The Lainwright soldiers couldn't believe their eyes when ten Immortals jumped into the sea of zombies, landing on their skulls. Most had forgotten about the Immortals because they had gotten used to not getting their aid, so seeing them fighting was sensational.

Within seconds, the development evolved from sensational to humbling.

Aaron cracked a woman's skull with his boot on the fall and push-kicked her in one motion. Thirty insult-screaming zombies immediately dropped like bowling pins, slipping on the corpse mountains they stood on.

Once standing, he pulled his fist to his chest and swung it in a spinning motion.


His forearm smashed into six zombies, exploding the first man's head, cracking the others like a rattle, and sending their bodies backward. Before he could smell the putrid blood and necrosis around him, he had already cleared a five-foot radius in the claustrophobic space.

"This is intense!" Manny yelled excitedly, running up to Eric's team, "I thought you guys were strong, but it turns out I'm just seriously weak!"

Chen opened and closed his mouth. While he wanted to pick up the man and offer him to the mysterious Cultivation God as a sacrifice, he couldn't deny his statement. So he kept silent and watched the red-haired soldier terrorize the battlefield.

Aaron turned to the shipping yard gate and rushed forward, savagely bashing his way through with his forearms and shoulders. With a sky-grade skill in the early stage of the apocalypse, the results were brutal. Every motion sent bodies flying into one another.

Once he got to the wall, he turned and faced the horde, waiting for the others to arrive. Once the others had made it, he triggered the charge.

"WIND SLASH!" Aaron yelled, waving his hand in a wide crescent.

A massive gust of wind slammed the Lainwright soldiers' backs, forcing their eyes shut. When they reopened them, they saw a massive wind scythe cut through five hundred zombies.

"That was one attack!?" Denzel cried, watching in disbelief. The others on the team were also shocked, trembling in horror, "So she wasn't the only monster!"

Eric's team watched Kiera massacre a sea of zombies herself. However, when they watched the Immortals' training, they didn't see anyone else exhibiting terrifying might. However—

"Wind slash!"


"wind slash!"

"Wind Slash!"

One after the other, the Immortals levied attacks. While they weren't as strong as their Lieutenant Captain, they still cut through two hundred at a time.


The soldiers on the wall released battle cries, seeing thousands of zombies get cleaved in half, changing the area's tightly-packed appearance for the first time in two hours.

Nevertheless, everyone knew the victory wouldn't last long. They had only killed 15,000 before the massacre, so killing three thousand still left around 42,000 remaining.

So soldiers and civilians worked quickly to cram sharks into the steel containers and move them against the wall, and the Qi Wall specialists took cultivation breaks.

After the zombie massacre, the situation on the battlefield became complicated. The advantage of the tightly-packed crowds was gone. With the area clear, the running zombies approached quickly instead of being packed together, and attacks killed fewer.

"I WANT YOUR HEART!" A woman screamed viciously, running in dirty underwear and a gray shirt.

Aaron waved his hand, cutting her body in half without comment. The arc carried through, slicing through another group. Still, it wasn't nearly enough since the empty area filled like a cup under a broken faucet.

It was similar to thousands of Greek soldiers rushing at each other with swords and shields drawn. However, only ten people met a wall of hundreds. The soldiers on the wall watched in horror, terrified for the Immortals.

"AARON!" Jackson yelled from the top, "DO YOU GUYS WANT HELP!?"

​ "THAT'S THE POINT OF US BEING AGAINST THE WALL!" Aaron replied in exasperation.

All the Lainwright soldiers were embarrassed after the chastisement. They were so hypnotized by the overpowered war gods that they thought the fight was over!

"You heard that man!" Denzel roared, setting up an arrow, "Archers, ready fire!"

Layla blinked in exasperation, seeing him lifting an arrow into the sky like an archer from antiquity. She was even more appalled when another hundred soldiers followed suit, waiting for the order.

"Wait for it!" The black man yelled, "Wait for it… FIRE!"

All the soldiers got serious, eyeing the crashing wall of zombies and releasing their arrows.


A haunting sound of wind cut through the battlefield, shredding through hundreds at once.

Unlike before, the soldiers didn't have to relieve pressure on the gate before curving. So their arrows shot into the group directly, grinding through the wall of death.

The Immortals grinned in astonishment. After a strange smile, Aaron looked up with a proud expression. "Good work, soldiers!"


Everyone was glad for the man's praise, finally earning the respect of an Immortal. It felt much better than people had believed.

The combined attack shredded through twenty thousand zombies in twenty minutes, resulting in constant cheering. Having the Immortals on their side was inspirational and gave everyone hope, making them want to get stronger.

However, their Qi wasn't infinite, so the Immortals moved inside once Sandra announced they had fixed the wall.

Aaron frowned when he saw the cultivation area, noting that the sheer volume of people cultivating was sucking the Qi in the area dry. "This is getting bleak."


"The Qi's nearly dry, and there is still a horde ten thousand strong." Sandra yelled to a group of civilians climbing the makeshift wall, "However, it's easier to think—try and see for yourself. You're strong; you just don't know it!"

Immortal Skye families had an awkward status in the apocalypse. Since the Immortals would riot if they learned that Evalyn put their families through hell, made them scavenge, or let them die in her care, only volunteers combat trained, and none had combat experience.

However, they cultivated and practiced techniques most of the day, so they were capable and had Qi. Their fears and ability to say [no] were the only things holding them back.

Now, hundreds were climbing up shipping containers and getting a pep talk. It was a process, as everyone who reached the wall had a panic attack and started screaming. It was a nightmare.

Fortunately, one woman shot an arrow, and something remarkable happened.

"WOW!" She cried in amazement, "It's like I'm watching the world in slow motion, and everything this arrow touches instantly dies!"

Another civilian tried it and had the same reaction.

"See? You're powerful but don't know it yet!" Riley yelled, "Give it a shot! Soldiers, help them!"

Another round of arrows cut through the crowd of zombies. Their numbers dropped down to six thousand in the hour. While the victory was near—the end was nearer.

"They're breaching!" Eric yelled, "Plug faster! We don't have the power to relieve the pressure!"

"We're doing our best!" A civilian yelled back, "Send more people to cultivate!"

"There's no Qi left!" Eric yelled gravely, "It's bone dry! Only a few hundred have an emergency attack left!"

Constant cultivation had stripped the area dry. There were only five reserve Immortals and hundreds of children with full QI. It was now a game of chess to deal with the hordes of zombies.

"Fuck this!" A gruff man with a beard yelled, pulling his hand back, "I'm not going to get eaten because you're a bunch of pussies! COMBUSTION!"

Twenty zombies lit on fire from the blast, spreading the fire from zombie to zombie in a net. Within only a few seconds, a hundred were burning and screeching.

"SEE!?" He yelled, "Look, it's killing all of them, just like I said!"

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Aaron yelled viciously, watching the fire spreading in a chain reaction. Mountains of corpses caught fire, creating molten pits of hell that ignited everything they touched.

As he said, it was killing the zombies—and starting six thousand fires that could run twenty miles an hour and jump.

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