Power and Wealth

Chapter 1194: Jiang Fangfang is drunk

Chapter 1194: Jiang Fangfang is drunk


9 pm.

Dong Xuebing and Jiang Fangfang ate for two hours and continued drinking beer afterward.

After dinner.

Jiang Fangfang is drunk.

Dong Xuebing was slightly drunk but soberer than Mayor Jiang.

Jiang Fangfang started talking a lot. She kept talking about her dead husband. “He would read books to me to help me sleep every night. That’s why I got insomnia after he was gone. When you read to me that night, I saw you as him and fell asleep quickly. I know this is wrong, but both of you look alike.”

Dong Xuebing tried his best to open his eyes. “Stop drinking.”

Jiang Fangfang continued drinking. “I am fine. I kept these things in my heart, and it felt better when I let it out.”

“Huh? Then continue. I will listen.”

“Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“No. I…. I can understand how you feel.”

“Did I change your impression of me?”

“No. Everyone has two sides.”

“I drank a lot today and should not remember what I said when I wake up tomorrow. Don’t take it to heart.”

“No problem, Sis Jiang. Just let it out.”

“It’s only me talking the whole night. Let’s talk about you.”


“Just treat it as a casual chat.”

Most of Dong Xuebing’s stuff cannot be shared. He thought for a while and said those he could share. For example, his family members, his civil servant exams, etc. Jiang Fangfang sat there looking and listening to him.

More than ten minutes later.

Jiang Fangfang suddenly interrupted Dong Xuebing. “How is your relationship with your wife?”

Dong Xuebing paused for a second. “Quite good. Oh, you are referring to her not caring about me. She knows me well and knows falling from the third floor is nothing to me. That’s why she did not visit me. Another reason is that she is still angry with me for something I did previously. She felt I was impulsive and did not care about the consequences. Anyway, we are still good. She is pregnant and will be due in a few months.”

Jiang Fangfang nodded. “Great to hear that. Cherish her, or you will regret when you lose her.”

Dong Xuebing replied. “Yes. My wife lacks in many areas, which is why I like her.” He paused. “What about you? Have you considered looking for another partner?”

Jiang Fangfang shook her head and drank her beer. “I have not thought about it. I am used to being alone and have no plans. I will leave it to fate.”

“One person is quite inconvenient.” Dong Xuebing said.

“I know. But it has been a few years, and I am used to it.”

After sharing their secrets and chatting about their families, Dong Xuebing felt they had gotten closer. Drinking can bring two people closer.

10 pm

The clock sounded, and they looked toward it.

Jiang Fangfang puts down her beer and holds her head. “It’s late, and you should rest.” She stood up and pushed Dong Xuebing into the bedroom. She helped him onto the bed and covered him with his blanket.

“Thank you.”

“Rest early.”

“Yes. Good night.”

Dong Xuebing was getting sleepy after drinking. He glanced at Jiang Fangfang’s butt and closed his eyes as she left. He was sleepy, but he could not sleep. He wondered when he applied medicine to her naked body after she fell in the bathroom. He was getting horny. It’s been a few days since he returned from Beijing, and she is a beautiful widow.

His body is getting heated up.

But what can he do?

Jiang Fangfang is a County Mayor, and Dong Xuebing dares not to try anything funny.

Furthermore, Dong Xuebing is seriously injured and cannot move. Sigh…. He cannot sleep.



Dong Xuebing heard noises outside and was surprised. It’s been a while since he got onto the bed. Why are there noises outside? Is Mayor Jiang still around?

Since Dong Xuebing could not sleep, he got off the bed and onto the wheelchair slowly. He pushed himself to the door and opened it. He saw Jiang Fangfang walking out of the kitchen and entering the bathroom. The plates and bowls on the dining table were cleared, and he heard scrubbing sounds from the bathroom.

Dong Xuebing was touched and didn’t know what to say.

Jiang Fangfang had drunk a lot, but she did not forget to do the dishes for him. Her caring gesture touched him.

The bathroom door was opened.

Dong Xuebing saw Jiang Fangfang walking unsteadily into the bathroom and removed his dirty laundry from the laundry bag. Those were his dirty clothes and socks when he was hospitalized. She filled a pail of water and started handwashing his laundry.

Dong Xuebing wanted to stop her but did not.

Jiang Fangfang was facing away from her, and she was squatting down. Her underwear’s outline was visible.

She was washing Dong Xuebing’s underwear, and her butt moved with her hand movements.

Dong Xuebing didn’t dare to peep anymore and closed the door softly. He sat behind the door, and the scrubbing sounds stopped.

Dong Xuebing knew Jiang Fangfang had finished washing his clothes.


Five minutes….

Ten minutes….

Dong Xuebing did not hear the sound of a door opening. Is she still around?

Dong Xuebing opened the door slightly and was shocked by what he saw. His room was opposite the bathroom, and his underwear and socks were hung inside. Jiang Fangfang was sitting on the toilet bowl with her eyes closed. Her long skirt was pulled up to her knees, and she caressed her thighs with one hand. She had unbuttoned two buttons, and her other hand massaged her breast.

Dong Xuebing was shocked.

What is Mayor Jiang doing? This….

Damn! She must be drunk.

Dong Xuebing knew Maotai was strong, but he did not know it was so strong.

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