When the zombies entered from a side street, Rein created an arrow-sized bolt of Qi and shot it at them.


The soldiers watched in horror as the small bolt weaved down the road, making the screaming zombie's heads pop off.

She summoned another instantly, shooting it in the opposite direction.

Then another.

And another.

Rein shot dozens of arrows out, one after the other, as if attacking with Guided Arrow meant nothing to her. It stunned the Lainwright soldiers, watching in disbelief.

During her assault, her cultivation base lifted, and panicked soldiers gasped for breath. Capable of breathing and fearful they tried readying Guided Arrows to fend off the sick flooding into the area.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A man wearing a dress shirt and charcoal slacks said, jumping into the center of the team and unleashing his cultivation base.

Everyone crashed to the ground again, clutching their throats. The soldiers' hearts filled with dread; they had barely survived the last monster suffocating them!

"Rein has a bit of a temper problem." Steve chuckled, easing up after his demonstration, "If you create disorder or take away her vent puppets, she's liable to kill you.

You should be worried about our jester instead. He doesn't have an anger problem, but he's a lot less forgiving if provoked."

The soldiers turned to the man in question and found a horrifying sight.

Carl's mouth was wide open in horror, looking at the jester, crouched down, clamping his hands at the man's face but not touching it.

"You want the clamps, bitch?" Larkin asked mockingly, "Cuz people who act all rational when they're being dumb as fuck are begging for the clamps."

"I-I don't... want the clamps!" The german cried, seeing small arcs of Qi forming between the Immortal's index and thumb like guided arrows.

"Are you sure?" The jester asked, clamping in front of the man's face, making him close his eyes and cry out, "Cuz you look like you want the clamps."

"I DON'T WANT THE CLAMPS!" Carl screamed, tears pouring down his face.

"Che." Larkin clicked, scuttling his body to the left, looking at Sarah, "What about you, bitch? Do [you] want the clamps?"

"I-I DON'T WANT THE CLAMPS!" The blonde screamed immediately, eyes closed in terror.

"That's what I thought." The lanky, brown-haired man scoffed, standing up, "You bitch asses aren't even worthy of the clamps."


Dozens of bodies stacked up on the east and west sides of the street. Some had burn marks from two days prior when Kiera burned a mass of zombies to a crisp.

Around the hundredth body, Rein started sweating a bit, feeling the strain. "I should stop here. Larkin, take over! Hurry it up; we still have shit to do today!"

"You got it!" Larkin grinned, getting into his crab pose and clamping his hands, "Behold, the almighty power of Carcinus!"

Leo and his team finally got to see the power of [the clamps]. When they saw them in action, everyone shuddered, understanding what they would've faced if they had actually fought him!

Qi bolts shot across the battlefield, slicing through five zombies at a time. While they were small, they shot out of the jester's hands every time he clamped them.

He looked like a crab version of a desperado, shooting in both directions with his left and right hands, rattling off air slashes semi-auto.

As Larkin fought, he yelled insults at the zombies, sometimes humping the air and yelling [get some!] or other crude gestures. He was a clown to the utmost degree.

However, he was shockingly talented and lethal on the battlefield, racking up dozens of bodies in only a few minutes. No one could deny that.

"T-This is ridiculous." Leo stuttered in horror, watching the kill count stack up, "I can't believe we almost fought this man."

Steve had released his cultivation base, but everyone still lay on the ground, frozen from the horrifying sight playing out. Sarah, Carl, and Brandon trembled in horror, regretting opening their mouths.

Fifteen minutes later, the brunette stood up from cultivating, seeing that zombies hadn't shown up recently.

"Okay, listen up!" Rein said with fierce eyes, "I don't like killing humans, even if they're scum bag soldiers. However, scum bag soldiers attacked my people, so if you meet others like me, they'll likely kill you before you can make shitty decisions!"

A wave of terror crashed into the Lainwright soldiers when they realized who the mystery people were--the Immortals.

Now they were experiencing their power and disdain firsthand--after picking a fight with them--and the Ice General wasn't there to protect them. Her words couldn't get more prophetic.

"However!" Rein yelled, snapping them out of their fear-filled haze, "I'm not just going to walk away after you tried killing us!"

The Lainwright soldiers gulped, wondering what type of revenge she'd take on them. However, they were shocked by the punishment.

"So here's the deal!" She yelled, reaching into a pouch on her utility belt, "You're going to find this for me! A lot of it!"

The brunette held up a box of pink hair dye.

"Bring me fifty boxes of pink and fifty of black!" She yelled, "Do that, and we're square. If you don't, I'll get a group of fifty at my strength and we'll murder you and everyone you know!"

A static pulse of terror and anxiety overtook their bodies, making it difficult to breathe. Fifty? One woman took down thirty of them!

These were monstrous people, perhaps even stronger than Aaron and Sandra. If there were 50 of them, they could eradicate everyone with ease! Their only hope was Evalyn--another Immortal.

"Yes, mam!" Leo gulped nervously, "Soldiers, we're getting pink and black hair dye and bringing it back here! Our general understands the value of diplomacy, so there is no problem prioritizing the task over our current objectives!"

No objections. Not a single one.

The soldiers got up, and under the blonde-haired man's lead, they got ready to leave.

"Post up on that building down there--the green one." Rein said, pointing at a building a mile away, "I'm going to attract every zombie in the area here. Once they're here, you shouldn't have barriers to getting the hair dye--so I don't want excuses!"

Everyone was stunned by her words, even Steve and Larkin. However, the former figured out what she was doing and sighed, indicating that he understood.

Without further discussion, the soldiers ran into the distance, getting onto the building.

"Okay, let's give these idiots one demo for the road." Rein grinned, creating a bolt of Qi the size of a storm gutter.

The soldiers on the roof saw it and froze in denial. They refused to believe that the arrow was real. However, they couldn't deny it for long.

She walked with the bolt drawn to a building to the right of the drugstore they were scavenging in. Then she pointed it north, toward Immortal Skye.


The building in front of her exploded and collapsed when she snaked the large bolt of Qi through it like a sewing needle, destroying its foundation.

It didn't stop there. Leo's team watched in horror from their vantage point as the bolt cut through another ten buildings, collapsing all of them.


Screams from zombies throughout the mile-long stretch echoed through the streets, and soon the sound of shattering glass cut followed, indicative of the zombies charging over cars.

"NOW GO!" Rein yelled as the zombies began arriving.

Leo gulped and nodded, gathering his soldiers and jumping off the building to start scavenging for pink and black hair dye.

Once Leo's soldiers were out of sight, Rein ran into the drugstore, where Eric's soldiers were on their knees with their fingers laced behind their backs. "Rooftop, now!"

Aaron nudged his head, saying they were free to move, and everyone instantly flew out of the door, running into a tidal wave of zombies.

While they were terrified, Rein threw up a Qi Wall barrier that the sick slammed against, allowing everyone to jump off the wall. Eric and Denzel caught their hands and pulled them to the top.

The short-haired brunette jumped up after killing a few dozen zombies and addressed them.

"Here's the deal!" Rein snapped angrily, "When those idiots come back and ask why you're here, say that we saved you when the zombies arrived. We don't know each other, end of discussion.

Now start shooting. Once those idiots return, we're leaving you on this rooftop, so I suggest you make the most of our time together!"

Eric's team trembled, looking at the few thousand zombies piling up around them. They could feel the building stressed from zombies pushing against it.

"This building will collapse with this many zombies pressing against it!" Moe cried.

"Then you better get to killing them." Rein sassed coldly, jumping 20 feet off the building and landing on another rooftop, "Because your friends fucked up your training, so we're putting it into warp drive!"

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