Power and Wealth

Chapter 420 – Someone is harassing Madam Han?

Chapter 420 – Someone is harassing Madam Han?

Wednesday morning.

It’s a cloudy day with a slight overcast.

Dong Xuebing received a call from Madam Han asking him to go to the City Party Committee Family Members Quarters.

Madam Han is dressed in sports attire today and did not put on any makeup. Her hair is pinned up, and she looks different from her usual self. When Dong Xuebing entered the mansion, Madam Han smiled and asked him to sit on the sofa. “Your Second Uncle, Guojian, had asked his connections to suppress the National Treasure fiasco. Now, they are negotiating the exchange of relics between the Museums, but it will not be reported in the media. You... can return back to the County anytime you want. Everything should be fine.”

Dong Xuebing poured a cup of tea for Madam Han. “Thank you, Auntie. Since everything is settled, I will go back soon.”

Han Jing patted the back of Dong Xuebing’s hand and smiled gently. “Let’s talk about that in the evening. Give me your car keys.”

“Huh? Keys?” Dong Xuebing took out his Mercedes MPV keys from his pocket and gave them to him.

“I will get someone to change your registration plate.” Madam Han took the keys and continued. “You will need to return to Beijing often in the future, and your Province’s registration plate will be inconvenient due to the many restrictions. I had made a call yesterday to get you a new plate. Beijing 9999. Haha... I will get someone to drive your car away, and it should be ready in the afternoon.” Madam Han made a call to someone to come and get the car.

Dong Xuebing is overjoyed and quickly thank Madam Han. A 9999 numberplate?! This is a special plate!

In Beijing, people must draw lots to get number plates, and such number plates are no longer available. You cannot get it even if you are willing to spend money.

Madam Han looks at her watch and smile. “Your Uncle has a meeting today and will not be coming back for dinner. Xiao Bing, accompany me to the gym today.”

Dong Xuebing finally understood why Han Jing is wearing sports attire today. “Ah... you had just recovered. Shouldn’t you...”

“Exercise is good for health. Haha... my doctor also advised me to exercise more. It’s fine.”

Dong Xuebing did not continue as he saw Madam Han looks healthy.

Outside of the mansion, an Audi is waiting, and the driver, in his thirties, opened the door for Madam Han. Dong Xuebing can tell this person is not only a driver. He seems to be trained in martial arts from his physique and should be from the Central Police Bureau. He was about to board the front passenger seat when Madam Han asked him to sit with her in the rear seats.

The driver asked emotionlessly. “Madam, are you going to Yuan Yue?”

Han Jing shook her head. “There are too many acquaintances there. I want to relax today. Let’s go somewhere with lesser people.”

About half an hour later, the Audi stopped in front of a clubhouse.

Dong Xuebing thought they would be going to a gym, but they went to a nicely renovated recreation club. The club has ten floors and is majestic looking. As they entered the building, the lobby is spacious. There are restaurants, bowling alleys, tennis courts, billiard saloons, a spa, and a gym. The top floor is a ballroom.

Madam Han seldom comes here and is not a member. Dong Xuebing quickly went up to the counter to register for them. This place is not only restricted to members, and they serve non-members too. But non-members have no access to some of its facilities.

After settling the registration, Dong Xuebing and Madam Han entered the lift.

“Which floor are we going to?” Madam Han smiled. “Do you want to play a game of tennis?”

Dong Xuebing jumped and quickly rejected. “No... tennis is a strenuous sport. How am I going to answer to Uncle if anything happens to you?”

Madam Han laughed. “I’m joking... Hahaha... I am old now and cannot move like when I was young.”

Dong Xuebing was relieved. “How about we go to the gym?”

“Ok. That’s on the second floor. Let’s go.”

Dong Xuebing pressed the button, and the lift’s door slowly close.

Before the door closes fully, Dong Xuebing noticed a group of people entering through the main door. One of them is China’s top Snooker player, Liu Cheng, in his thirties. The man beside him is Da Feng County’s Investment Promotions Agency Chief, Pang Zhou.

One second later, Pang Zhou and Dong Xuebing’s eyes met.

Pang Zhou was slightly surprised and smiled.

Liu Cheng and the rest looked towards the lifts, but the door had closed.

First floor...

Second floor...

