"Kaze, I cannot deny that your dual cultivation is powerful or that your actions are strangely wise in unreasonable ways." Evalyn said, "Still, we are talking about an existential threat.

I fail to see how the Underground Bizarre is more important than that."

"The Underground Bizarre is both a release and reward." Kaze explained, "If we use it as an incentive, reputation points can generate the excess labor and strength we need."

Evalyn's eyes deadened, her perplexion overtaking her irritation. "Did you just imply that you are making increased training and labor voluntary?"

"Your ears work fine. Must you ridicule everything before you change your mind?" The emperor asked brazenly.

The Ice General opened and closed her mouth, recognizing her record. So she chose her words carefully.

"I recognize my shortcomings, so I won't criticize you for free." Evalyn replied, "I'll bet you that my soldiers are better trained by the time you transfer to Lainwright."

"Hoh?" He hummed amusedly, "I will not alter my training regiment based on your expectations of my training.

Therefore, you're making me a simple bet over the results--are you sure you wish to do that?"

"Not normally, as your track record speaks for itself." She clarified, "However, you've indicated a more hands-off approach, something you're known for, and I find that wasteful.

During this time crunch, I'm confident your approach cannot produce better results than the hell that Crux and I will put these soldiers through--especially if you're delaying training for a party.

And if you change your ways to win, I will lose the bet but get my way."

"Interesting." Kaze smiled mysteriously, narrowing his eyes, "How confident?"

"If you win, I will accept Kiera and consider myself part of your 'harem.'" She declared boldly, making him smile in astonishment.

"And if I lose?" He asked with a strange smile.

"You'll have to train our people and provide resources freely to my discretion until the crisis is averted." Evalyn explained, "I will not make unreasonable demands."

"Very well, I accept your bet." Kaze replied with a relaxed smile, "I must be off now. I have a haircut appointment; it's critical if I want to win our little bet."

Evalyn's eyes glazed over, but she developed a rich smile as soon as he turned, remembering that a haircut was his first priority upon transmigration.

While she had only known him for six weeks, it felt like they had already spent an eternity together.

"General Skye, are you ready?" A female soldier asked, walking up with a salute after she saw him off, "We must discuss labor allocation for reinforcing the perimeter.

The blonde's smile disappeared the moment that her work restarted. She turned to the soldier with a chilling expression, lacking the subtle warmth it held only a moment before.

"That meeting is canceled." Evalyn declared, "Assemble everyone to the training grounds at once. I mean [everyone]."

"Y-Yes, mam." Her soldier replied in a shakey salute before running off.


"Oh, my gosh!" A bubbly redhead cried, clasping her hands together, "You brought him as I asked! I was really hoping that I'd get to cut his hair!"

A shy blonde-haired man looked away, feeling super embarrassed. "It's good to see you again... uh...."

"Addison, Addison Chase." Addison smiled brightly, standing behind the counter of a luxurious salon in a comically lavish mansion.

"Hello... Addison. I'm sure you know, but my name is... Jacob Hays." Jake said awkwardly, "But people call me Director Hays or just Jake."

He wasn't particularly awkward around women anymore. The problem was--

"Veronica Stone." A woman with a black pixie cut and a poison-laced smile said, reaching out her hand, "It's nice to meet you; how do you know my boyfriend?"

"Jacob came into my salon with Kaze the day of the first influx." Addison giggled playfully, watching the self-conscious man shrink away under their pressure, "I'll never forget it.

Both looked soooooooo gee~ky before I cut their hair. It's so hard to believe."

Jake blushed furiously, turning away, hoping that Veronica wouldn't snap. However, that role was for someone else.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~" A cute voice hummed, dramatically not stopping until she captured everyone's attention, "Yeah... I get that you got that memneek vibe going on, but Kazey's your exalted leader, and Director Hays is Director Hays.

So can you explain why you're telling stories that erroneously label your leaders with a com~monly~used~pejor~atively-style term?"

Addison's eyes snapped to attention, checking on Kaze, calm as a Hindu cow, and then Jake, equally unconcerned about her behavior.

