After flying Evalyn to the beach, the emperor returned to Immortal Skye, where thousands had gathered, standing around fish strewn out on the training grounds.

They were processing fish that day instead of taking classes. However, they weren't getting away from training.

"Kaze...." Fey eked out, seeing him approaching her, "Why did you put me in charge of this? I've never even touched a fish before!"

"Because you're a marvelous professor, Fey Roybock." Kaze smiled charmingly, watching her pass a machete between her hands nervously, "Those with specialized skills are rarely teachers, so you must translate their teachings. No one's expecting you to be the specialist."

The professor blushed as usual, biting her lip and turning away. She always felt so helpless around the man before her. "I-I see.... About the preserving, how are we going to get enough--"

"Salt?" Kaze asked charmingly, dropping two potato sacks with a loud thud, "This should be enough for now.

I will preserve half on ice and Soul Qi treatment, as we'll eat the other half within the week."

Fey blinked twice and turned around, looking at the two-acre patch of land covered in massive sea creatures. There were tens of thousands of pounds of food there! She could only imagine how much people would hate fish after that week!

"Worry not, Lady Roybock." He said chivalrously, turning around, "Once everyone tastes Soul Qi meat, they will forever love you without reservation."

While his words were charming, the mysterious statement felt ominous. It sent an icy breeze through her body, giving her goosebumps.

"What does that mean?" Fey swallowed nervously.

"Observe." Kaze smiled, flying to an electric eel and hovering above it.

The Immortals immediately stopped their conversations and watched him intently.

"Soul Beasts are no different than normal animals!" He explained from the air, "They only become bigger, stronger, and more durable through eating Soul Qi in other animals.

Humans are animals. So if you eat the flesh of a Soul Beast--you'll also get its Spirit Qi."

While humans are technically animals, people are usually off-put by the explicit connection. However, his words were met with excitement from thousands of Immortals.

"Eating Soul Meat will harden your body, increase your stamina and healing, and increase your mental acuity." Kaze smiled mysteriously, "Accelerated healing is the backbone of physical strength.

It will act like anabolic steroids constantly healing your muscles after they rip. However, it will do so incrementally, ensuring that you become toned and proportionate instead of large and grotesque.

So with healing alone, you'll increase strength, stamina, endurance, agility, and perception. That's the value of Soul Meat--and you will be eating a lot of it this week."

While many were grossed out or terrified by the fish initially, they were now cheering excitedly. Everyone was hooked on power in Immortal Skye, and the emperor gave them a cheat code.

"More importantly...." Kaze said mysteriously, capturing everyone's attention, "If you eat the flesh of a Soul Beast with a natural elemental affinity, like this electric eel, you'll gain physical resistance to the element."

He flicked his finger and an invisible torrent of Qi snaked down the eighty-foot Soul Beast, breaking through its scales. Once it was opened, he cut out a thin, prime cut of eel meat and lifted his hand.

A simple silver with engravings lit up with golden light, his hand disappeared into a spatial rift, and he pulled out a lemon. Then he cut it, squeezing it onto the massive monster.

The scene was so fluid, effortless, and surreal that the Immortals cried with laughter, spreading positive vibes through the crowd like wildfire.

"What? Soul Sashimi of this grade must be treated with respect." Kaze smiled cheekily, "And what better respect can we give it than with a lemon?"

Countless people cheered at his statement by reflex, unconcerned by his actual words.

When he finally ate the piece, his body's color changed, becoming more vibrant. He then cultivated for a moment to readjust and summoned a technique.

Cackling blue electricity shot over his arm, spreading over his shoulder. It made his body twitch, but he grinned fearlessly, making Immortals cheer and shout in excitement.

"This technique, Martial Catalyst, wraps the cultivator's body in sacred electricity." Kaze explained, "It turns every touch into an attack that stuns strong enemies and kills weaker ones.

However, few can use it because beasts with natural affinities to electricity are rare, and tempering one's body with electricity is lethal. Therefore, you're looking at a legendary specimen with a gateway to using unique techniques. Its value of this beast's meat is immeasurable."

Silence spread through the area, each person looking at the beast in a different light.

"Therefore, I suggest you showcase your talent and treat Lady Fey Roybock with respect." Kaze grinned, watching the poor woman's heart nearly explode, "For only the best will taste this legendary creature over the next few months."

An eruption of determination and desire spread through the land, lighting everyone's hearts aflame.

"Today, we'll be processing these nourishing creatures in place of training." He continued, "The regular students will cut the meat with precise Slash Attacks."

The emperor waved his hand multiple times, cutting through the beast with straight cuts.

"Qi Wall students will create a table for the fish to go on." He continued, putting the meat onto an invisible table of raw Qi, "And the Wind Blade students will process the meat into steaks and salt them."

Kaze flicked his hand a dozen times. Each time cut through the fish on the table, creating perfectly cut steaks. He then dumped sea salt onto the Qi Wall, and a light breeze sprinkled it on the fish.

Thunderous applause met his surreal demonstration, spreading excitement and anxiety through the group.

"Combustion students cook the meat by creating a continuous flame and heating the pan to the right temperature." The emperor smiled, materializing a frying pan, adding oil, and waving his hand, creating a flame under it.


A satisfying searing sound filled the Immortals' ears, and an inexplicably heavenly aroma spread through the area. Everyone started salivating, wanting to taste the fish.

"Lastly, the jesters and fools will clean the equipment." Kaze smirked, addressing those that had gotten in trouble or spent all of their RP or Skye, ending up in the encampment, "They will only taste the leftovers."

Those Immortals groaned, regretting their decisions. Staring down a passive power-building activity, they suddenly felt the full weight of their poor decisions.

"Those who do the most or provide other value will eat the best cuts." The emperor explained, "But everyone will eat their fill! You stand before free, effortless power, so seize it greedily!"

Explosive cheers rocked the area. Every Immortal was brimming with passion and excitement.

Fey blushed furiously, seeing a hundred faces turn to her intensely, thinking of ways to help her and treat her like a queen. "That man!"


Immortal Skye brimmed with energy as a thousand Immortals took turns cutting through the sea creatures and sending it to the Qi Wall specialists, creating tables in rotation.

It looked like witchcraft, with meat suspended in the air and invisible knives cutting through it and sprinkling it with salt.

While Kaze made the demonstration look simple, many other processes were going on simultaneously.

Immortals with fishing backgrounds worked with Fey to teach people how to descale fish and debone them. Despite their massive size, the fish were physiologically the same as their smaller counterparts. So the descaling and deboning remained the same.

Cooks worked around the clock with large pots, creating various dishes to feed to the Immortals as they worked. Naturally, they worked in shifts so they could practice and learn as well.

Kaze walked around, giving his students pointers and trying their wares.

Kiera and the cabinet members arrived with Martha and enjoyed lunch together.

It was a day-long endeavor, but no one complained. With every meal, the Immortals physically felt stronger and gained energy. Their aches and ailments disappeared as the Soul Qi flushed out their system, and their minds became clear.

Approaching sunset, Kaze had the cooks work on steaks he flayed and processed personally, coming from ten fish he separated from the rest. They cooked various dishes, creating sushi, sashimi, steaks, breaded filets, and chowders under his guidance.

The emperor thanked them and disappeared through a spatial portal to surprise a special person.

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