Kaze deviously eyed the proud Pantheran princess, smirking about successfully jump-scaring Veronica with Shadow Pincer. "That was a flawless demonstration, Crux. Does this mean she's still unworthy?"

"Of course!" Crux huffed, "If just anyone could learn this masterful technique, they would have! Shadow techniques are our people's pride, showcasing our remarkable strength! While it's true that Mortals possess the talent and could perhaps learn one of these techniques, doing so at any speed would be absurd. Even I, Crux Panthera Pyron, First Princess of the Panthera Clan, could only use this technique after three years practice and was declared a genius! Therefore, it's not personal that—"

"You're remarkably talented; therefore, shouldn't you apologize for being rude to Veronica, as she didn't know?" Kaze interjected, cutting off her manic cat's grandiose, prideful speech, "It's only becoming of a noble princess."

"Of course… of course!" Crux blinked twice, her pupils dilating slightly from the size of pins, "It's only right that I say sorry, as it is indeed becoming! You—mortal!"

Veronica jolted when the Pantheran princess turned to her with crazed eyes, similar to what one would see in a gambling addict. "Y-Yes?"

"I apologize for being rude to you for your ignorance of shadow cultivation." The Pantheran princess said, "Now that you know what you're up against, surely you understand my words, yes?"

The black-haired pixie let her jaw hang open, confused about how to react to the woman before her, but she wasn't perplexed long.

"Guh…." Crux said, grabbing her head woozily, "What's going on? I feel drunk on wine…."


Everyone's attention was pulled from the shadow cat to the emperor, smirking just as arrogantly as the Panthera was only a moment before.

"And now you've seen the value of False Gratification." Kaze smiled brazenly.

"How dare you!" Crux yelled, "This is no different than drugging someone; I'll have you know! If you think that I'll warm your pillows after this, you're wrong!"

"And now you see why it's best not to use it." He chuckled, waving his hand, "While enchanting skills are powerful, they're difficult to use and seed distrust in those around you. More importantly, you can see that your victims are cognizant you're using a technique, so trying to use them for nefarious gain will result in immediate exposure.

Therefore, you should only use such techniques for official purposes. In which case, they become weapons of justice, not mutual destruction."

Sage averted her gaze, realizing she was considering the technique's usefulness.

Crux's mind reset hormonally, bringing her out of her hazy headache. "Then why did you use it on me!?"

"There are two reasons." Kaze replied frankly, "First, it's impossible to demonstrate when someone knows I'll use it. Just as tranquility techniques require stress to activate, this technique uses feelings of winning, superiority, or excitement. Now that you understand it, it's difficult to use; do you understand?"

"I understand, but that's not a reason to use it on [me]." Crux chuckled bitterly, turning away, "So your second reason better be better."

"As the specialized skills I possess are limited, I am giving you a divine spirit cultivation technique to help you aid Evalyn." Kaze announced, "Therefore, you must understand why most people should not have such a technique. Do you understand?"

The Pantheran princess's jaw lowered in perplexity, trying to process his words. "D-Did… yes, I understand… divine…."

"Excellent." He chuckled, turning to Veronica, "Which brings me back to your offer. I only have a divine spirit cultivation technique; nothing below. Therefore, if you choose False Gratification, I must give it to you, greatly enhancing your mental acuity and fortitude. Consider the secondary gain when weighing the pros and cons of the techniques."

Veronica narrowed her eyes at the emperor. "I can tell that you want me to choose False Gratification. Is it because you think I'm good at manipulating emotions, and thus I could make the most of it?"

"Your insecurities deceive you, Veronica." Kaze rolled his eyes, "Anyone can see immense value in this technique; thus, I've offered it to some with social prowess. However, in doing so, I'm declaring that I trust that you'll only use it for legitimate operations and not nefarious gain.

It's you who is raising questions about your integrity. So rather than delusively implying that you cannot and will not weaponize your skill set, perhaps it would be better to seek your partner's opinion and reassure him of your intentions, would it not?"

The emperor's words gripped Veronica's vocal cords, making her turn to her lover nervously. She didn't want to threaten their relationship by poking their pain point. However, it was inevitable that would at some point.

"Our concentration technique uses Spirit Qi, and it's really powerful, right?" Jake prefaced, recovering from his learning, "Would a spirit cultivation technique make that more powerful?"

"It will extend the intensity and duration, yes." Kaze replied, "It also builds resistance and facilitates faster learning. It's the primary benefit of this option."

"Then, that's the one I'd choose." The regent said frankly, "Veronica, you don't need a cultivation technique to do this to people. So if I didn't trust you, I wouldn't be with you.

