
When he turned twenty-one, Namgoong Heewon visited. Lee Sung-min was still in Shaolin. As was his wont, Lee Sung-min had been practicing with his spear early in the morning, and looked back in surprise when he heard a voice. Namgoong Heewon, who had finally come back to see him after three years, was smiling at Lee Sung-min. Lee Sung-min put the spear down, looking a little surprised.


The word ‘brother’ still felt awkward to say after three years had passed. In fact, the series of events that led up to calling Namgoong Hee-won his ‘elder brother’ happened so quickly that he never got used to the term. On top of that, he had also secluded himself to practice in the Shaolin Temple soon after that. That didn’t mean Lee Sung-min had forgotten about their bet though.

Compared to the last time they met, Namgoong Heewon seemed to have slightly longer hair. 

Lee Sung-min stared at his face and said, “Congratulations,” bowing his head slightly as he did so. Namgoong Heewon shook a bottle of liquor lightly in his hand as he laughed in response.

“Wasn’t it hard to have stayed in this stuffy mountain for three years?”

“… I still have hair left. ”

Lee Sung-min replied with a smile. When he thought about it, he hadn’t had a drop of alcohol since he had returned to being 14 years old. Namgoong Heewon sat down on a nearby rock.

“If that’s so, why don’t you accompany me for a drink? After all we haven’t met in a long while. Even if the relationship was short and shallow, a brother is still a brother.”

Lee Sung-min sat on a rock near Namgoong Heewon. Namgoong poured a glass and threw it at him. Lee Sung-min raised his hand and caught it.

“Please stop messing around.” 

“Hu hu!” 

Namgoong Heewon let out a joyful laugh. The glass that Namgoong Heewon just threw had considerable power. Despite injecting Qi into a small, weak glass, he did not spill a single drop. It was proof that Namgoong Heewon’s Qi method had reached a considerable level.

“You have improved a lot.”

And Lee Sung-min successfully caught such a cup. Namgoong Heewon laughed loudly. Lee Sung-min replied respectfully, stroking the cup he received.

“You have completed the Transcendence level. … Climbing to the height of Transcendence. Congratulations.”

“I had a sudden enlightenment. Although, I don’t know if I can call it enlightenment… It just felt as natural as sleeping and getting up. At some point, it naturally became like this. The overhaul really hurt I tell you. ”

From an outside perspective, Namgoong Heewon’s inner qi was no longer detectable. Although his physique was strong because he had been wielding the sword for many years, there were no signs to indicate his mastery of martial arts except physical strength. It was the same as saying that once you crossed transcendence level, you became superhuman.

“Oh, that’s strange.”

Namgoong Heewon threw a bottle at Lee Sung-min. This time, it was thrown without channeling Qi. He half filled his cup and returned the bottle to Namgoong Heewon.

“The Qi is balanced. It’s not transcendent level, but … It’s different from the way you couldn’t even jump properly before. It looks like the practice in the temple has helped. Or maybe it’s because the rice there is fresh? ”

“Is that so?”

“En. Your body has also grown … and there is one more thing that’s strange. In the past, when I looked at your face, I used to feel very excited, but that isn’t the case right now. I simply felt a flurry of emotions after seeing a brother after a long time. ”

Namgoong Heewon made a strange expression and grinned. At this, Lee Sung-min burst into laughter. In fact, this was due to the fact that Grand Master Bulyeong had erased some of the favour that the God of Ghosts had placed on Lee Sung-min’s body. The stimulus that provoked the emotions of others was no longer on Lee Sung-min.

“But it’s true that I’m glad to meet you after a long time. It’s also great that my brother’s skills have improved. ”

“You haven’t come to visit me once in all this time. Didn’t you always travel to Shaolin once a year?”

“I’m not shameless to the extent of disturbing someone who has been diligently focusing on their cultivation by coming over every year. I came here this time because I thought you’d be able to achieve something by now. It was as expected. My brother has improved so much that I couldn’t even compare you to three years ago. ”

“I wouldn’t stand a chance against you.”

“That’s right. I’m at the height of transcendence. But in the world, there is no shortage of those at the peak. There are too many experts. ”

Namgoong Heewon grumbled like that and filled his cup. Lee Sungmin and Namgoong Heewon lifted their cups. After having abstained for so long, it felt more difficult to drink like this than it did before.

“What do you mean?”

“Ah, Since you are staying here, you wouldn’t be too aware of rumors flying about outside. Did you know? At that time, Scarlett, who came to Shaolin with you, became an archmage. I don’t know much about the magic side but… haha! I still know it’s a great achievement. They said she won an overwhelming victory in a magic game against the existing archmage. It is said she’s the youngest person to accomplish that. ”

Ah, Was it that time already? Lee Sung-min glanced down at the bracelet on his wrist. He thought it would have been a hard time. Even in the original future, Scarlett was supposed to establish the Resir school and rise to the position of Archmage. In the past three years, the bracelet worn on Lee Sungmin’s wrist has never responded.

