The man’s taut, handsome face relaxed. When he saw her ru

ing in the snow with all her might, Ling Mofeng felt like he was going to die from anger. He prepared many harsh words to teach her a lesson in his heart, but now, seeing her crying and her tears rolling down, that pitiful and wronged look made him at a loss for what to do.

"Ling Mofeng, I know you’re very angry. If you want to curse, then curse. Anyway, I have to leave with someone, don’t even think about leaving me behind!" Lan Yanxi lowered her head, burying her face in his arm as she spoke in a muffled voice.

"Can I still scold you? I haven’t even scolded you yet and you’ve already started crying. There’s really nothing I can do about it! " Ling Mofeng laughed helplessly.

Lan Yanxi raised her head after she heard what he said. Her bright eyes were still filled with mist, but there was a hint of happiness in them.

"You don’t blame me?" Lan Yanxi’s tears instantly turned into laughter. The speed at which she changed her face was also extremely fast.

Ling Mofeng reached out to pull a tissue and gently wiped away the tears on her face. He sighed. Since you’re so disobedient, it’s useless for me to scold you! "

"There are some points that I will listen to, but there are some things that I ca

ot listen to!" Lan Yanxi grabbed his tissue and wiped away his tears and snot.

Ling Mofeng stared at her speechlessly: "Do you know why I let you go first? I am afraid that you will be implicated and hurt. How can I explain this to your grandfather? He trusts me so much, I don’t want to disappoint him! "

"You protected me so well just so you could explain it to my grandfather?" Lan Yanxi grasped the main point of his words and frowned unhappily. "I thought you wanted to protect me because you truly loved me."

Ling Mofeng was forced to argue again. His handsome face turned red and after a while, he said in a depressed tone, "Of course I like you. Otherwise, why would I be so worried about you?"

"Alright, I understand!" Lan Yanxi immediately laughed foolishly. It wasn’t easy to hear Ling Mofeng’s confession, she was satisfied.

Ling Mofeng started to worry when he saw that she could still laugh.

The man reached out and hugged her. Lan Yanxi immediately sat down on his sturdy legs. He hugged her tightly like he was holding a child. Lan Yanxi felt shy.

At this moment, knocking sounds came from outside the car door. Not long later, Chu Lie bent down and said: "Sir, there’s a bulletproof vest here. Tell Miss Lan to quickly put it on!"

Ling Mofeng reached out his hand to take it and the car door closed once again.

Lan Yanxi had finally calmed down, but when she saw the bulletproof vest, she was once again shocked.

"You still want to wear this? Is it really that dangerous? " Lan Yanxi had grown up in peaceful times and had never encountered a robber or thief. Now, she had to face a real barrage of guns and bullets. She was immediately terrified and terrified.

Ling Mofeng, on the other hand, had already unzipped her jacket. With a calm face, he said, "You have to listen to me this time!" Lan Yanxi was still afraid of death. She quickly took off her jacket and sweater, then Ling Mofeng personally put on her bulletproof vest.

After Lan Yanxi put on her clothes, she felt that the car was slowly moving forward.

The drivers of Ling Mofeng’s cars were all carefully chosen, they were absolutely loyal, absolutely safe and reliable.

In front and back were six to seven cars, both front and back were large specialized military vehicles, each with close to 300 escorts and heavy firearms equipment. This time, Ling Mofeng was more prepared, because the other party might attack him like a tiger, so he was afraid that he might be able to return alive.

Ling Mofeng thought about the unpredictable dangers along the way and couldn’t help but look down at the woman who was in his arms resting with her eyes closed. Ling Mofeng thought about the dangers along the way and couldn’t help but look down at the woman who was in his arms resting with her eyes closed.

Lan Yanxi was truly tired. With the warmth in her man’s embrace, she naturally wanted to take a nap.

Ling Mofeng looked at her quiet sleeping face and couldn’t help but to kiss her. Her lips were very beautiful, even when she wasn’t smiling, the corner of her mouth was slightly raised. She pursed her lips, making people feel incomparably sweet.