After what you did for me, I trust your intentions over your words. So do what's best."

Veronica's eyes widened and then relaxed in a gentle smile. "It means a lot to hear you say that."

After letting the two have a quick, emotional moment, he clapped his hands and continued.

"Then it's decided." Kaze announced, touching the pixie's forehead, "Let's get started, you two."

As customary, Veronica dropped to the ground screaming, clutching her head. Crux came next; however, to prove the value of spirit fortification, the divine beast only winced as the information passed through her brain. As someone with a lower-divine breathing technique, high-level skills, and years of spirit fortification, it was possible to endure much better.

"Martha, Amy: you're incapable of harming Immortal Skye, so I am giving you both Heavenly Assimilation." Kaze announced, "Martha will be incapable of training soon without it, and Amy must be strong to protect Director Hays as his bodyguard.

Please accept these techniques instead of making it a spectacle."

After it became a spectacle, he eventually transferred the technique to both. Then he used [Paradox of Healing] to prime their bodies for the peak heaven-grade cultivation technique without pain.

"Kiera, Kylie, and Martha will be absent until my return." The emperor announced, "Until then, you will train independently and follow Jake's leadership without question or dereliction. Are there any questions?"

"Um… if you don't mind me asking… where are you going?" Jake asked nervously, feeling the crushing weight of his departure.

"We have discovered the location of various Sky Plane cultivator nests in the region." Kaze smiled ominously, "So we're leaving to greet them."

"What if they come here?" The regent gulped, "Following your example, should I attempt diplomacy with them? Or just attack?"

"It's your duty to answer those questions, Jake." The emperor replied solemnly, "That's what it means to be a ruler."

"What if I mess up?" Jake grimaced and swallowed.

"Then you will face the consequences." Kaze replied earnestly, "That's also what it means to be a ruler. Remember that before trying something foolish for the sake of probity."

"Understood." The regent swallowed nervously, accepting his call.


A commotion broke out in a wood-paneled multi-million dollar summer home overseeing a stunning lake glimmering under the sunlight. The water was usually full of massive seagulls, but it was strangely empty that day. However, the empty living room was full of almost forty people.

"We need to leave this place, Varis!" A blonde with a contorted expression yelled, "If they captured her, then they'll find us soon!"

"You're still assuming they turned traitor, Elsa." A man with long, brown hair scoffed.

"Either way, we should dress like mortals to blend in." A man with short maroon hair and a youthful appearance scoffed, "We're screaming our identity when we could blend in with the Sanctuary cultivators."

"Power recognizes power, Mars. You just want to wear mortal fashion." Elsa mocked.

"It doesn't hurt." Mars taunted.

"Guys, relax." A brown-haired man with a thick braid moving down his chest said, feet kicked up on a desk, "Everything's going to plan."

"What do you mean, Vincent?" Elsa sneered, turning to him, "Are you saying you brought this hell to us?"

"No, it's better to say I let things run their course." Vincent smiled mysteriously, "Someone collected those birds, and I sent weak, lovable Amy to investigate. By now, she's undoubtedly survived a confrontation and betrayed us, revealing this location to our friends as we speak."

"Are you saying you have betrayed us!?" Varis roared with a lethal gaze, releasing his cultivation base and dropping twenty people in the room to their knees.

However, the man yawned with his palm before his mouth and released his.

Everyone but Varis and Mars winced under pressure, cold sweat dripping down their brows.

"A group of mortals using a unique spatial ring that scavenges in the city almost daily." Vincent said mysteriously, "And every day, they travel north to a thriving city in the mountains—one with a permanent barrier."

Varis release his cultivation base, allowing everyone to breathe after the other followed suit.

"Then it's true… there is an enemy stronghold here." Elsa whispered, breaking through the deafening silence.

"Not exactly." The braided-haired replied, "I've watched the roads and skies for two weeks and noticed no one flies. That leads me to believe that a few cultivators are training the mortals. So with their leaders coming to us—"

"We can go to them!" Mars grinned excitedly, "It's killing time; let's gooooooooo!"

"It's not [killing time]." Vincent scoffed, "But it is time to use a bit of diplomacy to get in before Papa Bear returns. They're ignorant children, after all."

"And if they attack us?" Varis asked coldly.

"THEN it's killing time." The man smiled, "I've already called in reinforcements from four other bases to make it happen—they'll get here shortly.

So sit back, be loyal, and collect your promotions like the rest of us."

A dozen cultivators in the mansion's living room cheered loudly, electrifying the atmosphere.

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