Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Chapter 497: Preparations for War (3)

Chapter 497: Preparations for War (3)

“Everyone! Trust in the light! Follow the path of light!” shouted Cha Yeon-Joo, enveloped in radiant splendor.

All eyes of the people gathered at Gwanghwamun were on her. The speech that Yeon-Joo had been reciting for the past twenty minutes was about to reach its climax.

“The God of Splendor will save us all!”


Gold chains poured out in a fan-shape from the area around Yeon-Joo’s back, making them look like wings made of brilliant light.


The eyes of the crowd shook. They recalled the Parasite invasion in Seoul, which was only a month ago. The one who had saved them was the God of Splendor with his brilliant wings.

“O God of Splendor…”

The number of people bursting into tears with their mouths covered with both hands increased. They knew very well who had saved them as Seoul was covered in flames. The Sword Dragon, the Players of Guardians, and the soldiers from Aernor all did their part, but the one who had wiped out countless Parasites with one attack was the God of Splendor.


“Hurgh. Please punish us fools.”

“We were blind to the word of God!!”

The devotees of the Church of Splendor, who had been secretly planted throughout the crowd, shouted praises for the God of Splendor as they acted like they had been led astray. Their voices spread several hundred meters using a magic tool.


At the same time, the light of splendor burst out of Yeon-Joo and enveloped the entire crowd.

[I will guide you to salvation.]

A solemn voice echoed within the people’s heads. None of them knew this, but it was just a recording of Vaal Zahak’s voice, which could be mistaken for that of a crime boss.

[The light will save you all.]

There was nothing more effective than a good voice in pulling out emotion from people’s hearts. Vaal Zahak’s deep and dignified voice moved the hearts of everyone gathered at the rally. According to Kang-Woo, the skeleton’s voice was Kim Si-Hun-level.


“I believe, I believe, I believe!!”

The decoys praised the God of Splendor even more. Add to that the Incarnation of Splendor sprouting brilliant wings and the voice of God echoing from the light, there was no question.


Seoul had experienced an extinction-level threat only a month ago and the one who had saved them from despair was the God of Splendor, who was currently warning them of danger. It was more than enough to break through the people’s psychological defense.


Tears welled up from their eyes. Humans were sentimental creatures; the wave of emotions spreading throughout the crowd began to influence each of the hundreds of thousands of people, causing them to lose their sense of reason.


The prayer that started from somewhere caused the others to follow suit.


Yeon-Joo’s shoulders trembled as she stood in front of countless people. Her white vestments fluttered as she kneeled in front of everyone.

She shouted in tears, “OHMEEEEEEEN!!”

Her shout sounded more like one of desperation than praise for some reason.


“Great job,” said Oh Kang-Woo, who had been watching from backstage.

Yeon-Joo walked past Kang-Woo, her eyes as cold as frost. She then stopped and turned her head with a fierce look. “Just this once. This is the last time.”

She glared at him and angrily threw aside her long white hat.

“I’m never doing this again. I’m not gonna do this church leader shit anymore either. Got it?”

Yeon-Joo ripped off her fluttery vestments in tears and threw it aside. Under it were the clothes that she had worn to meet Kang-Woo on the roof. She was not used to dressing nicely, but she had tried her best. She cried even more as she looked down at them.

“Don’t ever contact me again,” she stated coldly. “You’re busy anyway, aren’t you? We only have a month.” She clenched her fists. “I did everything I could, so stay out of my life from now on.”

Yeon-Joo turned around as she wiped her tears.

“Yeon-Joo,” Kang-Woo called.

She ignored him and walked away. Kang-Woo caught up to her and grabbed her hand.

“What?” she asked as she glared at him coldly.

Kang-Woo yanked her hand…


… Tilted his head, and kissed her.

“M-Mmph!! Mmmmmmph!”

Yeon-Joo’s eyes widened. She waved her hands around, but Kang-Woo embraced her and leaned in even more for a deeper kiss.

“Pwah!” Yeon-Joo hurriedly stepped back after the short kiss. “Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What the fuck?!!”

Her face turned so red that it looked like it would burst from a slight poke.

“Wh-What was… th-that for?” Yeon-Joo stammered with a hint of elation in her voice.

Kang-Woo smiled faintly and lightly grabbed Yeon-Joo’s hands. “Thanks. I mean, I love to tease you for fun, but I’ve always cherished you.”