Lan Yanxi wasn’t asleep. She felt the man kissing her and mischievously opened one of her eyes to look at him. Seeing the man’s uncomfortable expression, she pursed her lips and immediately snickered, pretending that nothing had happened.

Ling Mofeng was a bit shy due to her smile. He reached out his hand and pinched her cheek with a bit of force.

Lan Yanxi didn’t regret that she had spent so much time with him. She had traveled for so long just to return and travel with him.

Cheng Yuan and Chu Lie sat in a car at the back. Cheng Yuan was driving, while Chu Lie was sitting beside her. The wound on his arm had already healed, but he still couldn’t make any violent movements. After all, the wound had been sutured.

"I wonder if mister has scolded Yanxi yet!" Cheng Yuan was still sweating for her. Mr. Vice President’s expression just now was truly dark and gloomy, making people uneasy.

"Rest assured, Mister is a cold-faced and warm-hearted person. If outsiders are like this, then it is even more harmful to Miss Lan." Chu Lie comforted her, he didn’t want her to feel pressured.

Cheng Yuan smiled and nodded. "I hope that they are fine now. However, I believe that Yanxi will always have a way to relieve Mister’s temper!"

"Men can’t find a strategy to deal with the woman they love." Chu Lie replied with a smile.

Cheng Yuan cast a sidelong glance at him. "For example, you?"

Chu Lie’s smile froze for a moment. Then, he shrugged his shoulders.

Cheng Yuan instantly smiled warmly.

The car had been moving for more than two hours. As they got closer to the city, the road became more unobstructed and the snow stopped. However, the road was slippery, so it was necessary to be very careful when driving.

Ling Mofeng was tense and had a bad feeling about this. He subconsciously hugged the woman in his arms tighter and tighter.

Lan Yanxi had really fallen asleep. She was like a child without any worries, sleeping very peacefully.

Suddenly, a bend appeared in front of them. There were two tall mountains on either side of the bend, and the road in the middle was extremely narrow.

Suddenly, the first car in front came to a screeching halt. It turned out that there was a problem with the tires of the car. It exploded.

Chu Lie quickly took the walkie-talkie and said, "Everyone be careful, there might be an ambush here. Be alert!"

The car that Ling Mofeng was sitting in also leaned forward and quickly stopped.

Lan Yanxi felt that the car was unsteady. She opened her eyes in shock and immediately sat up in the man’s embrace. "Did something happen?"

"Yanxi, can you shoot?" Ling Mofeng suddenly asked her in a low and gentle voice.

"I won’t!" Lan Yanxi immediately shook her head.

Ling Mofeng suddenly took out a small, exquisite pistol from under the car seat: "This is for you to use, there are bullets in it. If there are bad guys in a while, you can pull the trigger and protect yourself."

Lan Yanxi then looked out of the window, the car stopped, the surroundings were dead silent.

Ling Mofeng took out two more handguns from below. One of them held the spare one and held it tightly in his hand.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard from a nearby mountain.

The sound of bullets shooting came from the roof of Ling Mofeng’s car. It was harsh and sharp, causing people’s scalps to go numb.

Ah!" Lan Yanxi was so frightened that she covered her ears and jumped into the man’s embrace.

"Don’t be afraid, this car is bulletproof!" Ling Mofeng pressed her down with one hand and whispered to her ear to comfort her.

At this moment, sounds of gunfire could be heard outside the car. It was Ling Mofeng’s men fighting back.

Although the other party was full of bullets, he was definitely not a match for a group of professional army elites who had trained for many years. Very quickly, many criminals were beaten down from the mountain and rolled beside cars, and another one smashed on the hood of Ling Mofeng’s car. Lan Yanxi wanted to look up, but Ling Mofeng held her head tightly, preventing her from seeing it.

The attack this time was not the least bit scary. Under the cover of new tires, the vehicles ahead of them quickly passed through this dangerous stretch of road and continued onward.

It was Lan Yanxi’s first time experiencing such a terrible thing. She suddenly felt that Ling Mofeng’s situation was much more dangerous than she thought.

She really didn’t know where he got his mental fortitude. Despite facing such a dangerous situation, his expression remained calm and collected. Just what kind of man did she fall in love with?

Had she become a burden to him?

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