Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 204 Ten Seconds Until Blackout

A large set of double doors opened slowly, letting sunlight enter a warehouse. Two dozen soldiers on the inside had their rifles aimed, awaiting anyone who walked through.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lycan!" One of the soldiers yelled in surprise, lowering their rifle, "You're back already?"

"Yes, it's me." Riley announced, walking through the door slowly with her hands up, "Things went well; my team and I returned immediately to ensure it stays that way."

Randy, Major Wheatfield, and three other soldiers walked into the room behind her, welcomed by a thousand nervous soldiers.

The storehouse had pallets of food supplies stacked twenty feet high along the walls and three pallets high on shelves throughout.

While there was enough food to last a single person a decade, there were over ten thousand people at the base. The supplies would only last six months if well rationed.

In the center of the warehouse were thousands of civilians and soldiers' families.

Most assembled in the center, but teams of civilians who fought on the way to the warehouse patrolled the area with guns.

Riley walked to the civilians and asked for quiet. Once she had all eyes on her, she spoke. "If you're in this warehouse, you needn't worry about Immortal Skye seeking retribution on your lives."

Her opening statement got straight to the point, shocking everyone into silence. However, as soon as the first person recovered, many cried out in elated cheers.

General Peyton warned everyone about Crux. As a result, most people felt they were on death's row regardless of what they did and finally got verification that they wouldn't die.

"General Peyton misled us." Riley continued, hushing everyone down, "Immortal Skye stated that they would kill two Lainwright soldiers for every one of their people that had died, prioritizing the guilty."

The atmosphere became tense after she made the consequences of killing the civilians concrete.

Up to that point, it was speculation, a horrifying dream. There was a chance that Immortal Skye would be [reasonable] and let everyone live. However, after her announcement, the grim reality that people would die sunk in.

"That isn't a problem, as we have successfully protected most of the civilians!" Riley continued, cutting through the tension like a hot blade, "And the people we killed protecting them is high!

As a result, the number of people who must die to meet that demand can get filled with those conspiring to kill the civilians or to break in to steal the food. No one else needs to die!"

Cheers exploded after her words, and excited whispers spread the news outside like wildfire.

"Immortal Skye has appointed me to head the operation to protect the civilians until they arrive." The redhead announced, "So that's what I will do for the next five days, as Immortal Skye has expedited their schedule.

Until they arrive, we will occupy the warehouse and continue distributing food and supplies as we have been.

Work with us, and we'll make sure that only the bad actors get punishment when the Emperor and General Skye arrive!"

Explosive cheering rocked the storehouse and beyond, spreading through Lainwright Military Base.


"This is Commander Mills; we have passed the first checkpoint." Sandra said over a headset, driving down a dirt road in one of the transport trucks the ex-soldiers drove into Immortal Skye.

"Good work, Commander." A cool voice replied in her ear set, "If you see a scout, shoot on sight. Our families are on the line; take no chances with people you have never met."

"Understood, Ice General Skye." The brunette said, "We'll be in position at midnight, as planned. We'll give you a status report when we're in position."

After the connection cut, the ex-special forces soldier sat diligently in the chair, watching the road.

"Potential hostile spotted, eleven o'clock." A soldier called out.

Sandra turned and looked out the window. There was a young man around twenty hiding behind a row of trucks. He had curly brown hair and a thin beard.

The man didn't look military, but looks meant nothing in the apocalypse.

"Confirmed as hostile." She said evenly, "All individuals that see us are confirmed hostile. Shoot on sight."

"Mam...." A male soldier said, "He doesn't look armed...."

"How does someone unarmed survive the Rapture looking well-fed?" Sandra asked dryly, "Draw an arrow, and you'll answer your own question."

The man smiled wryly, overlooking the area. "I understand, but still... they're not posing a threat to us at that distance."

"There are thousands of Immortal Skye family members at Lainwright Military Base." She said matter-of-factly, "If that man is a soldier and triggers panic, thousands of our people can die.

Even if that weren't the case, you have your orders. You will follow them, whatever they may be, Lieutenant Marks."

"Understood, mam." Lieutenant Marks nodded solemnly, aiming his weapon. However, as he aimed--

"Hostile on the move!" A female soldier yelled, "It looks like he's using a cultivation attack!"

The man pulled his hand back in the distance, prepared to use an Air Slash or another ranged technique. To many of their surprises, when he locked his hand forward--

"Che." Sandra clicked her tongue and waved her hand, creating a bolt of raw Qi, "Figures he'd be a Lainwright Elite."

--he had a Guided Arrow aimed at the truck.


"Idiot." She scoffed, waving her hand, "Who gave you that technique?"

