Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Side Story Chapter 37: Welcome To Earth (2)

“Sector 37-B has been destroyed!”

“So has Sector 12-A!”

“Sectors 36-C, 35-A, 32-A have been d-destroyed! They are heading to the engine room!”

Subordinates quickly reported the damages as red warning lights flashed.

“Th-This cannot be…”

The commander standing on the platform was left with his mouth agape in disbelief. The destruction speed could not be the work of only two intruders.

- I have some tactical weapons of my own.

He recalled the words of the monstrous lifeform in the shape of a boy. The commander gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

“Deploy the Anthem Corps.”

“Y-Yes, sir!”


The hangar door opened, and soldiers wearing visors covering their faces marched out. Their eyes did not express any fear or excitement as they headed to the sector where the intruders were. No, they did not express any emotions in the first place.

“Wipe out the intruders,” the commander ordered through a mic.


The human weapons, seventy percent of their body replaced with machinery through special medical procedures, nodded robotically.

“They will know… the price of invading the Macross.”

The commander gritted his teeth and turned to the large screen. The Anthem Corps had already made it to the intruder wielding a white sword. The commander smiled wickedly and focused on the monster on the deck, staring at the screen as he smiled without moving.

The commander said confidently, “The Anthem Corps consists of soldiers whose bodies are mostly mechanical.”

They could throw five tonnes like a pebble and run a hundred meters in two seconds. Furthermore, their powered suits were equipped with various weapons, made using the Galactic Federation’s latest technology— a jetpack capable of three-dimensional movement, a laser rifle capable of shooting through a tank, and an energy barrier boasting absolute defense. Compared to that, the intruder they were facing was wielding only…

“A sword? Hahaha! A sword!”

The young man wielding the stone looked like a caveman from the Stone Age compared to the Anthem Corps soldiers.

“How primitive for a tactical weapon!” the commander shouted as he glared at the monstrous lifeform.

He had no idea what sorcery the man used to destroy the sectors so quickly with a sword, but the intruders were done for the moment the Anthem Corps was deployed. A sword couldn’t defeat a gun.

“Turn him into a beehive!”

Gunfire rained horizontally on the young man, the lasers lighting up the narrow hallway. The swordsman with no armor whatsoever would die without even having a chance to put up a resistance.

Ting, ting, ting!


Sparks flew as laser beams were deflected and landed on the hallway walls. The commander stared at the screen wide-eyed.

“H-He’s deflecting the beams?”

It was impossible. The commander looked closer at the screen, but the result did not change. The thousands of laser beams were getting deflected by the young man’s abnormally fast sword swings.

“Wh-What in the…”

It would have been astonishing enough if the man managed to deflect one beam, but he was deflecting thousands. The commander watched the battle with his mouth agape.

- It won’t end at this rate.

The young man deflecting the beams clicked his tongue. He switched his stance, raised his sword above his head, and swung it down without hesitation.

- Heavenly Dragon Flash.


The entire hallway turned to ice as a thunderous sound rang throughout the battleship. However, the young man’s attack did not end there.

- Link.




The control room tilted, the fleet members screaming as they rolled on the ground.


The commander also fell off the platform as he screamed. His knee smashed into a corner of the platform, and blood poured out of it. Sharp pain traveled throughout his body.

“Haaa, haaa!” the commander panted heavily as he clenched his knee.

He looked up at the screen after recovering from shock and saw that it was blacked out. He stood up as he trembled.

“R-Report damages!”

The subordinates on the ground forced themselves back up.


The interior of the battleship was shown as a hologram. A subordinate typing on his holographic keyboard expressed shock, widening his eyes.

He said blankly, “32… destroyed.”

“What? You reported Sector 32 was destroyed earlier! Get it together!” the commander shouted.

The subordinate turned to the commander and said sorrowfully, “No…”

“What? No, what?”

“I am not talking about Sector 32… thirty-two sectors were destroyed.”


The commander’s eyes widened, his expression as dumbfounded as his subordinate. The Macross was divided into one hundred sectors. If thirty-two of them were destroyed it meant a third of the battleship was destroyed from one attack.

“What in the world… are you talking about?”

The commander swayed as he gripped his forehead. A third of the Macross, which would be unscratched even after it received a direct hit from a nuke, was destroyed by a sword. He pulled on his hair due to the absurd situation he was in.

“Where in the world are we…?”

“C-Commander! An intruder arrived at the engine room!”

The commander received the worst possible news as he shook his head in despair.

“Is it… that swordsman?” he asked.


The subordinate pulled up footage of the engine room and displayed a red giant covered in muscles.

“What in the world is that…?”

It did not look human no matter how he looked at the creature.

- Hmm. Is this the place the king told me about?

The red monster mumbled as he charged into the engine room.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The lights of the engine room turned red as noisy alarm noises rang.

“He… e-entered the engine room… as if it were n-nothing.”

