Pornstar System

Chapter 28 Crush On A Teacher? I Doubt She'll Be Your's Once I Meet Her.

"So..." I awkwardly looked at the Kid who's hands were now up to my hips.

"uhh kinda awkward eh?" I said as I grabbed him and pulled him off my pants.

His grip was pretty tight for a 5 year old.

I let him down on the ground and he instantly grabbed my pants again.

"ugh... that's a weird kink man, anyways what would you like for dinner Jake?" I asked as I had started to ignore his pant climbing skills.

"Can I have boat noodles?" He asked with optimistic eyes.


"Dad's boat noodles are the best! It's my favorite food!" He spoke enthusiastically.

A quick google search revealed boat noodles were those soupy Thai noodles.

I had no idea how to make 'boat' noodles, I didn't know how to cook Thai food in the first place.

So I resorted to the next best thing to making boat noodles by myself.

Searching them on Kuber Keats.

I did plan on making the order with some main course dishes too, but I decided to wait to confirm with Alexandra first to just make sure I was ordering their preferred tastes.

Alexandra came down after a bit more than five minutes.

"Did he get it?" I asked Alexandra whose's hung down face already told me the result.

"No, he locked himself in the room and refused to come out," Alexandra replied dryly.

"Isn't that quite serious?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is but- I know Sam, he is young but he is way smarter than I was at his age. He probably just needs time to trust adults." Alexandra said with an apologetic smile.

"That's acceptable, though if this stays like this-" I stopped right there because it sounded too harsh.

"I know-" Alexandra replied, "I'll get him to see a counselor."

I could only nod.

"Anyways, I'll talk to your brother, meanwhile can you choose what you'd like to get?" I said as I handed over my phone with the nearest Thai place's page open.

"What?" Alexandra said in confusion.

"Just choose what you want, it's on me," I said as I went upstairs.

Then came down.

"Uh... which room is Sam in?"

"The second one to the right?"


I said as I dashed back up, although I could have checked all doors to see which one was locked that could have been a complete breach of privacy.

I stood behind the door and knocked twice.

"What do you want now?" Yelled out Sam

"Can we talk?" I asked gently.


"Can we talk, man to man? " I decided to use this cringe line because my dad once used this when I was like 10 and I got super excited as I thought that he would tell me some cool adult men secrets.

Sadly that wasn't the case.

"What?" Replied Sam from inside, I could easily detect the curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah, It's super important, a chat only real men can have face to face," I said in the most confident and chad sounding voice I could.

Sure enough, I heard the sound of the door unlocking and Sam opened the door for me.

That's when it hit me.

'Shittttt!!! what am I even gonna talk about!?'

Luckily though I knew exactly the stuff a 10 year old might find interesting.

I awkwardly sat on Sam's bed while he shut the door behind me.

"So... ugh women- no I mean girls, do have any girl you like?"

"Huh!?" Sam was turning red.

It seemed I had hit the topic right on its head.

Well, the goal was to just make him open up to me, so I think this should help too.

"Yea I mean you are 10 right? I was 11 when I had my first crush, so you must have found a cute girl too right?" I said with a smile.

"No, not cute, and I am 11." Said Sam without looking me in the eyes.

"Then maybe a handsome guy, if that's what you are into?" I said in an awkward tone because who knew what kids these days might be into.

"No that's not what I meant," Sam said in a hushed voice.

"Then what?"

"She's Hot," Sam said while blushing from ear to ear.

"Well, you can find her hot- I can't cuz that would not be okay, but who's the lucky girl then? Maybe I can be your wingman." I said while trying to avoid becoming a Pedo.

"Miss Becky- I really like her," Sam said in a quiet voice.

"Huh? what a gentleman you are bro, already calling her 'miss' " I said with a grin.

"She's my English teacher," Sam said, finally looking me in the eye.





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Now I have a Ko-fi page (link here as a comment) (and in the bio too), so you can donate all the Koffee you like at once. Well, I look forward to the support, it really helps a lot.

Also, "Sygma Mayle" is going to be the stage name for our MC, according to the poll.

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