Aria didn't know what to say nor where to look . The garden was lightened by the beautiful candle and rose petals along with some heart-shaped , golden paper decorations . The most pressuring thing was the time she had to spend .

' I can't ! I simply can't refuse him . the words won't come out of my mouth . Looking at his warm gaze.....I feel like I surrounded and obligated to say yes at any cost . It's the first time in my life that someone has done such a beautiful thing for me . Rejecting him would mean hurting him . I am sorry Florence . I still don't have the courage to fully trust what you said . ' thought Aria with a troubled expression . 

Florence noticed that Aria had remained quite shocked from hearing his confession .

' She really had no idea at all that I had a crush on hurts a little to see her so clueless . ' thought Florence with a , can't help it after all cause she is like this , expression .

Florence thought that he had made sure that Aria could feel his feeling but to his surprise , she never even thought of it . From Aria's look he understood that she had never thought of him as something more than a friend .

' She still looks unconvinced . I need to make it clear to her that I like her , that I look at her in a romantic way , not in a friendly way...….It is surprising how dense she is when it comes to romance with all her knowledge . ' thought Florence with a smile .

" Seriously , if it were for me , I would like for us to get married right away . " said Florence with a warm smile .

" G...Get married right away ?!.... " said Aria shocked and looked at him again .

" Are you sure that you haven't gone crazy from your dad's pressure on getting you married ?! " asked Aria with a serious expression and half a smile .

" Believe me ! I would never go so far if it was just my father's pressure . I would have just given you the box with your ring so that you will put it on yourself . " said Florence .

Aria noticed that he was telling the truth when his expression change into an annoyed one while he thought of the unpleasant past , forced , blind dates that he had to go through .

" Trust me I would never joke about this . Not with you ! I care for you so much . " said Florence with a serious expression .

While Florence was with Aria , Helios was on his way to Aria's house . The speed he was driving with was higher than the speed allowed .

' Has she seen the video ?!......If she had seen it , she wouldn't have sent it to me . Aden must be the one who sent it . The message wasn't deleted and she probably didn't see it yet.....I gotta go and make sure that video is deleted and that stupid surgeon gets the hell out of this country . ' thought Helios with a serious expression .

He speeded the car towards Aria's house . Another car from behind Helios's car started to approach him from behind . The car behind opened the signal so that it could pass through Helios's car .

' The guy behind is asking me to step aside because he has an emergency . Damn ! I can't speed up more than his otherwise , it will cause an accident . Who's this jerk behind me ?! ' thought Helios and looked at the front mirror in his car .

The car behind him was a taxi and there was a woman inside who was pointing ahead and kept bothering the driver .

' Who's that crazy woman ?! ' thought Helios .

In the taxi , Aria's mom was rushing the driver to speed up .

" Can't you surpass him ?! I need to go to my destination as fast as I can ! " said Kejt with a serious expression .

" M.....M....Madam , I cannot do that ! I cannot pass through him if he doesn't open the way . " said the poor taxi driver .

" What kind of driver is that guy ?! Do you even know how to drive a car ?! Can't you see the signal ?! Are you blind ?! " said Kejt angrily .

" M.....Madam ! The car clearly one of the most expensive models in the whole world . The person ahead must be an important figure . We can't pass......what if they feel like they aren't respected . " said the taxi driver who started to fear that he may lose his job .

" I don't give a care who that person is ! The only thing that concerns me now is my daughter . He better open the way if he doesn't want me to hit his precious car with a rock he better let us pass through . " said Kejt .

" For Goodness's sake Kejt ! Can't you wait ?! We will be there soon ! Five minutes earlier , five minutes late........What's the difference ?! " said Karl .

" Of course you don't know the difference ! Your daughter has been involved in a dangerous situation with a mafia boss and you stay calm like this without a damn care . " said Kejt with a terrifying expression .

Karl looked away and thought that it would be better if he shut up and looked ahead until they arrived .

' Ah , Aria , Ah ! You make the mistakes , yet I have to bear your mother's anger ! ' thought Karl with an annoyed expression .

The traffic light suddenly turned red . Helios looked ahead and realized that he couldn't pass and stopped the car . The taxi behind Helios didn't stop and drove ahead .

" This taxi is crazy ! " said Helios .

The light soon became green and he started the car . When he approached Aria's house , he noticed that the taxi behind him parked in front of Aria's house . Apart from the taxi he also noticed a shiny light coming from the garden at Aria's house .

When he turned his face towards the light , he saw Florence on his knees , holding a bouquet of roses and Aria standing in front of him with a surprised expression . The place was decorated with petals and candles , creating a marvelously romantic atmosphere .

' What the fuck ?! That bastard ! ' thought Helios with an angry expression and got out of the car .

At the same time at the taxi , Aria's parents remained shocked when they saw the romantic scene .

" Oh my ! My daughter ! " said Kejt surprised with her cheeks a bit reddish from the decorations .

" Who is that guy ?! What does he think he is doing to my daughter ?! " said Karl annoyed when he saw the red roses in his hands and his warm gaze staring at Aria .

" She is being confessed too ! That boy seems good ! Look at this romantic ! " said Kejt with a smile .

" That rascal ! " murmured Karl with an annoyed expression .

" Huh ?!.....Did you say something ?! " asked Kejt .

" Nothing ! You stay in the car . I will go out ! " said Karl with a serious expression .

" Where are you going ?! " said Kejt .

" Not another word Kejt ! " said Karl with a scary expression .

Florence and Aria kept looking at each other . Hearing him say so , reassured Aria that he was telling the truth . Aria was so touched by his action but at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to say yes .

" Florence...…..I...… " said Aria with her heart beating fast .

Helios got out of his car and Karl got out of the taxi with a scary expression on their faces .

" Stop right there ! " said both Helios and Karl at the same time .

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