“U-Urgh.” Yeon-Joo lowered her head which had turned bright red. “Wh-What the f-fuck’s gotten into you? I-It doesn’t suit you at all, y-you damn virgin. H-Haha. Y-You think you’re hot stuff just because I h-hung out with you a bit? Wh-When did I ever say that I-I was interested in someone like y-you? Sheesh. Th-This is the problem with virgins…”

Her stuttering continued as tears flowed down her cheeks, but they were tears of joy unlike before.

“Pfft!” Kang-Woo laughed, unable to hold it in any longer.

The sight of the crying Yeon-Joo was beyond beautiful.

“Wh-What?! Wh-Why the fuck are you laughing?!” Yeon-Joo shouted madly.

Kang-Woo patted her head as he snickered. “Sorry, but I have to go. I’ll tell you why I laughed later.”

He wanted to stay with her for a little longer, but Iris had contacted him during Yeon-Joo’s speech. Considering what Iris had requested of him, he couldn’t stay here for much longer. As Yeon-Joo had said, they only had one month.

“Ugh…” Yeon-Joo flinched and bit her lip. She could still feel Kang-Woo’s lips on hers. She was feeling fuzzy as if she were dreaming. “O-Okay, sure.”

Yeon-Joo looked away from Kang-Woo. She heard from Kang-Woo that there was going to be a battle against Bael in one month, so she knew how busy of a schedule he had.


Yeon-Joo rubbed the end of her shoe on the ground as if she were dissatisfied. She was wearing low heels instead of her usual sneakers. She could feel her face and ears getting red.

‘I must be crazy.’

Yeon-Joo shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. She thought there was no way that these clothes looked good on her.

‘These would look far better on Seol-Ah or Lilith…’

Her expression turned darker the more she thought that she had done something pointless.

“Oh, right.” Kang-Woo stopped in his tracks and turned to Yeon-Joo. He said nonchalantly, “Those clothes look good on you.”


Kang-Woo then flew up into the sky. Yeon-Joo quickly turned around but Kang-Woo was already gone.

“Argh! Wh-What the hell are you talking about, you son of a bitch?!” Yeon-Joo cursed at the vanished Kang-Woo for no reason. “Urgh…”

She clenched the hems of her skirt after cursing some more.


Yeon-Joo smiled more brightly than ever.


“Ah, S-Sir Kang-Woo!”

A woman with hair so blonde that it looked as if it were made of liquid gold, was waiting in front of the Gate leading to Aernor. Irisran to Kang-Woo as soon as she noticed him.

“It’s been a while, Sir Kang-Woo.”

“It sure has.”

Kang-Woo slightly nodded. It had definitely been a while, but it had been far longer for the ones he was about to meet.

‘It has seriously been a while.’

He could barely remember how long it had been even after combing through his memories.

Iris turned to Kang-Woo and remarked, “Please wait just a little bit. They will be here soon.”

Kang-Woo nodded and stared at the massive Gate several kilometers tall.


Blue lightning sparked soon after.


A blue-haired boy flew out of the Gate as the wings on his back flapped energetically.


Kang-Woo smiled at the boy flying toward him. He had left Uriel in Aernor so that Uriel could deal with the aftermaths of the destruction in Sant’Angelo from the invasion by the Constellations of Evil.

‘It’s nice to see him again.’

Others might think of him as an unruly child, but he was at least docile in front of Kang-Woo.

“Hah, how’ve you been? I’ve heard so much. Earth was attacked by otherworldly beings not long ago, wasn’t it? Are you hurt anywhere? I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to h—”

“Stop. Calm down, Uriel,” someone with a deep voice interjected. Michael slowly walked out of the Gate from behind Uriel. He bowed courteously and greeted, “It’s been a while, Kang-Woo.”

Next to him was a woman who reeked of alcohol, sweeping her hair back with a smile.

“Sheesh~ give it a rest already, brat. Is he your long-lost lover or something?”

“What did you say?” Uriel glared fiercely at Gabriel, the woman who reeked of alcohol. “Damn drunkard…”

“Hihi. What’s up with you? It’s not like it’s your first time seeing me drunk.”

“Shut up!”

Uriel and Gabriel began to bicker with each other.

“Haaa…” Michael sighed as if he were having a headache. He paid them no attention and extended his arm toward Kang-Woo. “I have been relayed the situation from Iris, Kang-Woo. An army of demons will be attacking Earth in one month…”

“Yes,” Kang-Woo replied.

“I apologize for not being able to help during the last invasion. We have only just finished rebuilding Sant’Angelo.”

“It’s alright. I’m grateful enough for you coming this time.”

Kang-Woo grabbed Michael’s hand with a smile.

‘The gods of Olympus, the martial law, and now the angels.’

Kang-Woo was slowly gathering the crucial pieces of the puzzle.

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