"Today started no different than yesterday." Rein began, "We traveled to Meridian City, scavenging in gated communities on the west side of town near 23rd and Barlow St.

We figured that after the Rapture, the high-end areas with resources, cultivators, and bodyguards would have gotten decimated from within, collapsing after most turned or faced starvation.

So we scouted gated communities, cut through the fencing, and scouted for alcohol."


—Meridian City, West Side | Fox Hill—

"Make the cut minimal." Rein ordered soldiers, "Areas like this are treasure troves. The last thing we want is for the sick to run around thrashing everything."

"Yes, mam." A male soldier said, decked out in black tactical gear.

They stood before a large recently-constructed electric fence, before the black iron bar gate leading into Fox Hill, a wealthy gated community in Meridian City.

There were shoddily constructed sentry towers, previously operated by soldiers, to prevent individuals from getting near elites living there.

However, things had changed.

Bang! Bang! Rattle! Rattle! Rattle! Bang!

"Come in here!" A vicious man in a white button-up screamed, banging against the black bars of the gate, "I'll fuck you up! Just wait until I claw your eyes out and eat them, you bitch!"

Rattle! Rattle! Bang! Rattle! Bang! Bang! Rattle!

"I wish they couldn't talk." A blonde soldier smiled wryly, "It makes them seem human."

"Yeah, but if they didn't, we wouldn't get our only source of entertainment." A male Immortal chuckled, looking to his left.

The group grinned wildly, staring in the same direction.

"True, enough." Rein sighed, "I never thought I'd be grateful for that goon."

Bang! Rattle! Rattle! Bang! Bang!

"It was your fault!" A woman with frayed blonde hair yelled, wearing a torn green shirt, exposing her bare chest, "All of it! The Qi! It's your fault!

I wish that you had died before this happened. Die. Die! DIE!"

"Yeah, and I wish you didn't have saggy tits, lady!" Larkin yelled, squatting like a crab, clamping his hands to the sky, "But guess what, Karen? Life ain't fair!

Case in point, your personality probably took a turn for the better recently, but your husband went crazy before he could enjoy it."

"Don't talk about my husband!" The woman snapped, "He's trash, just like you! Trash! Trash! TRASH!"

"Hey, Rein!" He called out, "This bitch be trippin'. Is it okay to slap a zom-woman? Or do I have to cut her in half like a gentleman?"

Rein scoffed, rolling her eyes. "If you have to ask a question about ethics, you already know it's wrong. Just ask what Kaze would do; god knows you're good that that."

"What Kaze would do? Sheeeeiiiit! Then it's about to get super classy, then!" Larkin followed cheekily. moving from crab hands to a slitting motion, moving across his stomach, "I'mma bout to go apocalypse PC gentleman on your bitch ass!"

Rattle! Rattle! Bang! Rattle! Bang! Bang! Rattle!

"You're trash! Trash! TRASH!" The woman screamed at full volume.

"I never thought I'd agree with a zombie." Rein scoffed, rolling her eyes.

The other eighteen mercenaries burst into laughter.

"Get ready, everyone." A brunette announced, "I'm cutting it. We'll let the zombies push through to get a human-sized entrance."

Everyone nodded as the woman raised her hand vertically.


—Five Hours Later | Immortal Skye—

"Things were off to a good start, but inexperience attracted a lot of attention." Rein explained to Kaze, listening intently.

"So you ended up using a large amount of Qi?" Kaze asked seriously, talking about attracting the cultivator.

"Exactly." She nodded, "And made a lot of noise. It turned into a party."


—Meridian City, West Side | Fox Hill—

Shiiiiiiink! Rubble, rubble, rubble, BOOM!

Rein closed her eyes in exasperation when the soldier cut vertically, and the Air Slash continued for fifty feet, hitting a house. "You need to work on your Qi control."


A piercing shrill of angry zombies from both sides of the gate shrieked, yelling threats and running to their position.

-n0ve1、com "Sorry, mam!" The brunette yelled, watching the sick people rush to the scene. They only meant to kill a few silently; now, things would get dicey.


"I'm gonna break your legs!"


"I hate you, hate, Hate, HATE!"

Rein turned around and saw a dozen sick running as fast as Olympic sprinters. "Che."

The brunette clicked her tongue and waved her hand, and created an arrow, sending it out.


Before the trained special forces officers raised their guns, deciding to use ammo in the heat of battle, the Qi arrow curved like a dragon.

CRaaCcK! THuD! Thud, thud! CrAcK! ThuD!

The mercenaries watched in disbelief as the one arrow cut through seven sprinters, making their heads and chests explode before it shot into the sky, not hitting anything or creating more noise.

After seeing the display of skill, the woman who caused the problem turned bright red in embarrassment.

"What are you idiots doing!?" Rein scoffed, seeing everyone mesmerized by her skill, "Kill the damn things!"