“Wijihoyeon of the Heavenly Demon sect has started to work in earnest. Followers are gathering under her. Did you say that the Heavenly Demon is now twenty? Huh, I heard that she is a great beauty … If she really has the skills, it’s natural for followers to gather. I hear even the Bloody Heavenly Demon from the North is trying to keep her in check. ”

The Minor Heavenly Demon and his followers also remembered Lee Sung-min. However, his life right now was significantly different from his previous life. There had been rumours that Wijihoyeon of the previous life was a woman, but it was never confirmed. In addition, followers had joined her earlier than they had previously. As far as Lee Sung-min could remember, the reason why Wijihoyeon’s followers were initially attracted was because of her massacre of the experts in the dungeon and coming out alone.

“Aside from that, many new talents are making a name for themselves. Ghost Blade Dok Bejun as well as Silent Flare Baek Sogo, who has been subduing terrifying monsters without pay, have recently been in the spotlight. ”

Lee Sung-min got goosebumps when he heard the names from Namgoong Heewon. Especially when he heard the name Baek sogo, which he hadn’t heard in a very long time. Lee Sung-min looked blankly at Namgoong Heewon’s face and asked carefully. 

“… Baek Sogo … Do you know where she is? ”

“Huh? What? Ou, were you interested in Silent Flare Baek Sogo? Rumor has it that she is a white-haired beauty… I don’t know where she is. Dok Bejun isn’t the only one wandering around; Baek Sogo is doing the same. The last I heard of them was a few months back. I have to move there for a month. ”

Lee Sung-min nodded while listening to Namgoong Heewon. Two years remain. Baek Sogo and Dok Bejun were killed in the dungeon by Wiji Hoyeon when he was 23. And Lee Sung-min must stop their deaths from happening.

Ideally, Lee Sung-min needed to prevent Baek Sogo from going to the dungeon. There was still some time left before it opened, but if he could, he planned to find out her location and meet her.

‘I can’t stop Wijihoyeon as I am now,’ he thought.

It would be the same story even two years later. Jihak said that Wijihoyeon was a monster that could even bend the heavens. At the time when Lee Sung-min had first begun training, Jihak had already been a master at transcendental phase. Lee Sungmin dared not imagine the status of Wijihoyeon, who easily dealt with such a character.

Lee Sung-min had compensated for most of the shortcomings he had had during his three-year training in Shaolin. Although he was still in an unstable state from being unable to balance his heart, strength and body, his Qi circulating technique had greatly improved and his previously dull senses had been sharpened. In the process, Lee Sung-min’s sixth sense, which he had obtained from Mush’s mountain, regressed a little in the process of releasing the existing senses.

He knew that, but he still couldn’t help it. He had become accustomed to repeating Jihak’s teachings. He had also perfected the Nine Heavenly Spears Technique and the High Heavens Technique which he had abandoned halfway through back then. It didn’t happen in Mush’s mountain where his cultivation was guaranteed to increase. There was no significant improvement even after three years. However, it was only because he was able to comprehend what he already knew properly that he improved by leaps and bounds.

That was all it took for Lee Sung-min’s skills to improve greatly. Even so, he couldn’t win against Jihak. But it was no longer a one-sided defeat like the first time

“I just came to take a look at your face. Having seen you now … That’s good. Even if it’s a short and shallow relationship, it still feels pleasant to be here with you. ”

Namgoong Heewon said that and filled the glass again. Lee Sung-min looked at his face and asked.

“What are you worried about?”

“It’s nothing much. Thank you for asking. ”

“I can’t say anything about helping. But I can listen. ”

“It’s no big deal. I just want to vent.”

Namgoong Heewon held the bottle up in the air and let go. A bottle of liquor slowly approached Lee Sung-min.

“Murong Seojin got married.”

Lee Sung-min, who was holding his cup with a relaxed expression, had been taken by surprise by this sudden confession, and his gaze slightly hardened. Murong Seojin. Murong family’s representative, ‘Snowy Flower’ Murong Seojin. Three years ago, when he had first come to the Shaolin Temple with Namgoong Heewon, he clearly heard Namgoong Heewon declare that she was the only woman he longed for. 

“… I see.”

“Aren’t you going to say any words of comfort?”

“Who is your rival?”

“Flying Silver Dragon Zhuge Taeryong.”

Namgung Hee-won replied, lifting the cup to this mouth. He was also a person who heard the declaration back then. In this case, what should he say? Lee Sung-min was troubled for a while, lightly touching the bottle he caught. He tried to trace the memories of his previous life, but he had never been in a situation to give advice on this kind of issue before. If he had known about it before, he would have told him everything three years ago, but he didn’t remember who Murong Seojin had married in the past.