After confirming she wasn't disagreeable, she turned to the pink-haired woman with a bright smile. "I'm more than happy to tell you who I am.

However, I think it's fair that you go first since you called our exalted leader [Kazey]."

"I'm Kiera Snow, [Kazey]'s wifey." Kiera replied, shocking Veronica and Jake and making the redhead's eyebrow twitch, "Your turn, reddy."

"What a wonderful coincidence!" Addison cried cheerily, getting a nod from Kaze, "My name is Addison Chase, and I'm [also] Kazey's partner."

"This situation is getting bleak." Jake gulped nervously, looking at Kiera's terrifying expression, "Things are about to get messy."


"Soldiers, families, and allies!" The Ice General yelled, standing in the middle of a track field at Lainwright Military Base, surrounded by over five thousand soldiers and family members, "The reaper's scythe looms above us!"

Murmurs and whispers pulsed through the crowd, spreading in a chain reaction.

"The Sky Plane cultivators that plagued and killed our people are returning!" She announced, triggering gasps, "And they mean to kill us for being too strong, so things are about to get messy!"

Groans filled the area, multiplying the pressure in the atmosphere. The Lainwright soldier saw the Sky Plane cultivators as gods, and the Immortals knew their strength; it was heavy news.


"Wait, what?" Veronica asked, turning to the emperor in disbelief, "What's going on, Kaze? I thought Evalyn was your partner!"

"Polygamy, Veronica." Kaze replied mockingly, turning to her, "You already knew the word for multiple partners, yes?"

"Polygamy?" Kiera giggled ominously, darkness clouding the atmosphere, "That word has a pre~tty awful connotation in modern-day society, Kazey.

But when you collect women like trading cards, it sounds like a compliment.

When did you pick up this one, hmmm? During the haircutting appointment?"

"Simple polygamy, as you and my other partners knew and agreed to upfront." He corrected with a mocking smile, "Addison and I have been partners for around two weeks, though time is irrelevant."

The atmosphere became awkward, with Kiera gritting her teeth, Veronica wanting to call him a prick but not being able to defend the consenting women, and Addison's eyes sparkling.

Jake wanted to leave immediately. For someone with social anxiety, he walked into a bloodbath--perhaps a real one.

"Any~ways, it's great to meet you Kiera." Addison said with a bubbly smile, "I have the perfect pink and black hair dye for you. You have stunning layering; I can help make it the way you want."

Kiera turned away with puffy cheeks, realizing her mythical hairdresser was a [grave-robbing floozy with good taste]. However, the redhead whisked her away after getting a wink, making it impossible for her to complain.

"Should we prepare for an impending fight?" Veronica asked seriously, "This seems pretty serious."

"No need." Kaze smiled, "These two have an incentive to get along lest the other gains an emotional advantage. Truly a dreadful way to view relationships, but I can't change how they see it."


"If anyone expresses despair with a groan again, I'll rip it out of their throat with my bare hands!" Evalyn yelled, shocking her soldiers, "Didn't you hear what I just said?

I said that the almighty Sky Plane cultivators are returning to kill us [for being too strong]. They don't think we're helpless cattle on the cusp of despair--so why do you?"

A fire of hope lit in everyone's heart upon hearing her words. Warmth returned, and the atmosphere lifted, allowing everyone to stand tall.

"How powerful do you have to be before your teacher decides to kill you six weeks after you start training?" She asked mockingly.

Immortals chuckled, triggering more, spreading through the area until a few people cheered, and the atmosphere picked up energy.

"A little strong?" Evalyn mused with her fingers pinched.

Many burst into laughter, hearing her ridicule.

"This much?" The Ice General asked, holding her hands a foot away from each other.

More laughter spread, seeing her severe lack of concern.

"This much...." She asked, spreading her hands to wing span length, gaining cheers, "Or...."

Evalyn reached her arm to the sky and materialized an ice spear the size of a traffic light pole in the sky, creating gasps of awe before--


--she hurled it a mile into the distance, hitting a checkpoint building and making it explode.

All the Lainwright soldiers were stunned, watching a cloud of dust pick up like a tornado over the horizon. They felt like they had just watched a ballistic missile explode.

