President Daddy's Excessive Love

Chapter 718 There is no more lamentation

Ji Shangqing decided to move out from Ji Family. Tang Youyou’s courteous and cold attitude had let him down, so he knew that he might not be able to attract her attention even if he showed off all sorts of things in front of Tang Youyou. It seemed that he had to look for another opportunity to catch her attention.

As he watched Ji Shangqing carry his luggage downstairs, the old lady and the old man stood in the living room, urging him to stay.

"Shang Qing, have you really found a good house? Is it new? If it is, you better not move in. The air is bad, people will get sick if they live in it. " The old man’s way of caring for his grandson always seemed to have the same tone.

The old man wasn’t concerned about Ji Shangqing’s daily life. He just asked with a stern face: "Are you really pla

ing to open a branch here? Have you thought it through? If you really think about it, I’ll introduce you to a few people that will help your career. "

The old man was silent for a long time, and then listened to his own decision. Now, Ji Shangqing had decided that he must open a company, otherwise, when he was overseas, how could he dig out Ji Xiaohan’s blissful life?

Ji Shangqing felt hatred in his heart when he thought of how Ji Xiaohan had snatched away almost everything about him.

He was certain that Tang Youyou looking for Ji Xiaohan at that time had because she saw that he was the person in charge of Ji Family. This matter, was even more unbearable for him.

"Dad, I’ll still be home for a while. If you say that you want to meet my friends, we can meet at any time. At that time, I’ll have to count on grandpa to help me talk a few good words." Ji Shangqing immediately smiled and replied modestly with a serious expression.

The old man was very pleased with his reaction and nodded, "Alright, I’ll find an opportunity to bring you over to meet them in the next two days."

Seeing that her grandson had yet to respond to her reminder, the old lady quickly interrupted again, "Shang Qing, did you hear what Grandma told you? Where did you find your house? Is it in the city center? "Not really. Did you get a good na


Ji Shangqing quickly replied, "Grandma, don’t worry about me. I’m already this old, will I still starve to death?"

"What unlucky words are you saying? You’re going to starve to death, then you deserve it!" She immediately turned around and went upstairs. When she came down, she held a card in her hand, "This is a gift from grandfather and grandmother. Give it to your father for me, tell him not to think too much and live a good life."

Ji Shangqing looked at the card and hesitated for a moment before taking it: "Thank you grandpa and grandma, my dad has always been worried about the two elders’ bodies, please take care."

The old man’s face turned red when he mentioned this unfilial son. The old lady’s eyes reddened as she said, "Let him come back when he has something to say. Sit down in front of him and tell him to not feel any more pressure when we say he’s his parents."

"Alright, Grandma, I’ll be leaving first. Tell Big Bro!" Ji Shangqing loaded the car and drove away.

The two elders watched his car leave.

Ji Shangqing met Tang Youyou’s car outside the manor’s entrance.

She sat in the back with her two children.

Ji Shangqing purposely parked his car on the side of the road. When Tang Youyou’s car passed by, Ji Shangqing’s gaze could take advantage of the sunlight to glance at Tang Youyou.

Tang Youyou was also looking at him at the moment, but the car was too fast. Tang Youyou did not make the Mr. Driver stop, she just gave him a quick glance and left.

Ji Shangqing looked in the rearview mirror at the passing cars and his expression turned darker.

When Tang Youyou returned to the Ji Family, she heard the old lady helping the two little fellows carry their bags while muttering to herself, "Shang Qing has moved out to live. I’m really worried that he alone won’t be able to take care of me."

Tang Youyou secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that. Ji Shangqing had finally left, otherwise, she would have felt uncomfortable.

"Grandma, don’t worry about him. He’ll definitely take care of himself." Tang Youyou consoled him in a low voice.

"That’s true. Shang Qing said that he would be staying here for a few more days, and I’ll take this opportunity to quickly find him a girlfriend. That way, the two of them can have a better life together." The old lady continued to read, but Tang Youyou merely smiled and didn’t say anything else.

"great-grandmother, today a little kid asked me why my dad’s surname was Ji while my surname was Tang. Why?" After Tang Xiaonai passed her schoolbag to the old lady, she suddenly asked.

Thus, she raised her head and looked at Tang Youyou, "Your child still has the same surname as you, which is somewhat inappropriate now. Transfer your child’s account back to Ji Family, and from now on, you will be using our surname, so what do you think?"

Tang Youyou had never thought about it before. Now that she was suddenly questioned by the old lady, she was momentarily stu


"Youyou, are you worried that I would object to your marriage?" The old lady knew she was silent because she was worried about this.

Tang Youyou blushed. "No!"

I will no longer interfere with your relationship with Xiaohan. The child is already so old, and I’m already this old, so in the future, you need to take care of things yourselves. So, you agreed to let the child have the Ji Family’s surname and acknowledge him as your ancestor. The old lady hurriedly spoke up, hoping to reassure Tang Youyou.

Tang Youyou’s beautiful eyes continued to glaze over.

"How about this, you guys go and get the marriage certificate tomorrow, then the child can move his account back to Ji Family ??"

Tang Xiaorui jeered from the side, "Grandma, it’s Saturday tomorrow, and the wedding won’t be at work."

The old lady immediately glared at him lovingly. "When adults speak, children, don’t interrupt."

Tang Youyou saw that the old lady seemed to really sympathize with Ji Xiaohan this time.

Therefore, she nodded her head, "Okay, let the child transfer the account number in and change the surname as well."

When the old lady heard this, she immediately became happy.

"Youyou, I’m really happy that you can think like this. Sigh, I finally understand one thing." As the old lady spoke, she picked up Tang Xiaonai.

"Oh, my old waist!" Without much effort, the old lady’s waist was twisted, and she immediately reached out to support her.

Tang Youyou and Tang Xiaonai were both startled and hurried over to ask, "Grandma, are you alright?"

The old lady immediately laughed again. "I’m fine, just that I’m old and should always be aware that my little princess has grown quite a bit. My great-grandmother will not be able to carry her sooner or later."

Tang Xiaorui quipped from the side, "Grandmother, didn’t you notice? Idiot Xiaonai is already as heavy as a piglet and eats so much every day. "

Tang Xiaonai glared at him with her beautiful eyes. "You’re the pig!"

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