The man’s words made Ling Nua

uan blush instantly. The next second, she hid under the blanket. She was shy and panicked, feeling ashamed to see this man again.

He walked a few steps to the bedside and stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, but when he thought of her current appearance, he froze his hand and retracted it. He asked with a dry voice: "Warm, sorry, you threw some alcohol on yourself yesterday, so I wanted to change your pajamas for you."

Ling Nua

uan’s muffled voice came from the blanket, "Oh, so that’s how it is, then... Then why did I take off my pajamas? "

"Sleep until midnight. If you say it’s hot, then take it off yourself." Mu Weicheng couldn’t help but laugh. At that time, he was so scared that he directly carried a blanket on the floor for the second half of the night.

Ling Nua

uan’s head peeked out from under the blanket. She had long black hair and a fair white face, but her brows were furrowed. "I really did it myself. This is too embarrassing. If I knew earlier, I wouldn’t have drank that wine. I didn’t do anything to you, did I?"

Mu Weicheng was surprised. In the next second, he couldn’t help but tease her. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you really not remember what you did?"

Ling Nua

uan shook her head, looking confused. "I really don’t remember. I just feel like I slept pretty well last night."

"I can’t remember. Then forget it." Mu Weicheng pretended to be serious and turned around to go back to the bathroom.

"Ahh, don’t go. Speak clearly. What disgraceful thing have I done now?" Ling Nua

uan immediately lifted the quilt, put it around her waist and reached out her hand to stop him, "Mu Weicheng, you have to say it clearly."

Mu Weicheng couldn’t stop laughing. This little girl was easily tricked. She actually believed his words.

"You said that you loved me a lot and wanted to have children with me. You even threw yourself at me to rip my clothes." At this time, Mu Weicheng was free to do whatever he wanted. No matter what he said, she would believe him, so she couldn’t let go of such a good opportunity.

"Huh?" Ling Nua

uan’s eyebrows furrowed even more. She was almost in a knot and subconsciously covered her mouth. Oh my god, how could she say something so rude?

Mu Weicheng saw that she was shocked and turned his head to look at her seriously, "Warm, I didn’t know you would speak so nonsense when you’re drunk. Remember, don’t touch the alcohol again, or else, I’m afraid there will be a big joke. Saying it out in front of me will cause big trouble."

Ling Nua

uan was extremely regretful. She stretched out her hand to pull at her long, jet-black hair. She was so angry that she was on the verge of tears. "I won’t drink anymore in the future. It’s too embarrassing."

Seeing that she finally got a lesson, Mu Weicheng walked over and comforted her: "Okay, don’t be upset, just don’t get drunk next time. Do you still have a headache?"

"A little." Ling Nua

uan looked up at him pitifully, "Mu Weicheng, will you make fun of me?"

Mu Weicheng bent down and kissed her hair gently: "Of course not, you can do whatever you want in front of me."

"Really? "When you get married in the future, you better not use it as an old account or else I’ll turn against you." Ling Nua

uan was very tyra

ical. Since he said he wouldn’t tease her, he wouldn’t tease her in the future either.

Mu Weicheng was a bit speechless. How could he have met such an unreasonable little princess?

"Once I exit this door, I will forget everything that happened last night. I will not mention anything about it in the future." The man immediately gave his assurance.

Only then did Ling Nua

uan’s mood improve a little. Her beautiful eyes looked at the man, only to discover that he was wearing only a towel, and that his body was in violation of the rules.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’m going to do something bad again." Ling Nua

uan reminded him in a low voice.

Mu Weicheng was embarrassed. Did this little girl know what a bad thing was? With her small mouth, she really couldn’t do anything to threaten people.

When Mu Weicheng came out, he changed into a casual set of clothes. Ling Nua

uan also put on her pajamas. Her face was so pink that the man’s heart skipped a beat.

Ling Nua

uan took the clothes she wanted to change into and went into the bathroom. When she came out again, she was wearing a long, slim, and pretty dress.

"Our first stop today is a romantic town about 100 kilometers away from here. It’s a very beautiful place with a natural lake." Mu Weicheng said as he packed his stuff. After a pause, he continued, "We’ll spend the night at the villa by the lake."

Ling Nua

uan blushed when she heard that they would spend the night together.

After the two of them left the hotel, they drove to the next destination.

Along the way, the mountain flowers were everywhere, and the weeds were growing crazily.

The mountain was so vast that it made people feel relaxed.

Ling Nua

uan raised her hands to adjust the volume of the music, then lazily spread her hands and started humming a little tune.

Mu Weicheng couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her satisfied expression.

If this was their future life, how wonderful it would be.

But beauty was destined to be short-lived, and perhaps even separated.

The journey was nearly three hours and the road was winding, but by the time they arrived, it was just lunchtime.

After Mu Weicheng arranged the lodging, he took Ling Nua

uan for a stroll. After lunch, they prepared to go to the natural lake.

The road they were heading to was a small path. After crossing the mountain at the back, Mu Weicheng and Ling Nua

uan bought a bottle of water and walked towards it.

"Stone Mountain was all around. The trees weren’t that tall, and there was still snow on the top of the mountain in the distance. The air became cold all of a sudden. Mu Weicheng quickly took out Ling Nua

uan’s knitted jacket and put it around her shoulders." How did you get me a coat? " Ling Nua

uan was still thinking about how she was going to be frozen into a dog, but she didn’t expect that the man was already prepared.

"I’ve been stationed here all year round, so I’m very familiar with the climate here. The altitude here is very high, and the mountain is covered with snow three seasons a year. Of course, I’ll have to prepare a coat for you." Mu Weicheng explained with a smile.

"Then why don’t you have a coat?" Ling Nua

uan pulled her knitted jacket tighter around her, finally feeling warm.

Mu Weicheng shrugged his shoulders and said confidently: "I can take it, don’t worry about me."

Ling Nua

uan rolled her eyes at him. However, looking at Mu Weicheng’s ruddy face and good complexion, she did not have to worry about his physical fitness.

"Mu Weicheng, look at me!" After the two of them walked for a distance, Ling Nua

uan pulled out a camera pole from nowhere and held her phone up high. Suddenly, on a whim, she shouted towards the man walking in front of her.

Mu Weicheng turned around instinctively and saw the girl lift her tiptoes and move in front of him. She pasted her pink lips on his lips accurately. The next second, he heard a ’kacha kacha’ sound.

"Ha, I’ve finally fooled you." Ling Nua

uan happily took back her phone and admired her masterpiece.

The man stayed where he was. Mu Weicheng, who didn’t like photography, was afraid that he would be changed by this little woman.

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