“… Uh… Well… ”

“Hoo-hoo! I wasn’t saying this to get comforted. Didn’t I tell you? I just wanted to vent. ”

Nam-gung-heewon said, looking down at his empty cup.

“Of course, I am not an idiot. It’s not that I didn’t have the guts to ask. Before the marriage was even in talks, I had confessed my feelings to Murong Seojin. I was rejected. She said I was too arrogant and unbridled.”

Exactly. Namgoong Heewon had such a bad reputation. It wasn’t the arrogance of being a successor to the prestigious Nangong family, but the arrogance of the man himself, Namgoong Heewon. In other words, his arrogance borne from his talents and skills.

“So I tried to change. But human beings cannot easily change. I can’t change my innate personality even if I want to. I was born like this and also grew up the same way. Changing who I am … it’s not possible. So I tried to act. Like wearing clothes that don’t fit. ”

Namgoong Heewon murmured.

“I am no actor. I have no talent for acting. So obviously I wasn’t good at it. Eventually, Seojin did not accept me and married Zhuge Taeryong, who was less arrogant than me. That’s all. Hu hu hu!”

Namgoong Heewon’s last laugh had a hint of his gloom and self-pity. Humans cannot change. Lee Sung-min felt the meaning of Nam-gung Hee-won’s words and looked at him with a complex feeling. Lee Sung-min knew well that humans are difficult to change.

“So I quit. No more acting. I needed a refuge. I needed something to immerse myself in. At that moment, it was the sword that was in front of me. Every moment I was conscious was spent holding and wielding the sword. Do you understand what I want to say?”


“My sword is pitiful.”

Namgoong Heewon smiled with a distorted face.

“It is a sword that has been wielded to appease the sorrow of my unrequited love. That’s why … I am not satisfied. It wasn’t a joyfully wielded sword. How have you been? ”

“What do you mean?”

“3 years spent here. Three years of practice… Was it fun? ”

Namgoong Heewon made eye contact with Lee Sung-min and asked. The eyes that Lee Sung-min remembered were full of confidence and pride. Namgoong Heewon was full of arrogance but he didn’t hate it. Though his time with him was short, the adventures he shared with Nam Gung Hee-won, his little secrets, defeat, and the advice he had received were all deeply engraved inside Lee Sung-min.

“That was a sudden change of topic.”

“It’s because of my wounded heart. It’s not better yet. In fact, it might even be contagious.”

“… I did… It was enjoyable. I think so. I was aware of my shortcomings back at the mountain. ” 

“You enjoyed knowing what your shortcomings were?”

“It was fun to know them and go forward.”

“Personally, I need to put that off for now.”

Namgoong Heewon murmured.

“When I saw Brother’s techniques being refined, I thought I had to do something too. Three years ago, practicing wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be. However… I’ll do it later. I don’t like what my style has become, and Brother seems to be able to go further. It would be enjoyable to watch from behind for now. 

Namgoong Heewon said those words and left. It wasn’t that much of a conversation, or that much time. Shortly after Namgoong Heewon left, Jihak appeared.

“The Sword Dragon Namgoong Heewon. I’ve heard a lot of stories, but he’s a better person than I thought. ”

“Why are you appearing only now?”

“If I came out before, you would’ve asked me for something. If so, I would not have refused. Whatever the outcome, I myself can accept and take responsibility, but for the future of Shaolin, I should not put myself first and do it. ”

Jihak laughed bitterly. He was proud of being called the future of Shaolin, but because he was the future of Shaolin, he had to restrain himself. That was the kind of person he was.

Suddenly, Lee Sung-min had a thought.

‘What kind of person am I?’

It was a difficult question to answer. Lee Sung-min of the previous life and Lee Sung-min of the present. They shared a name, but they were so different.

“Today I will use a spear.”

“Shouldn’t you say ’today also’ instead of today? You used a spear yesterday too. ”

“Because it is refreshing to compete with you with a spear. The better your Nine Heavenly Spear technique, the more fun it is. Nine Heavenly Spear Technique is such a well-made and excellent method. There is a large gap between our levels, but I still enjoy it. Perfecting such a method when she was 13 years old … The more I think about the genius of Minor Heavenly Demon, the more amazing it gets. ”

During the three-year period, Lee Sung-min talked a lot with intellectuals. He did not say that he had returned from his death, but he talked about his relationship with Wijihoyeon and learned martial arts.

This time too, it was Jihak’s victory. It was a daily defeat for three years for Lee Sungmin, but he knew he could learn something from the defeat every time.

And one year later, when he was 22 years old.

Lee Sung-min descended from the mountain.

This translation belongs to Centinni.


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