While Aria was drinking her frappuccino she couldn't help but feel nervous by the sneaky smirk and interrogative stare of Mana .

" Mana.... " said Aria .

" Yes ?! Why did you put the frappuccino down ?! Have you finished drinking and eating ?! Can you talk now ? " asked Mana with a shiny smile .

" Mana , can you please stop looking at me like that ? " said Aria with a troubled expression .

" Why ? I am just looking . I am not doing anything else . " said Mana with an innocent smile .

" Mana , please ! I have no intention to talk about that so you better just forget it . " said Aria .

" You can't ask the queen of gossips to forget such a memorable scene that only happens once in a lifetime . Helios , the handsome young billionaire who's a well-known playboy all over the world .....has been able to hold onto his inner desire for so long to the point of learning how to be that gentle . No , I should say , he was looking nervous . " said Mana .

" Gentle ?! That was gentle ?! " said Aria surprised .

The pressure that he was emitting towards her was so strong to the point that it froze her whole body . Aria couldn't even understand why she felt like that .

" Yes ! If it was a normal girl , she would either cling to him like an octopus or Helios would have pushed her on the ground already . There's no way that guy would gently touch her face like that , as if he was asking for permission to kiss you....To think that Helios would be capable of showing that kind of expression....This is definitely the spiciest of news . " said Mana with a serious tone .

' .....Are rich people as weird as these guys ?! ' thought Aria as she looked at Mana and heard the screams of Bekora with a neutral expression .

" Emm.....Shouldn't we stop them ? " said Aria as she heard the screams .

" Nah ! Let them chat for a bit more . " said Mana while drinking her coffee .

" They don't sound like they are chatting to me . " said Aria .

" Well , that's the way they usually get along and show their care for each other . This isn't the first time anyway . " said Mana with a smile .

' I have heard a phrase once saying that people who fight without killing the other actually love each other....I thought it was nonsense but now , I have the live version of it . ' thought Aria with a confused expression .

" Aria.... " said Mana looking at her with a smile .

" What ? " asked Aria when she saw her smiling without teasing her .

" From what I know you , you aren't the type of girl to allow a boy to get that close to you if you don't feel something for the other person . I am just curious to ask you this...just to know...Do you like Helios ? Do you think that your heart has started to develop some feelings for him ?...After all that you guys have been through it would be normal for you to have your heart skip a beat .  " said Mana with a serious expression .

Her words made Aria think about all the things that she and Helios had been through all this time . While thinking of his face and remembering their first kiss at the royal palace of Denmark made her face blush .

" So...you aren't completely unaffected by his handsome face ? " said Mana with a smirk when she saw Aria's blushing face .

" W....W...What are you saying Mana ?! Can you stop it already ?! " said Aria with her face red .

" Why are you so embarrassed ?! You are a big girl now . Having a crush of some feelings of like towards the other person is normal . " said Mana with a sneaky smile .

" Mana....I am starting to think that you are also a devil . " said Aria .

" Me ?! Of course, I am not that nice either since I was born in a family of devils . " said Mana with an innocent smile .

" You aren't easy to deal with either , are you Mana ?! " said Aria with a smirk .

" I am glad that you understand that just by looking at me . I am also glad that I found a good girl like you as my friend . " said Mana .

" I rarely hear that . " said Aria .

" Because most of the people are just fake . We.....are real devils but at the same time real people , Helios too . You understand what I mean Aria , don't you ? " said Mana with a calm smile .

" ....I don't understand what you are saying .  " said Aria looking at her frappuccino .

" It's simple ! For the first time , I also can't understand whether you like him or not since both of your eyes look like they try to hide the affection that you feel for each other but...if you ever have feelings for him , feelings that can make your heart shake , you should be prepared for the heavy burden of being with someone like him . " said Mana with a serious tone . 

' Even if my words may sound a bit harsh , I would rather prefer if you heard them and disliked me rather than being hurt in the end . Our family isn't only in the business field but in politics too . Such a dangerous environment doesn't suit a nice and naive girl like you.....What shocks me the most is that cousin brother of mine . What the hell is he thinking by bringing Aria here ?! If he wanted to have a nice and romantic chat , he should have gone to the bedroom or the kitchen . It's not like his house is lacking any space .  What does he have in mind ?! ' thought Mana with a serious expression .

" ....Yeah ! That's why there's no such thing as feelings between us and , knowing the end , there will never be . " said Aria with a serious tone .

" Wow ! You are the first girl to not scream or cry in desperation after hearing my words . " said Mana with a shocked expresison .

The funny , shocked face of Mana , made Aria unable to keep her laugh in anymore .

" Hahahahahahahahaha ! " laughed Aria .

Mana looked at her a bit shocked then she started to laugh along with her .

" I can feel how much you have been suffering because of that donkey . " said Aria still laughing .

" I love it when you call him donkey . All the hardship of these years in dealing with his mess with girls feel paid off when I hear a girl , not blood related to him , call him donkey . " said Mana . 

" Pffft ! Hahahahahahahaha !!!! " laughed the two of them .

Helios and Bekora came out of the training room . Helios still looked annoyed while Bekora kept walking like an old grandpa holding his waist and leg . 

" Your laughs can be heard until the entrance door . What are you girls so happily talking about ? " said Bekora with a forced smile .

" Girl's talk ! Not something suitable for guys . " said Mana .

" Ohhhh ! Since you are saying this , I bet it must have been a really juicy girls' gossip . " said Helios with a smirk looking at Aria but she kept her sight away from him .

" Okay ! Leave that since it's about girls . Did you guys try the new gun ?! How does it work ? " asked Mana looking at Bekora , barely holding back her laugh . 

" As you can see....it works pretty well  . I feel my bones being cracked without having the bullets piercing my skin . " said Bekora with a hurt expression . 

" Poor you ! " said Mana with a sarcastic tone . 

Helios looked at Aria . The moment their sight crossed , Aria immediately looked away . Helios noticed that she was still a bit embarrassed about what happened earlier and smile a little . 

' If only this idiot didn't show up.....I wonder how things would have turned out . Geez ! Why the hell am I happy when I see that she is a little embarrassed when looking at me ?! Helios , what has gotten into you ?! ' thought Helios with a smile . 

' Smile Helios...smile...Girls before bros ! My bones are barely holding me up thanks to him , yet he smiles like a happy child . ' thought Bekora a bit annoyed . 

When Helios noticed Bekora's annoyed expression, he glared at him and he immediately started to smile . 

' Hmph  ! He has no right to be annoyed at anything . If someone should feel annoyed that is me . ' thought Helios still glaring fiercely at him . 

" You guys look busy . I...I better take my leave now . " said Aria with a forced smile . 

' If I continue to stay here that scene won't get out of my head and I won't be able to look at him property . I refuse to show my embarrassment in front of this stupid donkey . ' thought Aria trying to bring her logic back . 

" Aria , you can't leave . " said Mana . 

" I....need to get going . I just remembered that I have some other things to take care of . Goodbye ! Have a nice day , everyone ! Bekora , I hope you get well soon . " said Aria and headed to the door . 

Before she could go out , the door in front of her closed on its own . 

" Huh ?! What the.....?! " said Aria a bit shocked since she had never seen a door that was similar to the door of a normal house close on its own . 

" I am sure that I reminded you a lot of times that.....if you stepped in this room , there's no turning back . " said Helios with a serious tone , looking at Aria with a smirk . 

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