The mercenaries snapped to attention a moment later, embarrassed as they waved their handed and created arrows.

WhooooOOOohhHhhoOosh! WhoOoosh! WHOosSh! WhoooooOOsh!

BOOOOM! Boom! Boom! BOOM!

Rein closed her eyes bitterly, angry that half couldn't use common sense and curve the arrow into the sky. As a result, homes, and cars exploded, alerting countless zombies. "Get through the gate!

Don't cut the fence more; we must separate the groups! Use minimal slashes for precision to prevent more noise!"

"You got it, lady!" Larkin yelled first, jumping through the fence without hesitation, "Sorry, Karen. People don't have to deal with your shit anymore, and I'm people.

It's one of the few yet profound perks of the apocalypse!"

The jester opened his flat hand and smacked the air five feet away from the sick woman, creating a slash and cutting the woman's head in half.

"I saw that!" Rein scoffed, watching the jester air slap the woman to death, "The intention's the problem, Larkin! Do that shit again, and I'll cut your testicles off!"

"Yes, SJW!" Larkin replied sarcastically, "I'll unleash the clamps!"

He created crab hands and swung them around, clamping them open and shut, creating Qi slashes to kill the people in the area sloppily.

"Just attack… fuck it." Rein scoffed, shooting another arrow, killing a group of zombies as the soldiers filed through the fence, "At least you're killing things with an obnoxious level of skill."

She didn't mind his skill but rather that he had talent but used it to kill zombies with [the clamps].

"Don't make me blush!" Larkin yelled, "It's breaking my concentration! I need to pray to Carcinus and ask for strength!"

"Who the hell is Carcinus?" A man laughed, watching Larkin squat and shimmy back and forth like a crab.

"The Crab God." The lanky elite replied proudly, "Crab nearly fucked Hercules UP! If he can fight a legend, he can twist a few Karens right stat!"

"Mam, there are three people left!" A blonde soldier yelled, "Take out the priorities and fall through. We'll shoot through the fence if necessary!"

"You got it." The short-haired brunette said, preparing a slash to take out a large group.


—Five Hours Later | Immortal Skye—

"The noise attracted the sick and the Qi output attracted the cultivator, do I understand that right?" Kaze asked.

Rein nodded, looking at her arm. "That cunt leveled a sneak attack against a mortal without knowing my strength. It was the right call, but it still pisses me the hell off."


—Meridian City, West Side | Fox Hill—

As Rein prepared the level an Air Slash at the sick running at her—


Rein's eyes widened in shock when she felt a massive gust of wind from the top. She turned just in time the see a wind blade coming down at her. "Damn!"


The mercenaries turned to where the brunette was standing and saw a huge, blood-filled chasm.

Larkin turned to Rein in slow motion, seeing the brunette holding her left arm, gushing blood like a river after getting cut off. "What the fuck….you! Get some!"

He looked into the sky and saw a white-clad woman wearing the same gown as the cultivators that attacked Immortal Skye with her hand pulled back.

Without hesitation, he clamped his hand, creating a modest-sized arrow, and sent it out.

"You can use an arrow?" Martha, the woman Kaze interrogated during the Rapture, said while moving out of the arrow's trajectory, "We didn't give anyone a—wait, is that a Guided Arrow!?"

The woman heard the noise from the arrows and flew to the location. However, she didn't see them and wasn't prepared for the arrow to curve at her. It was a grave mistake.


"AGahhHHHhhH!" She screamed, feeling the arrow cut through her thigh, gushing blood from the sky, "Combustion!"

"Berth formation!" A male soldier yelled.

All the mercenaries scattered, giving room for attacks. However, it was too late.

BOOOOOM! Rubble, rubble, rubble!

The area where Larkin stood only a moment ago exploded, sending rocks and shrapnel through the air.

When the dust settled, he looked down and saw a large piece of asphalt lodged into his stomach. He turned and saw three mercenaries dead and two bleeding out profusely, screaming on the ground.

"Fuuuuuuuuck... got us good, Matilda." Larking groaned, "Too bad you're a nasty ass hoe; otherwise, I think I'd be in love right now."

"You're still alive?" Martha asked in disbelief, "You're unprincipled and lower Earth Realm as… what is this!?"

Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw a dozen Immortals aiming arrows at her. "These can't all be—"

WhoooooOOsh! WHOosSh! WhoOoosh! WhoooOshHHh!

A flurry of arrows shot across the sky.

Martha skillfully dodged each in ultra-slow motion. However, two grazed her, as the arrows were erratic, following the Immortals' untrained sight.


—Five Hours Later | Immortal Skye—

"How many people were killed in the attack?" Kaze asked, straight-faced.

"Five." Rein replied, "Another eight got injured, as I'm sure you saw."

"Did you fall back after that?" He asked.

The brunette laughed bitterly. "No, the coward retreated to the east during the fight. But not before I gave her a present."

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