President Daddy's Excessive Love

Chapter 833 To gamble with ones life

Tang Youyou glared at him with a pout and said angrily, "What do you mean by that? Do you dislike me being small?"

Ji Xiaohan was purposely teasing her because he liked the way she frowned and glared at him when she was angry. It was very cute and very interesting.

"How about I get the Uncle Yuan to find a nutritionist to help you make your meals and see if there’s any possibility of it becoming stronger?"

"Ji Xiaohan!" Tang Youyou was gnashing her teeth in anger. She had cooked a bowl of noodles for him out of good intentions, but she couldn’t stop him from eating.

Then, he hurriedly apologized to comfort them: "Well, I’m joking with you, yours is already big, there’s no need to make up for it anymore. To be honest, the first time I saw you, I felt that the children’s cafeteria was very sumptuous, I definitely won’t starve them!"

Tang Youyou’s pretty face was flushed red. Could this man say some nice words?

After all, they were all making fun of her.

"Forget about you, I’m going to sleep!" Tang Youyou was smart enough to escape. Otherwise, if she allowed this man to spout nonsense, she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.

Watching her figure quickly disappear on the stairs like a little rabbit, Ji Xiaohan’s smile didn’t diminish at all. He gathered up the noodles and started to eat with satisfaction.

The taste was pretty good. Ji Xiaohan had really eaten the whole bowl, but he never felt like holding himself up because he always ate with a lot of speed, so at the moment, he felt full. It gave him the strength to go upstairs and play with that little woman.

Outside the country, it was noon. The sun hid in the clouds. The sky was dark and it seemed like a blizzard could break out at any time.

She got people to keep an eye on the development of that accident in the country. Within a few days, it was extinguished, the family accepted Ji Xiaohan’s compensation, and the man she picked was still locked up in the police station. Therefore, Ji Yu

ing felt as if she was waiting for death, and every day, she felt more and more sad.

That man had collected 500,000 yuan, so he would definitely be found out soon. However, she didn’t understand why he hadn’t come after her yet.

Actually, this matter had already concluded long ago.

On the night the man was arrested into the police station, he gave away everything. The police found out that he had several accounts, and although they were entered in batches, they combined had a total of 500,000 yuan. This amount of money, although unknown, attracted the police’s attention.

In the end, under pressure, the man told his brother about being sold, how he tricked him into drinking, how he sent him to the construction site and made him lie down on the floor to sleep, and how he became the murderer.

The police originally wanted to investigate this matter to the end, but was stopped by Ji Xiaohan, because this matter, Ji Xiaohan belonged to the injured party. He proposed a plan to lock the culprit in and not pursue the matter until three months later.

The police department naturally accepted his request, so they only kept the person in custody and did not immediately end the case. However, the evidence and clues they had been holding on to had been prepared.

Ji Xiaohan didn’t want this matter to continue because he didn’t want him to see such an ugly human nature in his grandpa’s last days. However, the offender would be prosecuted. This was an unavoidable crime.

Ji Yu

ing couldn’t find out what had happened to the prisoner, and it was precisely because she didn’t know that she was getting more and more frightened. She had the feeling that at any moment, the police would find her, take her away, and lock her up in a dark, damp cell.

Her long hair that had been cared for would be cut off at her ears, her face would be eroded by time, she would die of old age alone in the prison, or she would be bullied by others.

"No, I don’t want that kind of life, I don’t want it!" Ji Yu

ing got goosebumps just thinking about it.


ing, what’s wrong?" Ji Lin suddenly walked down from the stairs and asked in a soft voice when he saw Ji Yu

ing sitting in a ball with him in her arms.

Ji Yu

ing quickly hid the fear on her face, but her expression was terrible. "Daddy, do you need me to prepare anything for your plane tomorrow?"

"Do you want to come back with me?" Ji Lin suddenly asked.

"Me? I won’t go back, Daddy. I’ll stay here and wait for good news from you and Big Brother. " Ji Yu

ing had originally wanted to go back and see Ji Xiaohan, but now, her fear had overcome her infatuation for Ji Xiaohan, so she didn’t dare to go back.

"Fine, I can’t help but force you. This time, I’m returning back to my country because I have something important to do." A trace of ruthlessness appeared on Ji Lin’s face: "I suspect that Ji Xiaohan is trying to find out about my big brother."

Ji Yu

ing’s expression instantly froze. She couldn’t help but ask anxiously, "Daddy, wasn’t Eldest Uncle’s death an accident? "Why would he want to investigate?"

"An accident?" Ji Lin suddenly sneered: "You still don’t understand Daddy!"

Ji Yu

ing couldn’t help but shiver. That’s right, she still didn’t understand Ji Lin.

Even though they had been father and daughter for so many years, Ji Yu

ing was still afraid of Ji Lin. She still felt that he had a purpose, that he was too ambitious and cruel, but why did she keep him locked up for five years?

"Daddy, it can’t be related to you, right?" Ji Yu

ing knew nothing about this matter and had always thought that it was an accident. She had naively thought that if her uncle met with an accident, then the authority of Ji Family would fall into Ji Lin’s hands and she could become a real princess.

Now that he thought about it, he felt his entire body go cold.

Ji Lin didn’t directly admit it, he just said coldly, "There was someone who blamed me for being lenient and letting her go. I didn’t expect that the one who would ruin my plans would be her."

"Who is it?" Ji Yu

ing asked with even more curiosity.

"It’s best if you don’t know too much about this matter. It won’t be beneficial to you!" Ji Lin decided to stop right there.

Ji Yu

ing was so frightened that her face turned pale. She finally managed to hold back her curiosity. However, when she thought that Ji Xiaohan’s father might have died at the hands of Ji Lin, she realized that everything had become even more serious.

This was a battle of life and death. Although there was no smoke, it was a gamble with one’s life.

Ji Yu

ing was extremely regretful in her heart. Previously, she had thought of that evil idea in order to make a meritorious performance. Now, she had moved a rock and smashed her own foot. She deserved it.

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