"Or were we strong enough to kill their elite soldiers, and win!?" Evalyn yelled, "To kill one of their so-called Cultivation Lords!?"

Explosive battle cries rang out from the Immortals, spreading excitement and passion through the ranks of the Lainwright soldiers.


"So?" Kaze mused, "How do you like your hair?"

"... I love it." Keira replied, crossing her arms against her chest with her cheeks puffed out.

Veronica giggled, making her feel worse. Due to the lack of labor resources, the pixie was still waiting for a haircut, as there was only one stylist in Immortal Skye.

"And Addison, what do you think about her now that you've talked?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"She's a wonderful stylist, has an agreeable personality, is beautiful, loves you the way everyone should, and brings warmth to the room." Kiera replied, "I hate her."

"It seems your appraisal is mutual, then." Kaze smiled helplessly, "Because while she finds you a rival as well, the amount of effort into making your hair stunning is remarkable."

"I get what you're doing, Kazey." She countered tersely, "But if you think I'll accept her because of a haircut, you're wrong.

If she proves her loyalty to you with achievements or sacrifices herself, taking a couple of wind blades for you, I'll consider her worthy.

Until then, she's nothing like Wifey One in my eyes--she's just an unworthy trash fairy like the rest of them."


"You hear that, Lainwright?" Evalyn asked, listening to the Immortal's battle cries, shattering the sound waves, "Our people fought against a world superpower, Malta, and won."

A feeling of dread and humiliation washed over the Lainwright soldiers, reminding them of their defeat and why the Immortals hated them.

"Then we fought against the Sky Plane cultivators--and won!" The Ice General announced, creating an explosive environment of panicked enthusiasm, "Not just against an administrator, no!

Immortal Skye fought against their top elites--and claimed victory!"

The Lainwright soldiers didn't know whether to cheer about being on the same team with them or to feel dread for being their past enemy. They immediately got their answer.

"However, you, Lainwright soldiers!" Evalyn said coldly, sending waves of anxiety through them, "Except for a select few who actively protected our families, none of you are worthy of our name.

Every one of you is pathetically weak--useless liabilities under our protection.

You're here because you didn't seek genocide against civilians, but that's not a laudable act; it's an expectation!

So until you train, become strong, and prove yourself in battle--you're unworthy, no different than the trash who killed our people!"


"Why are you all getting dressed up tonight?" Addison asked after getting her thanks for the haircuts.

"We're preparing for the Underground Bizarre grand opening." Kaze said, "After all, It's vital to our survival."

Veronica and Jake chuckled with the giggling stylist. Only Kiera didn't question his words, treating them literally, bereft of humor.


"Lucky for you, we're here today because an opportunity to prove yourself has come!" Evalyn roared, tugging the Lainwright soldiers' hearts, using piano wire as strings, "In six weeks, the cultivators will come!

Before then, we will increase training, learn new techniques, and work together--as doing so is vital to our survival!

While only distinguished soldiers will become Immortals, anyone who trains, builds strength, and fights for us will become second-class citizens!

However, those who don't will get fed to those who lost their families as sacrifices!

Do not forget you attacked our people with ballistic missiles the day your comrades killed our people.

You're still our enemy until proven an ally. So I suggest you take training seriously unless you wish to get treated like one!"

A flood of terror crashed into the soldiers, realizing she was more dangerous than the invisible threat she spoke of.

However, they were helpless, for the Ice General held them under the reaper's scythe at all times.

A trip to the public square reminded everyone that a soldier that touched or threatened a family member hostage wasn't playing with something abstract like death.

No, they were staring down something tangible, proven, and gruesome.

"If you have questions, do it after training!" Evalyn yelled, "Because whether you're an Immortal, family member, or Lainwright solder; whether you're hungry, sick, or tired; whether you were doing something important or not--you're training right now.

There would be nothing better than for zombies and human enemies to crash through our gates because you weren't on patrol. We need the practice!"

The Immortals were ceaselessly stunned by Evalyn's actions. Despite being equally terrifying, her and Kaze's leadership couldn't get more different--and they already missed the latter.

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