The soldier watched in slow motion as his arrow moved to the truck. While he was originally excited, celebrating that he had released the attack successfully, his expression crumbled when he saw another bolt of raw Qi start tracing his.

The man couldn't believe his eyes! He shot a Guided [Arrow], which created a bolt of Qi the size of an arrow, then followed his eyesight. The Qi following his arrow was the size of a large spear!

His heart pounded, sending spirit Qi into his mind and slowing his world down. However, no matter how much he altered the course of the bolt, the second arrow followed it.


pAnD a(-) After blinking once, his arrow disappeared, swallowed by the small dragon approaching him. He tried to run, but it was already too late.


Sandra scoffed and turned back to the road. "Shoot to on sight! You shouldn't have needed a reason, to begin with!"


"How are you doing, Will?" Riley asked, walking up to the calm man her soldier had shot in the chest.

"I'm holding... in there...." Will wheezed, coughing after his statement.

"Keep it that way." The redhead replied, "Tomorrow, we will get a communication about healers from Immortal Skye coming to patch up the civilians and allied soldiers."

His wife's blue eyes lit up. "Can they heal my husband to health?"

"Yes, they can heal him completely, Ms. Hall." Riley said earnestly, capturing everyone's attention, "I'm asking them to send healers in three days, so keep in there, okay?"

"I will...." Will coughed, taking a deep breath, "Rena and I... want... to see our son."

"Yes... our son Bradley." Rena said, looking at the redhead, "I know you're not part of Immortal Skye, but do you know if our son Bradley Hall is alright?"

Riley winced, hearing the direct question. "There's no way for me to know for certain, but they told me that most Immortal Skye students are still alive. So if your son was enrolled a month ago, they're likely still alive."

The brunette's eyes welled with tears when she heard the confirmation. "Oh, thank God. That alone makes us feel so much better."

"I'm glad to hear that." Riley said earnestly, "Keep in there. The Emperor and General Skye are looking out for you.

Now that they're aware that you're alive, they'll stop at nothing to ensure you connect again."

"They didn't know we were alive?" Rena asked in confusion.

"No, General Peyton withheld that information." The redhead replied, shocking everyone, "The Emperor asked him to find you all.

General Peyton did but didn't confirm it until he brought you here to take as hostages.

Once they found out you were alive, they contacted General Peyton to demand your safety. That's when he ordered to have you executed to flee.

That's why you aren't at Immortal Skye already."

The dozens of civilians surrounding her were stunned-speechless after her words, and the news immediately spread amongst the thousands in an epic game of telephone.

They finally got an answer to the number one riddle on their mind, and everyone wanted to hear about it!

Riley watched the information disseminate in shock, unbelieving what she was hearing. There wasn't a single person in the thousands questioning her words!

All the civilians spread her off-statement as a word of law, and even the most bitter amongst them put up no resistance or skepticism.

She thought back to Kaze's words the day before.


"You want me to lie publicly in front of thousands of civilians--and soldiers?" Riley frowned, "I'm sure we weren't the only team informed about your people."

Kaze smiled mysteriously, glancing at all the other soldiers. "According to you, everyone heard General Peyton give the kill order in defiance of our agreement, yes?

If so, who would believe him or any of his affiliates? Why should [you] believe him?"

The redhead and her soldiers' expressions crumbled upon hearing his words.

"Once you confirm we're someone's ally, our word becomes law, and General Peyton's word becomes meaningless." The emperor smiled, "At that point, the only thing that matters is consistency."


"You're a dangerous man." Riley smiled, watching the emperor's narrative spread. She looked down at her watch and checked the time, "There's a lot to do and not a lot of time. I need to move."

After a meeting and answering people's questions, she settled in for the night.

Long after the room fell silent, she remained awake, glancing at her soldiers periodically, counting the minutes until midnight.

The situation was nerve-wracking. There were only twelve living soldiers on her team, with over three thousand civilians and a thousand soldiers to wrangle.

"This is going to be rough." Riley cringed, "Let's hope they weren't exaggerating and tonight becomes a fairy tale."


"Commander Mills, are your teams in position?" A cool voice asked over a mic.

"Affirmative, Ice General Skye." Sandra said boldly on the other end, "Transport teams Alpha through November are ready to move."

"Excellent." Evalyn said coolly, "Commander Levingston, are your teams in position?"

"Affirmative, Ice General Skye." Aaron said, "Teams Oscar through Romeo are in position. We are prepared to assist or annihilate on your order."

"Thank you, soldiers." The Ice General said, "Prepare the countdown. There are ten seconds until blackout."

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