Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 224 July 13th, 2032 - The Second Phase

"Our teams killed two of their spies, lacking the skill to capture them for interrogation." Evalyn said, drinking a cup of coffee with bags under her eyes, "If you trust it's just scouts, I'll have Crux capture one next time."

The Ice General and Kaze sat in a windowless conference room, surrounded by reinforced concrete walls, preventing enemy attacks. Since they weren't worried about getting hurt, their location indicated a desire for privacy.

"Make it your top priority." Kaze nodded, "We discussed the possibility they'd send cultivators to investigate already. However, we cannot allow these spies to expose our weaknesses."

"Of course." Evalyn replied, "If it's a convenience role, it means they're sending a force they're confident can kill a Cultivation Lord and her elite team in 24 hours. Are you confident we can survive such an attack?"

"We have six weeks, so we'll be fine." He replied, making her tired eyes snap open, "We only have to expedite our training schedule."

"Expedite our training schedule?" The Ice General asked in exasperation, disbelieving her ears, "We only have six weeks, and you're not discussing moving or doubling our defenses?"

"Do you think me a fool?" Kaze asked, calming the blonde instantly, "I prepare for the worst at all times, never settling on forecasts or expectations. So his development is within expectations.

A retreat is also not an option. We face the second phase of the apocalypse the same day—or have you forgotten?"

Evalyn's calmed heart pulsed again, making her vision blurry. "Wait… Kaze, are you saying we will face these cultivators [and] the Sky Plane beasts?"

"Need I answer that question?" He asked dryly, "By August 2nd, the sick will have died from starvation and disease as the Soul Qi within them dwindles daily.

The only challenges remaining would be starvation, disease, and dehydration, each capable of killing the most talented cultivators at this stage.

Beasts provide a challenge and a rich source of food, liquid, and Soul Qi, solving all the problems.

Their faction still needs us. They won't sacrifice millions of future recruits to fight one battle on the mortal plane, especially when they can fly and kill the weak creatures [they sent to fight mortals]."

Evalyn's eyes trembled after hearing the news, and she looked at the table, exhausted, stressed, and exasperated by the development. "So what's the plan?

You, me, and Crux will take on the heavy hitters while our people pick off the weaker ones?"

"Correct." Kaze confirmed simply.

"What of the defenseless people?" Evalyn asked, taking a deep breath to prepare herself.

"We have a trump card." He smiled mysteriously, "Have you fulfilled my request?"

The Ice General narrowed her eyes and nodded. "I have, albeit begrudgingly. What are they for?"

"I will tell you when the time comes, not before." Kaze replied tersely, "For now, take me to them."

Evalyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath, not liking secrets when such an important battle was on the horizon. However, she had come to trust his intentions were for the best. "Come this way."


The emperor and his general walked through an underground tunnel under Lainwright Military Base, leading to a large bunker multiple miles away.

"Greetings, Emperor Lexicon!" An Immortal soldier saluted when they turned down one of the tunnelways.

"Hello, Sir, mam!" A female followed, both standing at attention.

Evalyn saluted back, completing the operation. It showed that she cared for the soldier's customs and assumed the role. "At ease."

Both put their hand down, looking at the emperor curiously.

"I will congratulate you both upon your victory in due time." Kaze smiled slightly, "For now, you two are dismissed for the night. I trust you can keep our presence here tonight classified?"

The soldiers looked at their general's severe gaze and then at each other in shock, feeling tremendous pressure. They both agreed immediately.

"They're in here." Evalyn said after the soldiers left, opening a large iron door with a passcode.

They were assaulted with loud chatter the second she opened the door.

"What's going on!?"

"Who are you!?"

"Please don't kill us!"

"We're innocent, Ice General!"

"We were just following orders—you understand, right!?"

They were in a massive underground bunker that could sleep a thousand people, packed with panicked Lainwright soldiers.

The Ice General released her cultivation base, dropping two hundred to their knees, gasping for breath. Her cold countenance chilled everyone to the bone, making them fall silent.

"As requested, I have spared a thousand guilty soldiers." Evalyn said chillingly, displeased, "They're providing no value despite eating and drinking our resources.

