Practicing Basic Sorcery for Billions of Times Made Me Invincible

Chapter 73 - The True Purpose of the Desolate Sword Sage’s Visit!

Chapter 73: The True Purpose of the Desolate Sword Sage’s Visit!

Seeing that Lin Lei was listening attentively, Bard continued.

“Holy regions are extremely powerful. Those who are capable of dominating holy regions are the cream of the crop.”

“Currently, the most powerful holy regions are the five great empires.”

“There’s nothing else to say. However, there’s a rumor that hasn’t been verified yet.”According to the rumors, the original holy regions, north, south, east, and west regions were all under the control of an empire. However, because of a war, the entire empire was completely destroyed, resulting in its current existence.”

Lin Lei nodded.

He was extremely shocked.

What sort of existence was it that was able to turn the entire continent into an empire of its own.

This was probably the true meaning of the empire of the unsetting sun!

“Oh right, Uncle Bard, didn’t you say that there were some prehistoric relics?”

Bard smiled, he continued, “I just told you that the entire continent was previously controlled by an empire. It was called the era of the ancient empire. And this prehistoric relic is related to this ancient empire.”

“According to rumors, in order to better control this continent, this empire destroyed a divine artifact and turned it into nine great gemstones.”

“Later on, when this ancient empire disappeared, it also disappeared into the void. As time passed, the space shattered and formed a relic.”

“According to legends, whoever can gather the nine great gemstones together will be able to unify the continent once again!”

“Do you know why the holy region is called the holy region? That is because there are five gemstones in the holy region.”

“Over time, the magic power in the holy region has become denser and denser. It is even several times stronger than in other regions!”

“Currently, the prehistoric ruins that will appear in the Beilageluoya Empire is one of the nine gemstones. It is the only gemstone in the far east.”

“It can be said that as long as one possesses this gemstone, one will be able to control the magic power of the entire far east. At that time, the person who possesses the gemstone will be the owner of the far east.”

“Tens of millions of years ago, this prehistoric relic appeared in the Beilageluoya Empire. Even the five great empires of the holy region had sent people to search for it, but they did not discover anything.”

“The only clue they could find was that the space in this relic was extremely unstable. If an expert at the level of the great sage entered, this relic could collapse instantly.”

“The space turbulence created by that time would be enough to kill everyone inside.”

“It has been almost ten thousand years since that time. Soon, the relic in the Beilageluoya Empire will appear.”

“I almost forgot that the level above the sage is the great sage.”

“If you want to become a great sage, you need to condense your own astral cloud body.”

Bard, the desolate sword sage, slowly told Lin Lei everything he knew.

Such a large amount of information entered Lin Lei’s mind. Even though Lin Lei as now at the peak of tier 9, he still couldn’t help but feel a bit of a headache.

The ancient empire era, the five regions of the continent, the nine precious stones, the Master of the easternmost region, the great sage, and the nebulous body.

Lin Lei rearranged all of the information Bader had mentioned in his mind, then slowly began to speak.

“Uncle Bard, if everything goes according to what you said, the ruins of the Beilageluoya Empire will immediately open. At that time, won’t the five great empires of the saint-level all send people over?”

Bard nodded.

“Right. According to my calculations, since he is a member of the Molmo Empire, he is most likely an existence sent by the Molmo Empire to the Beilageluoya Empire to gather information.”

“Is that so…”

Lin Lei seemed to be lost in thought.

“This prehistoric ruin is about to open, and the Saints have been preparing for it for ten thousand years. It can be said that this ruin has nothing to do with us at all. This is a battle between the five empires of the holy region, right?”

Although Lin Lei was a bit interested in that gemstone, he still knew what to do with his own power.

Although he was now unrivalled in the entire Beilageluoya Empire…

But in front of the entire continent, how could the Beilageluoya Empire not be incomparably weak?

If he were to get too arrogant now, it would be a waste of time and confidence. In the end, he would only be courting death.

Right now, in front of the five great empires of the holy region, he had no way of resisting at all.

“Is that so…”

Bard shook his head helplessly. Staring at the horizon, he sighed helplessly.

“Kid, do you know how old I am this year?”

After a long while, Bard suddenly asked without thinking.

Lin Lei asked tentatively, “A thousand, or two thousand?”

Bard shook his head. “Right now, I’m already 3,440 years old.”

“The lifespan of a sage is 3,500 years. It can be said that in another ten years, my lifespan will come to an end.”

“And my current power is only at the fifth rank of the sage. If I want to break through to become a great sage within ten years, relying on my own training is probably nothing more than a pipe dream.”

“As for the ancient ruins of the Beilageluoya Empire, there is a nebula fruit which the ancient empire spent a tremendous amount of money to create.”

“As long as one is able to use that nebula fruit, they will be able to easily create their own nebula body, directly acquiring the power of a great sage.”

“Now That I’m going to die within ten years, I’m prepared to go all out and head to the ancient ruins.”

A look that bud couldn’t detect flashed through Lin Lei’s eyes.

Vaguely, Lin Leu seemed to understand why Bard was searching for him at this point in time.

Lin Lei’s guess wasn’t wrong. In the next moment, Bard looked at Linley with a very grave expression.

“Kid, I know that your talent is extremely terrifying, and your current power is unrivalled in the empire. Even Edward, a half-step great sage, was easily killed by you.”

“In the entire Beilageluoya Empire, and perhaps even the entire easternmost region, there is no one more suited to enter the prehistoric relic than you.”

“As long as one’s power is below that of the great sage, they will be able to enter the prehistoric relic. Although the holy region has already trained quite a few geniuses for this trip to the prehistoric relic.”

“But after thinking about it, given your skills, Lin Lei, although you might not be able to defeat them, they definitely won’t be able to keep you there.”

After speaking, Bard looked at Lin Lei with a very sincere gaze.

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