The subordinate stared blankly at the screen. The commander couldn’t help but chuckle after seeing the red monster forcing his way into the engine room with nothing to protect himself.

“Forget about that monster.”

The engine room was ten million degrees Celsius inside. Any lifeform would burn to death if they were to enter with nothing to protect them.

“More importantly, confirm if there are survivors among the Anthem C—”

The commander cut himself off after coming to his senses.

‘No, no!’

The lifeforms on this planet defied common sense. He wouldn’t put it past one of them to be capable of surviving in ten million degrees Celsius after seeing one of them destroying a third of the Macross with the swing of a sword.

“Overheat… the engine.”


The commander quickly shouted, “Yes. There is no time. Maximum output, this instant!”

The temperature in the engine room could skyrocket to nearly a hundred million degrees Celsius once made to overheat. It was advised against since it placed a massive burden on the entire battleship but now was not the time to worry about that.

“Macross, maximum output! Overheating!”

“Engine temperature thirty million, fifty… and rising!”

“Fuuu…” the commander sighed deeply.

He had let his worries get the better of him; he wondered if it was the right choice to overheat the engine to kill one intruder.

- Gahahahahahahahaha!!!

Just then, a hearty laughter echoed from the engine room.


The commander quickly looked up at the screen.

- It’s getting pretty hot in here!

The camera couldn’t capture anything because of the immense heat, but it could catch the intruder’s laughter and voice filled with excitement.

“Wh-What in the world is going on?” the commander muttered as he looked around.

“Th-The temperature inside the engine room is… going d-down.” A subordinate continued in pallor, “The intruder entered the engine room unprotected and… is tearing apart the engine with his b-bare hands.”

The commander fell to his knees. “I-It cannot be… This can’t be happening.”

He pulled on his hair and shook his head. The report was so unrealistic that he felt like he was going insane.

‘We have to get out of here.’

He did not want to spend another second on this crazy planet.

“Wh-What about the other battleships? What are they doing?”

The first fleet of the Galactic Federation had many battleships other than the Macross. They couldn’t compare to the Macross in terms of specs but they had no choice but to get on another battleship now that the Macross was destroyed.

“Attempting communication!”


The screen changed to display the interior of one of the battleships approaching Earth behind the Macross.

- A-Arghhh!!

- Save me!!

The first thing they heard was screams. They then saw red chains moving freely as if they were alive, tearing apart the members of the Galactic Federation.

- For fuck’s sake, this place is too big. It took way too long to find the damn control room.

The screen displayed a red-haired woman in the middle of the storm of blood in the control room.


“Shit! What about the other battleships?!” the commander screamed desperately.

The screen switched.

- Haaa. Really… I was just about to get it on with Kang-Woo. Why are you all so eager to get in our way?

- A-A-Aaaaaaaaaaah!

- M-My insides feel… Bleeeeeeeeeegh!

- I don’t need anything else as long as I’m with Kang-Woo. Why would you try so hard to get in my way? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Say something.

The screen displayed a woman with twelve black wings emitting unsettling black light, to which the members of the Galactic Federation vomited as soon as it made contact with them as if they were exposed to a biochemical weapon.

- Urpp! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it huuuuuuurts!!

The screen reflected members of the fleet screaming as they writhed in pain.

“A-Another one…”


The screen switched again.

- Krararararara!!

- Arghhhhhh!!

- Hm! Hm! It’s been a while since I reverted!

- Please go a little slower, Echidna. You don’t have Deific Essence, so it would be dangerous if they focused their attacks on you.

- Okay, Layla!

This time, it was a black dragon tearing the control room apart and a brown-haired, elegant-looking woman on top of her.

“A-Aaaahh,” the commander groaned in despair. “The F-Frontier… What of the Frontier?”

The Frontier was a supply battleship situated in the rear, in charge of sending reinforcements and supplies to other battleships. It was the only battleship they had not checked.


Communication with the Frontier succeeded, and the screen switched.


- Geeeeeeeeeeeeehhh!

- Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!

- Hohoho. Would you mind telling me every piece of information you know? Oh, there is no need to worry. You can take as much time as you need~

Sticky green tentacles filled the control room, wrapping around and violating every member of the Galactic Federation. In the middle of the room was a monster with eighteen eyes, giggling ecstatically.

The commander trembled on the ground, unable to understand what he had just seen. “Wh-What? A black angel, a dragon…? H-Haha. And to top it off, a tentacle monster?”

There was also the human who destroyed a third of the Macross with his sword and the monster who entered the ten million degrees Celsius engine room and tore apart the engine with his bare hands.

“What is with this planet…?” The commander trembled like a madman and shouted, “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GODDAMN PLANET?!!”

He had conquered countless planets, some of them inhabited by alien lifeforms he had never seen before and others that could be straight out of a cartoon or novel. However, he could assert that he had never seen nor heard of a planet as insane as this.

“Right, welcome to Earth.”

The boy entered the control room before the commander realized it and spread his arms out.

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