Dong Xuebing frowned as he walks out with Madam Han. Why is Pang Zhou here? When Dong Xuebing went to Feng Zhou City for the meeting, he heard that Liu Cheng had signed a letter of investment intent with Pang Zhou, and they have not signed the official contract then. Pang Zhou should be here to follow up on this investment, and it seems he is close with Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng had won lots of cash prizes from snooker competitions, and his family is wealthy. This investment should be a big amount.

When Dong Xuebing thought about this, he becomes angry.

Da Feng County’s economic status is much higher than Yan Tai County, and their annual investments are several times higher. Many times, they are not bothered with projects that are worth over 10 million. Their Investment Promotion Agency had been doing well. Still, because Liang Zeyuan did not invest in the meat processing factory, Pang Zhou sent Xin Hua News Agency’s reporters to create trouble in Yan Tai County. If it was not for Xie Jing, who knows what are trouble they will face? This is too much, and Dong Xuebing remembers it.

Why should all investors invest in your Da Feng County? Why can’t they invest in Yan Tai County? What has it got to do with you all?!

Dong Xuebing really detests Pang Zhou.

If Dong Xuebing had used dirty tricks to get Liang Zeyuan to invest in Yan Tai County, he would not say anything. But he and his agency had won Liang Zeyuan’s investment fairly, and he had not even signed the letter of investment intentions with Da Feng County. Dong Xuebing had not gone to Da Feng County to snatch investors, and everything is legal. You all are the ones who did not do a proper job and still tried to use dirty tricks to try to sabotage us?! This is too petty!

At the lobby.

Pang Zhou narrowed his eyes as he saw the lift stopped on the second floor. “Such a coincidence. I saw someone familiar.”

“Huh? Those two people in the lift?” Liu Cheng looks at him.

Pang Zhou smiled and nodded. “He is Yan Tai County’s Investment Promotion Agency Chief, Dong Xuebing. I heard he is only 24 years old only.”

Liu Cheng knew both Counties’ Investment Promotion Agencies are on bad terms and laughed. “He looks like a kid. How did he become a Section Chief at his age?”

“I heard he had saved his County Mayor’s life.” Pang Zhou replied.

“Oh... no wonder.” A young man snickered. “He had found a strong backing.”

The rest of the group are all young and like to compare themselves with others. They are snooker players, and when they see a Section Chief younger than them, they are unhappy.

Pang Zhou looked at Liu Cheng and said to himself. “Is the woman beside Dong Xuebing his mother? She looks pretty, and I heard she is teaching in a middle school. Her husband had passed away a few years ago.” He had checked on Dong Xuebing’s background.

Liu Cheng heard that and asked. “How old is she? She looks like she is in her early forties.”

Pang Zhou laughed. “I don’t know how old she is, but she had maintained her looks well.”

Liu Cheng looked at the closed elevator door and kept quiet.

Pang Zhou smiled and knew his words had reached Liu Cheng. He had heard rumors that Liu Cheng is not interested in women younger than him. He is more interested in mature women, especially those divorcees or widows in their forties. The last time when Liu Cheng finished a business meeting with Pang Zhou in Da Feng County, he saw Liu Cheng teaching a middle-aged lady how to play snooker, and they even exchanged numbers.

Pang Zhou is good at instigating and likes to watch his opponents quietly from a distance. For example, he will make us of others to target the investors and his political enemies. He enjoys being in control while hiding behind the curtains.


Second floor.


Dong Xuebing did not wander far from Han Jing and stayed beside her to protect her. Han Jing is jogging on the treadmill with a smile. After ten minutes, she started sweating.

After a while more, Madam Han stepped off the treadmill, panting. “I can’t jog anymore... haha... I’m old already. How many minutes was it?”

Dong Xuebing started bootlicking. “You are doing great. I can only run for five minutes.”

Han Jing laughed. “You ah... stop lying. Do you think I don’t know that you challenged all of Seoul’s Taekwondo schools by yourself?”

Dong Xuebing replied. “That is brute strength. My stamina is really not as good as you.”

“Stop flattering me. Haha...” Han Jing picked up a towel to wipe her sweat and sat in the rest area.

“Let me grab a drink for you. What would you like?”

“Mineral water will do. Thanks.”

There are two water dispensers in the corner of the gym, and there was a queue. Dong Xuebing had to wait for a while before it was his turn. He took a paper cup and mixed hot water with cold water before returning. Suddenly, Dong Xuebing saw a man sitting beside Madam Han. It’s Liu Cheng!

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