I assume your reasoning to keep them alive is worth such a crippling cost, yes?"

"It is." Kaze replied calmly, waving his hand to create a sound barrier around the door. Then he walked to a soldier and touched his forehead, "These soldiers have a critical role to play."

"GahhHHHhhHHhHHhaHh WHAHHhHT IS THIS!?" The man screamed, fighting against Evalyn's cultivation pressure to grab his head.

If her cultivation base weren't holding him in place, all would expect the man would bash his head into the floor. It was a harrowing scene to watch.

Evalyn watched him walk to a female soldier and touch her forehead directly after, adding her piercing scream to the atmosphere. "What technique are you giving them?"

She had experienced that painful overload of information, so she knew what he was doing intimately.

"It's called Heaven's Rapids—a heaven-grade breathing technique." Kaze replied calmly, shocking the blonde, "With this technique, they won't need to eat and can survive on a fifth of the water."

"Kaze!" Evalyn yelled in disbelief, "You're giving a thousand prisoners heaven-grade cultivation techniques!? That's higher than our soldiers have!"

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. A moment later, his body radiated with a golden aura before it spread out, sticking to the walls and creating a barrier with beautiful runes and cultivation technique patterns.

The Ice General calmed, breathless after seeing it. She had seen something similar over Immortal Skye and witnessed its immense power.

While she didn't have grafted memories like Crux, she knew something familiar when she saw it, creating a sense of deja vu, or making her feel strangely comfortable.

However, her mind was blank whenever she saw his Soul Qi binding and inscription techniques. Whatever he did went far beyond what the old Evalyn Skye saw in her life.

"What does this do?" Evalyn asked in awe.

"It's a bloodlust and attack prevention barrier used in prisons in the upper realms." Kaze replied calmly, intricate lines and runes still materializing, "It attacks people who try to use offensive techniques or express bloodlust.

Naturally, it only affects those selected."

An icy chill crawled down the Ice General's spine when she saw golden inscribed patterns develop on the soldiers' chests. "Wait… what happens if they express battle intent?"

"You'll see soon." He chuckled, opening his eyes, "Oh, it seems that there's a group already causing trouble."

A group in the back who couldn't hear him sent their escape plan in motion, feeling their lives were nearly forfeit.

They readied their techniques. However, before they could pull their hand back, their chests radiated with a red glow and golden runes. A split second later—


Panic spread through soldiers with a wave of negative synesthesia, watching them crawl on the ground, clutching their chests and screaming.

"What's happening to them!?" Evalyn cried, echoing the countless cries of the soldiers present.


A resounding clap cracked through the room like thunder, and Kaze's cultivation base followed, dropping everyone but Evalyn to their knees.

The blonde took shallow breaths, hiding her discomfort. Their difference in power constantly humbled her. It seemed the more she learned, the more she realized how far she was behind.

"If you express killing intent or try attacking us or others, this barrier will eat your Soul Qi, weakening you and opening you to sickness, hunger, and disease!" Kaze roared, "Do it enough, and it will eat your soul forever!

Resistance is genuinely futile. So learn from the pain and accept your fate, lest you seek a fate worse than death!"

An icy wind of anxiety blew through the room, horrifying those already suffocating on the ground.

The emperor lowered his cultivation base, allowing people to breathe but keeping them crushed.

"My name is Kaze Lexicon!" He announced loudly, shocking everyone, "I assume you know I have techniques, yes? Well, today, I'm giving you heaven-grade breathing techniques.

People are screaming because it's too profound to take in at your stage. However, once the pain subsides, you will obtain vast power potential.

Obtain strength while you're here, for you have an opportunity for redemption! You will protect our people from now on, so prepare for it!"

Excitement spread through the thousand soldiers' hearts when they heard his words. They were glad they'd get another chance at life, complete with vast power. It was a surreal dream.

However, only piercing anxiety shot through Evalyn's heart. By Kaze's tone alone, she knew that [redemption] wasn't what the soldiers thought it was.

The Ice General didn't know what the emperor planned for the prisoners. However, she was secretly glad that he didn't tell her.

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