "Fine, I’ll take my daughter to the opposite road at the second intersection. There’s also a coffee shop there.

"Bai Zhenzhen, how did you suddenly become so smart? "Who’s guiding you?" Ji Lin suddenly sneered and became suspicious.

Bai Zhenzhen mocked, "If you knew that you were going to die or spend the rest of your life in prison, you would understand why I suddenly became calm. I was forced by you."

Ji Lin snorted: "If it wasn’t for my leniency back then, you would have been a dead man by now."

"I really regret making a deal with you. You are a devil, you clearly promised me that you would let me off." Bai Zhenzhen gritted her teeth in hatred. She felt that she had been too naive to trust him.

"Don’t mention it anymore. I haven’t been doing very well in the past five years. I’ll send someone over now. You’d better stay there and wait for me. Don’t disappoint me!" After Ji Lin finished speaking, he hung up.

Ji Lin then made a call to Wang Cheng, "Now bring Bai Yiyan out, we have to go see Bai Zhenzhen!"

"Ji Lin, the money you promised me can’t be any less!" Wang Cheng took the opportunity to remind him.

"There won’t be a lack of them!" After Ji Lin finished speaking, he hung up.

He opened the door and saw Ji Yu

ing tidying up the table. After some thought, he opened his mouth and said, "I’m going out to meet a friend!"

"Yes, Daddy! Big brother just went out too. " Ji Yu

ing nodded with a smile.

After Ji Lin left, Ji Yu

ing quickly threw away the cleaning rag in her hand and went back to her room to get her bag. After Ji Lin’s elevator door closed, she quickly pressed on another elevator door.

After they got downstairs, Ji Yu

ing followed behind Ji Lin and saw him leaving in a black car.

Ji Yu

ing also had her own car, but she couldn’t use it now. Just when she was getting anxious, she saw a black sedan coming from behind. She quickly reached out her hand to stop it, causing the car to stop due to fright.

Ji Yu

ing was pretty. She blinked her eyes at the man and asked, "Big brother, can you give me a ride? I’m also living upstairs. I’m going to be late for work! "

That man also lived in the neighborhood and had met Ji Yu

ing a few times. Seeing that she was a pretty girl and her big black and white eyes and harmless face, he readily agreed.

Ji Yu

ing had done many random chats with her beauty. She had experience, which was why she had succeeded so easily.

"Big bro, follow that black car in front of us. That’s my dad, he ??" "He’s going to go see another woman behind my mother’s back. Please, can you help me follow him for a while?" After Ji Yu

ing got in the car, she immediately started to make up another lie.

"It can’t be, why is your dad still acting like this? Imitating a young person to cheat?" The man laughed, a gossipy expression on his face.

"Yeah, I was really scared that my parents would get a divorce, so I wanted to go with them!" Ji Yu

ing stared fixedly at Ji Lin, wanting to see who he was in such a hurry to meet.

"Fine, anyway, I’m just going out for breakfast. Seeing that you’re so anxious, I’ll give you a hand." As the young beauty chatted, the man couldn’t help but feel troubled. He stepped on the accelerator and followed Ji Lin’s car.

Bai Zhenzhen had already arrived at the cafe. She called Ji Yueze and told him to come over and help save her daughter.

Ji Yueze and Ji Xiaohan rushed over in secret. In order to avoid arousing Ji Lin’s suspicion, they sat in the car and waited.

"Big brother, why isn’t Ji Lin here yet?" Ji Yueze felt that every second felt extremely long.

"He will definitely come if we wait patiently, but he must be very careful!" Ji Xiaohan, on the other hand, was calm. He was neither impatient nor impatient as he kept his eyes on the intersection.

"If she loses anything, I must kill that old bastard Ji Lin." Ji Yueze gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

"I want to as well!" Ji Xiaohan said in a low voice.

As long as Ji Lin died, it might be able to lessen the danger for everyone. However, his grandparents lost two sons, and the white haired man’s history would repeat itself. Ji Xiaohan really couldn’t bear to torture these two old men.

Just as the two brothers were staring at their target, a white sedan parked by the side of the road.

After the door was opened, Bai Yiyan was pushed out of the car, and the car quickly drove away.

Bai Yiyan was lying prone on the ground. She had been tied up for the whole night and her body was numb. Plus, she had cried a few times and hadn’t eaten anything. She was on the verge of fainting.

However, having obtained her freedom, she still forced herself to stand up.

She stood on the street in a daze as she looked around at the people who had come. Suddenly, she recognized half of them.

"Is she Bai Yiyan? "How did this happen?"

"Are they filming a movie? This is way too tragic!"

Bai Yiyan immediately raised her hand and covered her face. At that moment, a black car drove up beside her. The door opened, revealing Ji Yueze’s handsome face.

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