Tang Youyou was sitting cross-legged on a recliner in the garden, listening to the music for inspiration. She squinted her beautiful eyes, and wherever she looked, spring flowers were blooming. The green ones were green, and the green ones were very harmonious.

Tang Youyou was living a life that she only dared dream of before, but now, she was enjoying it all. All of this was given to her by Ji Xiaohan, saving her from the pressure of life and allowing her to enjoy the most leisurely life.

Although she hadn’t had many opportunities to go out recently, she had received a lot of gifts. Ji Xiaohan would get someone to give her things every few days, if it was not cosmetics, then it was a famous shoe bag, and her cloakroom was almost full. Ji Xiaohan immediately had someone tear down the guest room next door and build her a brand-new huge clothes and hat storage room.

The two little fellows didn’t need her to care about them anymore. She was currently living a single life.

A while ago, Ji Yueze and his wife brought their newly-born daughter to the house for di

er. Ji Xiaohan took his two children to tease the little guy all along. The little guy was really small and cute, making people happy.

After seeing that little sister, Ji Xiaonai pestered her everyday to ask when she would give birth to her little sister, making Tang Youyou unable to laugh or cry. When she was pestered, she told Ji Xiaonai to ask Ji Xiaohan, and Ji Xiaohan was also speechless. At night, Ji Xiaonai lay down on the bed and lifted Ji Xiaohan’s pajamas.

Tang Youyou had actually made her decision to give birth to a child. Although children could sometimes anger others, most of the time, they would be adorable little angels. When they were warm and considerate, they could make others feel twice as satisfied.

"Miss Tang." Just as Tang Youyou was closing her eyes and resting, thinking about her second child, a voice rang out, disturbing her peace and quiet.

Tang Youyou opened her eyes and saw her daughter’s piano teacher. She immediately sat up and said with a smile, "Teacher Lin, come and sit."

"Miss Tang, I... I want to ask you to save my son. " Before Lin Mei could finish her sentence, her tears fell crazily. She sobbed quietly and was frightened to the extreme.

Tang Youyou’s beautiful eyes were astounded as she walked quickly towards her. She anxiously asked, "Teacher Lin, what’s wrong with your son?"

Lin Mei immediately grabbed onto her arm, and said uneasily: "Miss Tang, I’m sorry, I hid something from you, on the third day after I succeeded in applying for the position, someone called me to meet up with them, I went there, a woman warned me that I had to do something for them, otherwise, they would kill my son, for the past few days, I have been tormented inside, and I still can’t do it. Xiaonai is very cute, and their hearts can’t be this bad, why do this to me, I have to do it within three days, I can’t do it, I really can’t do it?"

Lin Mei was so upset that she could barely stand. Her eyes were red from crying and her voice was hoarse. She was trembling all over.

"What?" How could this happen? " Tang Youyou was also quite frightened. She quickly helped Lin Mei to a seat beside her and poured her a cup of tea, "Teacher Lin, don’t worry, I’ll call my husband right now. I’m very grateful to you for this matter. Really, thank you for telling me and also thank you for letting my daughter go."

Tang Youyou already understood what she meant, so she was both flustered and grateful.

Lin Mei was already frightened out of her wits. She just sat there with her hands covering her face as she muttered, "I beg you to save my son. He mustn’t be harmed. If I lose him, I won’t be able to live."

Tang Youyou knew that the situation was urgent, so she immediately used her phone to call Ji Xiaohan.

Ji Xiaohan answered a few seconds later. With a low and gentle voice, he said, "Youyou, what’s wrong?"

If she doesn’t succeed, she will harm his son. Ji Xiaohan, hurry up and think of a way, Teacher Lin is now frightened, can you go and protect her son first, and don’t let the bad guys succeed? Tang Youyou spoke very quickly as she tried her best to explain the situation in detail.

"Is there such a thing?" Ji Xiaohan was also shocked. Then, he immediately said, "You comfort Teacher Lin, I’ll send someone to fetch his family."

"Alright, hurry up." Tang Youyou hung up the phone, nervously holding onto it. She turned around and knelt beside Lin Mei to comfort her, "My husband has already gone to pick up your family. Teacher Lin, can you call your family? Let them find a safe place to hide first."

"Thank you, thank you Miss Tang." Lin Mei snapped out of her daze and quickly took out her phone to call her husband and son.

"Why can’t I get through to my son’s phone?" After Lin Mei finished her family’s call, she couldn’t get through to her son’s watch. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at Tang Youyou with fear and unease.

"Could it be that your son refused to answer the phone during class?" Tang Youyou said calmly.

"Their school really does have rules against answering calls in class. I’ll call his head teacher and ask around." Lin Mei then let out a sigh of relief and called her son’s office manager.

However, the manager unexpectedly replied, "Just now, a few policemen came and took your son away. They said that they wanted to ask him a few questions."

"What?" The police? "Are you sure? How could a police officer come to the school to look for my son?" When Lin Mei heard the result, she almost broke down. Disbelief was written all over her face.

"The other person showed his ID card. It’s not fake. I was wondering if your family had committed a crime." Hearing her scream, the manager was also puzzled.

"Then did they send my son back? Which police station? What’s his name? You tell me. " Lin Mei asked in fear.

"I don’t remember much about that, but I do remember your ID. It should be the police station next to our school. If you have any questions, you can go and ask them." The Director was also stu

ed. It was his duty for the public to cooperate with the police in their investigation. At that time, he did not think too much into it and let his students follow him out.

After hanging up the phone, it was as if Lin Mei had lost her soul. Tang Youyou listened intently, and when she saw that she almost fell down, she quickly supported her. "Teacher Lin, don’t worry, I’ll accompany you to that police station to ask around. Let’s go."

Lin Mei was stu

ed, "How could it be the police who came to the school to take my son away? Who were they? Miss Tang, you must save my son, I beg you. "

"It will, it will. We will spare no cost to save your son. You better calm down a bit. We will go and take a look at the situation now." After Tang Youyou consoled him, she quickly ran to the living room to find Uncle Yuan for help. After Uncle Yuan heard the situation, he immediately sent a car and bodyguards to accompany him out.

In the car, Tang Youyou told this to Ji Xiaohan, who was also very shocked and immediately called Ling Mofeng to help him investigate this.

Ling Mofeng heard that someone from the police station went to take away a random student, so he also attached great importance to this matter. He immediately called the police to inquire and quickly found the two policemen on duty.

It turned out that their superiors had sent them a document asking them to go to the school and bring out that student called Lai Qing. They had sent their superiors to investigate something. They were only responsible for bringing people out of the school, but they did not know what exactly they were going to do.

Ling Mofeng knew that the authority of the base level staff was limited. If their superiors asked them to bring people out with their help, they couldn’t disobey the order. They didn’t have much responsibility for this.

"Someone tried to kill that child. You have indirectly given the bad guys a chance to commit murder. Please cooperate with the staff that I have assigned, and find that child in time." Ling Mofeng said seriously and hung up.

More than an hour later, in the police station, the workers sent by Ling Mofeng were involved in the investigation. The two young policemen were shocked and blamed themselves for condoning the criminals for their actions.

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