Tang Wei Xin turned her head and saw the worry and concern in the man’s eyes. She slightly raised the corner of her mouth and asked, "Are you concerned about me?" "

He darkened his face and looked at her seriously: "Don’t take your life as a joke. We can save you once, but we can’t save you twice." "

The woman’s eyes lit up, and an indescribable emotion filled her heart.

Was he angry because he was afraid she would die?

"You said my life was picked up by you. If I don’t do anything for you, my conscience will be upset." Tang Wei lowered his eyes to cover his emotions.

"I’ve never asked you for anything in return. Saving people is just a person’s instinct. Don’t always think about working for us until you’ve made a detailed and complete plan." The man turned away angrily.

Seeing the man’s huge reaction, not only was she not angry, but in her heart she was very happy.

At the gate to the international airport, all the people who were worried along the way finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the door. Cheng Yue felt a little uncomfortable as she looked at the sleeping woman in her arms.

She could tell that Xiaonai and Mr. Binding truly loved each other, and that Xiaonai belonged to the kind of person who loved others to the bones.

To be separated by such a sad method, if Xiaonai were to wake up, she would definitely be very disappointed.

Hopefully, she could understand the painstaking efforts of Mr. Confinement.

The vibration of the plane’s departure woke the sleeping woman. She slowly opened her eyes, and the scene before her shocked her.

The simple wooden house was no longer there, but instead high-end, grandiose chairs.

"Where is this?" she asked, frowning as she turned to Cheng Yue.

"This is the plane. Your brother sent the plane to pick us up." Cheng Yue said sadly.

Ji Tingyan’s mind exploded, she anxiously pulled on her sleeve and asked anxiously: "Where are the rest? "

Cheng Yue couldn’t bear to tell her the truth, but she had to.

They are still there. Xiaonai, I’m sorry, I teamed up with them and lied to you, if you want to beat me up, just do it at me, I really don’t want to see you in danger. Cheng Yue said with red eyes.

Ji Tingyan’s eyes darkened and became silent.

She didn’t cry, she didn’t speak, it was even more worrisome.

Cheng Yue apologized to her for a long time. Finally, she spoke, her voice filled with grief. "I don’t blame you. You all want me to be fine." "

Cheng Yue felt even more remorse. So she understood everything, but it was precisely because of this that her heart ached even more. On the way back to the plane, Ji Tingyan became silent.

Cheng Yue didn’t dare to disturb her, and could only silently accompany her.

Flying from day to night, the clouds outside the window churned, and when they were about to land, there was a huge thunder in the sky, and seeing that a storm was about to arrive, the tears that Ji Tingyan held back finally slid down silently.

She decided to ignore him in the future.

Although he said that she was his woman, he didn’t think that way in his heart. Otherwise, why would he make such a big decision and not discuss it with her?

Push her away in this childish way and see if she can spare him the next time they meet.

At that moment, he was riding a car back to the city center of the city where he was thousands of miles away. For some reason, he felt a chill on his back and his heart couldn’t help but tighten.

Judging by the time, she should be home by now.

Although it was a bit depressing not to have her by his side, but because he knew that she was waiting for him in the distance, he had a greater motivation to face reality.

After leaving his little brother and Tang Wei Xin in the same place, he took a few people back to the city. With Ah’Bao’s contact information, he also had to quickly plan to get the evidence.

In the car, he had already contacted Ah’Bao’s lead representative, who seemed to be very sincere when he heard that he wanted 20 million yuan in goods, and even made an appointment to meet up with him.

Time was of the essence, he did not want to waste even a second. That night, he wanted to mention meeting her, and the other party seemed to be very willing as well.

The sky darkened. The winter wasn’t that cold here. Batian, wearing a suit that looked like it belonged to a worker, brought his subordinates to the meeting place.

It was a very lively bar, where the spirits of cattle and ghosts were mixed together, and it was the most suitable place to do shady business. In a very lively bar, where the spirits of cattle and ghosts were mixed together, and it was the most suitable place to do shady business.

In one of the private rooms on the second floor, behind the gray French window, hid an extremely beautiful woman. In a private room on the second floor, behind the gray French window, hid a very beautiful woman, hiding behind a grey private room.

Furthermore, he possessed the handsome, sharp temperament of a man of the extreme east, a sturdy and tall body, and a strong sense of male hormone. Every inch he passed, there would be women turning their heads to look at him, their eyes filled with greed and possessiveness.

The eyes of the woman hiding behind the curtain also became brighter.

After staying here for so long, he finally had a face that was breathtaking to her.

Ah’Bao kept puffing out the smoke in his mouth, sitting down on the sofa with a satisfied posture. As he held the cigarette in his hand, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

From time to time, there would be women stretching out their hands with the intention of blocking the man’s sturdy body with oil, carrying both admiration and probing.

When he was serious, he would give off a feeling of arrogance and aloofness. However, when the smile on the corner of his mouth rose, it was filled with evil.

Women were the most infatuated with bad men. From the moment they stepped into the bar, they had the mentality to put on an act.

His keen eyes sca

ed every corner of the bar, but he did not see Ah Bao’s woman. He raised his gaze, already knowing what he was looking for.

The woman on the sofa flicked the ash off her cigarette, then Youyou slowly said, "Let’s go down to greet him, then bring him up here." "

A man immediately went downstairs.

"Hello, Mr. Bind. We’ve talked on the phone. You can call me Leon." The man smiled and spoke to him in English.

"I want the goods. Are you sure you can supply them? I’m leaving the dock tomorrow morning." He looked at him blankly.

"Our boss is upstairs. Whether or not we can sell it will depend on her. Why don’t you go up and have a good chat with her." Leon smiled.

Bind nodded his head, but when he was about to follow, Leon stopped him: "Boss, we just want to have a private chat with Mister Bind."

Bu Ting gave a look to the person behind him before stepping onto the stairs.

The information on the second floor was very private, and Ba Ting was looking around. It seemed that this Ah Bao woman already had her own power here.

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